DfD 3

Tunnels twisted and turned all of which dumped into a main room, she figured it was a living room of sorts. Another fire place this one much larger, surrounded by seating of various kinds. Her attention was grabbed by a slender woman dressed in a black toga, their eyes met before the woman smiled.
    “Hello” Her voice sounded like angels.
    “Hi” Trinity felt very self conscious now.
    “You must be Trinity” Sticking her hand out.
    “Yes” She shook it lightly, trying not to gawk at the beautiful woman with long golden straight hair.
    “I’m pleased to meet, you. I’m Nadia”  Trinity nodded, woman even had a stunning name. Suddenly sleep was unbearable, Nadia seemed to notice as well.
    “Have you seen your quarters?” She asked, smiling.
    “No, I haven’t” Not really giving it much thought.
    “Oh then allow me to show you” Nadia took her hand, leading back down the hallway towards Thanatos’s office. They stopped two doors down and across the hall, Trinity gave his office door a glance.

    “This is your room” She chirped. Trinity wondered if she lived here as well, curiously got the better of her again.
    “Do you live here as well?”
    “Oh no, I just maintain it” Trinity’s brow rose, maintain it? What did that mean.
    “Well I best be going, I shall see you soon” Waving the bubbly woman left her standing outside her door, looking back at it she pushed the lever down. Putting her back to the room she made she it clicked closed before exhaling, but the sounds of growling froze her body stiff. Slowly she looked to see what had become upset with her presents, Trinity nearly screamed at the three headed hound. Her back cracked against the door, gripping the handle for dear life.

They snarled glowing red eyes, all fixated on her. Oh what a day this was, not only had she managed to piss off a Siren, Thanatos and make a deal with the God of the underworld, now she was going to be torn to shreds by the legendary three headed hellhound they called Cerberus. He took a step forward showing off many rows of teeth, one barked at her causing her to jump at the sound. Then as if she’d completely forgotten, Trinity realized she was already dead. Frowning at the beast he seemed to notice the change in her, cocking their heads to the side she deepened the frown.

    “I am in no mood for you, so if your going to attack get it over with. If not let me sleep” all three whined, sticking her hand out a head the size of a horses nudged her fingers. Well at least they weren’t going to attack, the wet of a long tongue racked her arm. Giggling she pat the other head, yawning heavily Trinity looked around the room. It was furnished with all the essentials, large black bed, two matching nightstands, mirror and a private bath. At least she wouldn’t have to share that, walking to the mirror. Hades had said she could change her outfits, rubbed her neck she didn’t have a clue how.

Shrugging she did the best she could, dropping her boots along with jeans. Leaving her underwear and tank on, Trinity made her way to the bed pulling the black comforter back allowing herself to sleep a little. Cerberus jumped onto the bed causing it to bounce a little, smiling she allowed him to snuggle with her. Never owning a dog was something she regretted, but her father wasn’t the pet friendly kind. He didn’t even want a goldfish in the house, never mind a dog roaming around. Cerberus laid their heads down, one on each side of her while the middle one dropped it on her lower half.

Between the warmth of the large beast and the exhausting day she had, Trinity found that sleep found her first.

Thanatos sat at his desk blankly staring at the flames, he couldn’t understand why Hades had sent her to him. As far as Thanatos was concerned he didn’t want her, a moral roaming his castle wasn’t convenient. Trinity or so Hades said was what she was called, not a normal moral name. She wasn’t anything extravagant to look at, dull brown hair with a fair complexion, it was her intense eyes that had caught the fleet of his attention, only for a moment.

He didn’t talk much anymore, everyone knew that. So the note had been the only logical idea to get her out, he didn’t need her breaking anything with her greedy little hands. Had he known she’d sass him, he’d of handle her a different way. Trinity had un-toned a god, the god of Death to be more clear. Then again she had sassed a Siren, which he had found slightly amusing.

His door knocked when Nadia walked in, her lush figure taking up no more then a few inches of his door. Out of all the woman that came through his castle, she had been the best. He had a thing for blondes, Nadia’s was that of silky soft gold strands. Petal soft lips and deep blue eyes, looking like the deep seas in the mortal realm.

    “I have shown Trinity to her quarters” She said, waiting for him to dismiss her. Nodding he suddenly froze, he’d asked another woman to put Cerberus in the spare room. If they hound saw Trinity she’d been torn to shreds, that bloody hound hated all who entered the castle…all but him of course. Nadia had already taken her leave, giving him a chance to smoke out of the office and into her bedroom. His eyes must have been playing tricks on him, for on the bed was both the hell hound and the woman. Curled up like a pair of soft fuzzy kittens, Cerberus raised his heads.

