Hey Everybody!

"Are you sure Cheryl? They can't be out in the open without security, I think? Girls might just swarm over them" said Jen

They walked closer but to their disappointment it was not Ashton Irwin but his doppelganger, doesn't even looked like him when they came close.

As night falls, they decided to drive around LA before heading back to the apartment to rest and fetch the rest at airport tomorrow.

October 09

Dahlia and Layla met on their stopover in Tokyo and were the first to reach, followed by Claire and Nadia. Mia who was driving from Las Vegas decided to meet them at the apartment instead.

"Can't believe that all of us are finally here! It's like a dream!!" Nadia shouted in excitement.

After driving back to the apartment, they decided to unpack, rest before heading out for dinner. 

"Hey guys! Shall we have pizza? I'm craving for one" Mia suggested.

"Michael wants another slice, Michael wants another slice, together!" Claire sang

"PIZZA PIZZA!!!!" all screamed

During dinner, they decided to planned out their week in LA. Wednesday is reserved for Disneyland, Thursday is to walk around Hollywood Boulevard and rest before concert on Friday.

"Oh guys! Lets - " Cheryl paused while looking at the entrance of the pizza store.

"What Cheryl? Lets what??! Earth to Cheryl? Hellooooo" Dahlia asked.

"Isn't that Calum?" Cheryl asked

"Oh not this again, its impossible Cheryl" Jen said while turning around, " I think you're hallucina- shit"

This time around, Cheryl wasn't hallucinating. It's for real. It's the sensation, the bodacious, the Calum Hood.

All of their jaw dropped and tried to be as calm as possible, not to attract any unwanted attention, risked being thrown out of the restaurant or worst make a fool of themselves in front of Calum. 

Calum walked along their booth, turned around and his and Cheryl's eyes meet. Cheryl smiled, knowing deep inside Calum probably won't returned it but little did she expect, Calum bop his head and smirked. 

Thousands of emotions running through Cheryl's body, she wanted to scream so loud, her surrounding became hot, "Is the ac not working? So warm!" Cheryl whispered to Jen.

Her whisper was actually loud enough that Calum could actually hear it as he took a seat behind their booth. Calum could only smile and chuckle to himself. 

The clowns finished off their dinner and finally let out their excitement in the car.

"Holy potatoes did you guys see that?!!!! It's real right? Tell me it was!!" Cheryl screamed.

"OMG! We did the right thing coming here! Like it's meant to be. Yes Cheryl! That was Calum Hood!" Layla comforting Cheryl. 

Reaching their apartment, they were still talking about Calum and how there's a possibility of meeting the rest of the 5SOS boys.

"I wanna meet Michael so bad! I want to hug him, he looks like he gives the best hugs" Jen said while lying down.

"Maybe we will, Jen. Maybe.... Let's keep our fingers crossed!" Cheryl said while switching off the lights. 
