DfD 15

Setting her behind back on the counter, his hands gripped her hips standing between legs. Trinity tangled her fingers into his thick black hair, rendering another growl from him. Sliding his hand up her back, gripping the thin shirt. Breaking the kiss Thanatos kissed the side of her neck, watching as she exposed it for him more. Gripping his hair harder, Trinity couldn’t stop the moan from leaving her insides.

    “I want you” He whispered, the words snapped her out of the moment. Releasing her grip, she held him at bay.
    “Thanatos we can’t” Shaking her head. He growled at her, refusing to believe she’d deny him again.
    “Why not?” Wanting answers. Trinity bit her lip, still feeling the passion on her lips. They tingling with fire and ice.
    “Because….I’m not what your looking for” She knew once the words came out that they sounded stupid, but damn it she couldn’t think straight. The last thing she needed was him thinking she was some easy lay, that he could call upon whenever he felt the urge to release himself.

    “That’s bullshit, and you know it” His palms slapped the counter top, making her jump at the sound.
    “No its not” Shaking her head. She’d opened this stupid can, she might as well keep going along with it. His breath hitched letting his eyes turn jet black, the howling of something make Trinity shrink a little. Black fog once again swirled around him, she’d pissed him off that much.
    “You were given to me. So that makes you mine” Growling, Trinity nearly shit herself. He’d gone back to the crazy Thanatos, the one with the idea that she was just a possession to own. Her movements caught them both off guard, slapping her hard across the face.

    “Who do you think you are? I am not some object for you to play with, when you dark heart so desires. I am a human being, I have feelings, emotions and a mind of my own. This is why we can’t be together, because you will never respect me.” By this point she was allowing a few tears to fall into her lap, giving Thanatos the evil eye. He rubbed his jaw giving her a disbelieving look.
    “You hit me!” Puzzled it almost sounded like a question.
    “Your damn right I hit you, and I’ll do it again if you so much as touch me” Shoving him away from her, Trinity jumped off the counter. Stalking into the living room she grabbed her bag, glaring at him when he came to her.
    “Where are you going?”

    “Anywhere you aren’t” Before he could stop her, she vanished.
    “Fuck!” Growling he lined his body with the smoke, appearing in his castle hallway. The slamming of her bedroom door, caught his attention. Banging on it he wanted her to open it on her own, no reply came from within.
    “Trinity! Open the door”
    “Fuck off!” She hissed, the sound of Cerberus growling from within with her. His head hit the door, he’d gone and done it again. The link in his head turned on, with the sound of Hades coming through.
    ~Than, come to my office…now!~ He cringed at the tone, but reluctantly left her door.

Trinity screamed into the pillow for the second time, biting, punching and even crying into it. Her mental and physical pain was enough to shatter a glass house, he really was bipolar. A crazy hot psychopath who thought that just because he was the god of Death, he could do whatever he pleased. Ceb called to her tucking his heads under her arm and body, peeking out from under the pillow Trinity cleared her eyes.

    “Good boy Ceb, I’ve missed you” Kissing each of their noses. Her reward was sloppy kisses causing her to laugh and beg for them to stop, content she wasn’t going to cry any more the beast sighed laying its heads down. Staring up at the ceiling Trinity touched her lips, the sensation still lingered. She’d admit he was a hell of a kisser, one she wouldn’t mind giving another to. His shirt still wrapped around her body, the smell cloaked in as well. Rolling to her side Trinity sighed, her depression was in full swing. All those times she’d smiled laughed and sang, all brought her right back to this.

Thanatos went to knock on Hades’s door when it flew open, a livid Persephone standing in his way. The woman may only of been a mere five feet four inches, but when her eyes met yours you bowed your head.

    “What have you done?” Like a scolded child, Thanatos lowered his eyes looking at Hades who sat behind his desk.
    “Don’t you be looking for him for help, you messed up not him” The door nearly fell off the hinges when she closed it, making both men jump a little.
    “Sit” She barked, pointing to a chair in front of Hades. Thanatos did as he was told, you never messed with her when she was like this. Made into a goddess or not, she was still very powerful and had enough of Hades blood to make her one lethal weapon. The clicker on Hades desk was snatched giving Persephone full access to it, her fingers pushed on the power button allowing the large screen to come to life.

    “Let me ask you something, Thanatos” She growled out his name, making him shift uncomfortably in his seat.
    “Where in this whole scene do you think you went wrong?” His eyes lifted mouth a gape to the images, she’d somehow managed to replay the whole part of their night. From the time Trinity fell off the counter, to the part she vanished.

Thanatos didn’t dare answer her, she really wasn’t looking for him to speak. He’d been through this before, you just let Persephone rant at you till she calmed down. By then it was safe enough to speak, without repercussions.
    “Damn it Than. You were doing good, why’d you go and bring out the death look?” Dropping the clicker on the desk, leaving the image to when he let his body go dark. For the first time in a long time he got to see just what everyone else saw, the thick black smoke filled with screaming faces. The way his eyes were no longer controlled with color, teeth barred like some kind of rabid animal. Shit! He’d look like that twice now in front of Trinity, it was a miracle the woman was still around him.