Thanatos motioned for the beast to get off, but was surprised when his order was brushed aside. Laying their heads back down, Trinity draped an arm over one of their heads rubbing between his large ears. They snuggled closer forgetting about their master, only a few feet away. Thanatos decided it was a flute, perhaps she’d gotten Cerberus on a good day. Smoking out of her room he walked to his, but the sleeping woman’s image wouldn’t dissipate from his thoughts.

Her hair was let down spraying all over the pillow, face was calm without any worry. She looked somewhat peaceful sleeping in the underworld, this made him wonder why she was freaked out, screaming or crying for her return to her world. Most begged to be spared, returned even to their families.

His door opened giving him entrance to the more then dark quarters, waving his hand the lights flickered on. It was almost the same layout as hers, his bed had been bigger along with the bathroom. Sighing stripping off the confines of his clothing, scars from battles lingered all over. He decided to stretch himself out, skin on his high point shoulder blades pushed breaking away to a pair of wings. Dangling down to the floor, allowing them to expand as far as they could. To a humans eyes they would look ragged, evil with holes, tares and utterly hideous. But to the right eyes they would look magnificent, besides other gods and goddesses no one else had known their true form.

Not even his first love, had been able to see them for what they really where. It saddened him so, for her never to gaze at the way they hung over his back. She had been taken from him, where even Hades himself could not bring her back. But he had pushed the pain away, to many lives at steak for him to moron or feel. Now he had other problems, like the new female who was already proving to be strenuous, for instance turning his demonic hound into a lap dog for her amusement.

Thanatos filled a crystal glass full of whiskey to the top, staring at it before knocking it back. He’d have to get her out, that shouldn’t take long. Humans gave up easily, she’d become bored with him and leave soon enough. Until then he’d just watch her, never to speak. Yes! He thought that would suffice, Hades had gone behind his back after all. Even being friends Thanatos would have been more apt to know about this little arrangement, then be suddenly told through his thoughts that she was coming.

Hades had closed the link between them before he could even get a huff in, only to have his door open and her standing in its place. He poured another drink, sipping it a little slower. Staring out the window over the a joining castles, another smooth sip engulfed his throat. How long had it been since another female had staid in his castle, she was only a few doors down from his. Taking to his bed leaving the half full glass on the nightstand, he’d finish it in the morning. Gods new he was going to need it, with her around.

Trinity woke up to hot breath covering most of her body, an eye open only to be faced with a large head. The Cerberus hadn’t left her side, yawning she stretched her arms out as far as they could go. Dropping her feet to the black carpet Trinity grabbed her pants hoping into them, before lacing the boots up. Cerberus sat patiently waiting for her to finish.

“Lets find food” His tail wagged, making the blood beast seem almost…cute. Closing her door behind them Trinity walked back down the hall, hoping to just stumble upon the kitchen in hopes of some food. Her stomach was rumbling, and quit angrily at that. Everything was silent making it that much harder to tell where she was going, had there been some kind of noise she might know where the kitchen was. She refused to ask Thanatos, even the thought made her frown…he’d never answer you anyways. A little voice in her head growled, thinking of the piece of paper….get out! What an ass.

Entering the living room her eyes scanned for which new hallway to go down, Cerberus was just standing around following her like a puppy. Groaning she wished someone would walk through, so she could ask them. Sighing her nose picked up on something, sniffing a little more pronounced then she should have, her mouth watered. Food…oh yes that was food cooking. Grinning ecstatically she yipped, moving faster towards the smell. The short hallway dropped into an enormous kitchen fit for, well a king.

Two woman were working on something, while a man was chopping away at a large hunk of meat. Trinity cleared her throat as to not frighten them, eyes reared up pausing their motions. The two woman looked like twins, red hair cut shoulder short with deep brown eyes. The man was bulky looking like a bakery man in some old fashion black and white films, she’d seen a long time ago. They smiled, all of them.

“You must be Trinity” On of the red heads said, wiping her hands on a towel.
    “Yes” She replied sheepishly. To many eyes, made her uncomfortable.
    “Are you hungry?” The other asking, sounding identical to her sister.
    “Yes please” Nodding, Cerberus barked making everyone look at him. Giggling the three tossed each head a bone, before getting a few items for Trinity.
    “Well be glad to take it to the dinning hall for you?” One said. Trinity didn’t know what the dinning hall was, but she figured more people would be there. She didn’t like that idea.
    “Would it be alright if I just ate here” They gave her a whimsical look, before nodded.
    “That would fine, we love company” Her sister chirped setting the tray of assorted foods down. Trinity pulled up a stool sitting down, taking a look at Cerberus who was so pleased with his bones.
