Kiss me kiss me

Calum looking so handsome in his tux, this may be the perfect night Cheryl thought. Nothing could  top this. It's their one year anniversary, she's here for three weeks and she want to do is hang out with the 5SOS boys. Before coming to LA, she did text the clown if they're down to meet her in LA since she's there but they couldn't make it, even though she feel sad but at least Calum is there by her side.

Dinner went perfect, they had the most delicious steak paired with red wine followed by the most irresistible tiramisu ever for dessert. After dinner, they went to take a stroll at the beach. 

"LA is so beautiful at night but you being here completes my life Cheryl. Everyday I wished that you're here by my side always. You keep me sane and you're my muse. I love you." Calum slowly takes Cheryl hands and kiss her lips.

"I wish I'm here often too but you know, complications. But hey, this one year has been amazing and we survived it means we can survive anything. I'm sure things be better for us in the near future. Let's work hard for it." Cheryl assuring him.

After 3 hours at the beach, talking, laughing, discussing life matters, Calum stands up and said, "Let's go, Michael just texted and invited us to his place. Says he has something to tell us, that dude sure knows how to ruin people date nights." Calum rolled his eyes.

Cheryl laughed, "Maybe he proposed to Crystal?? I saw on Michael's instagram close friends story the other day that he went ring shopping. So that must be it! Aww I'm so happy for them!"

"That should be why he's calling an emergency meeting at his place! Or maybe Crystal rejected his proposal,maybe cause he's a party pooper?" Calum laughed.

"Na-uh. Michael and Crystal are so perfect for each other and they love each other too much. Crystal wouldn't reject him" Cheryl chuckled.

Calum took Cheryl hands, interlock it with his fingers, walked to his car. Opening the door for her, before she went in, he kissed her passionately under the moonlight. 

It is indeed the most perfect night.

I'm sorry that this chapter is shorter then usual! But I promise the next one will be better.