Persephone sighed heavily, her hands folded over her chest. One came up rubbing between her eyes, Than was a hard man to read. Unlike her husband, Than had deep wounds ones that couldn’t be healed over night. But that still was no excuse to have the poor mortal woman, crying while vanishing in little more then a shirt. Than needed help and sadly enough she only knew of one man who could come close to helping him, however Than had to agree to it full heartedly or it would be pointless.

    “Than. You need to have help. Your never going to have her, if you keep this shit up” Pointing at the screen. Thanatos lowered his head, nodding. It says something to ones appearances when you don’t even want to look at your own image.
    “Than I’ve called Eros to come and over see your encounters with Trinity” Thanatos jumped out of his seat, no way was he taking love advice from the little love pixie. Persephone held her hand up, so he’d keep quiet.
    “Its either that, or Hades will grant her to a new god” Thanatos turned his look to Hades, who sighed rubbing his finger between his brows.
    “Than, take my love advice. At least if it doesn’t work, she’ll still be in your castle. If you refuse I’ll have to move her.”
    “Why!”  It seemed appropriate, to ask such a thing. Hades looked at his wife who nodded, allowing him to go on.
    “Because when you upset Trinity, her aura turns almost like yours. You understand the implication of two Death dealers, don’t you?”

Hades watched his friend, his face had paled meaning he’d gotten the jest of what he was saying. Now all that was left was to see what he wanted to do, Hades was fairly certain Than was in love with Trinity. He just didn’t know how to show it properly, and everything he did seemed to back fire because of the girls history. She was strong in some ways, while in other very fragile. Which would explain why only ten minutes ago his wife nearly set the house a blaze, when she’d seen Than bring forth his dark energy turning Trinity almost as dark as he.

Persephone was a smart woman, something Hades relished in from the start. She was keeping a close eye on Trinity, and thank the gods for that. Hades wouldn’t of never know the young woman could switch back and forth, had Persephone not caught it when she did it could of resulted in a lot of unnecessary deaths. If Trinity were to go dark in the underworld it wouldn’t do hardly any harm, but above….well it would be what the humans called the holocaust. He shivered at the thought. His brothers would be in a rage if they found out Hades, had kept such a strong powered woman in his castle without informing them.

    “You gave her to me” Thanatos blurted out. Hades frowned, standing up.
    “No! Than I gifted you the rare opportunity to have this woman as your other half, but you can’t see that. Just because she’s living in your castle now doesn’t mean I can’t take her away. I can GIFT her to whom ever I please” Hades growled, glaring at his friend. Than needed to get that damn theory out of his head, Trinity would not tolerate being used as an item. She’d been through that before, and her drive to steer clear from it was more powerful then most woman. Thanatos dropped into his chair, running his eyes between the two. Trinity was his, had to be. This pull he felt for her was indescribable, he’d never felt something so…wonderful in all his life. Cupping his head leaning over his knees, he just couldn’t loose another one.

    “Than your going to take Eros’s advice, and your also going to ready over Trinity’s file” Thanatos’s eyes rose to fast giving him a headache.
    “Yes I know I don’t normally give out living files. However maybe with a little insight as to what you have caused Trinity to relive might wake you up.” Hades tossed Thanatos a very large file, one that’s thickness rivaled a yellow books. He examined it looking back at Hades, the man gave him a weak smile.
    “You wanted to know why she fairs so well in the Underworld.” Hades asked.
    “Yes” Nodding. Hades pointed to the file.
    “Because that right there, is a thousand times worse then any hell she could imagine. When you read it, be sure to keep your emotions in check.”

Thanatos gripped the file, almost to afraid to open the item. He’d left Hades office, giving in to the help of Eros. Who was going to be ecstatic with the gloating pride he got to help the God of Death with his love life, which of as this moment was shriveling into nothingness. The file as vast as it was, scared the living shit out of Thanatos. Hades had warned him to keep his emotions in check, meaning there were things in this file that even he wouldn’t be able to stomach.

Opening his laptop Thanatos waved his hand over the file, turning it into a Cd. Slipping the disk into the slot, he clicked the open all file grabbing a pair of head phones. A glass of whiskey at his left, sat melting the ice slowly as the file came on. For the first of Trinity’s life it all seemed normal, nothing to get upset about. She was young maybe around ten or so, when the images went to her mother funeral. He’d never known her mother had died at such a tender age, her reaction to the death of what seemed to be her favorite parent was concealed. No tears, no screaming out, not a single fit thrown. The twelve year old was a stone, didn’t even speak when spoken to. Her eyes were the only info to give her away, they glossed at every turn.

She was broken more so then the father she had, who on the very same night the mother had been laid to rest, beat his only child. Grabbing his hair Thanatos watched as the young child, was smacked around like a punching bag. Never making a sound, didn’t dare, for it would only fuel his hate more.

    “Fucking worthless piece of shit!” He’d bellow over and over again. His steel toe boots ramming into her soft flesh. Beer poured over her head, forced to clean, cook or whatever else the sick man could think of.

    “Why couldn’t it of been you who fucking died!” Chocking her against the wall. So many times she came close to dying, only for him to leave her to pick up the broken pieces.
