Why won't you love me?

"Calum, I'm sorry, I can't" Cheryl started crying and run out of the room.

Dead silence with the looks of confusion from the rest of them especially Calum, who looks so lost. He was super confident that Cheryl would say yes but, she turned him down.

Jen rushed out to chase Cheryl out to the streets and found her crying at a nearby playground. "Hey, what's wrong? You okay there?"

"I'm not Jen, I love Calum, I swear I do, with all my heart. There's no other guy, if that's what you're thinking. I'm just scared Jen, terrified." Cheryl sobbing.

"What are you afraid of Cheryl? Calum loves you so much, even Luke was sharing with me that he has never seen Calum this way, you mean a lot to him Cheryl." Jen wiping off Cheryl's tears.

"Complications Jen, it's too complicated. My parent's marriage ended when I was 12. Growing up, I saw how they loved each other, they never fought and they always have each other backs. They never cheated too and was always fair when it comes to raising my brothers and I. One day, they just stopped loving each other. They say that the spark they once had, died down, for no reasons. 25 years of marriage, ended just like that. I'm scared Jen. I know Calum is good to me but I've always had that fear. And the thought of moving here and if it ends up like my parents, I have to move back to Singapore, I'm terrified. I know not all marriages will end that way but I'm really really scared Jen." Cheryl explained.

"Cheryl, I think you need to be honest to Calum, he deserves an explanation. He must be wondering what he did wrong." Jen hugged Cheryl.

"I know but not tonight please, can I crash over at yours? I need to speak to him alone and it's just too crowded." Cheryl said.

They called an Uber and went back to the clowns airbnb apartment. Calum has left multiple voicemails and texts but Cheryl decided not to answer them. Aside from that, Ashton, Luke and Michael tried reaching out to Cheryl too.

"Cheryl, if you don't wanna talk to Calum, please call me instead so that I know you're alright." Ashton texted.

"Cheryl, we're worried. Text me to let me know you're okay, please!" Luke texted

"Cher Cher, call me. Cal's super worried. At least let one of us know that you're okay so we can calm him down." Michael texted.

"Calum, I'm okay, don't worry. I need to be alone." Cheryl, decided to text Calum.

Calum POV 

As he saw Cheryl running, the boys hold him back and let Jen run off after her.

"I don't understand mate. I thought she loved me, I was pretty confident that she would say yes. We've talked about settling down before and I, I really didn't expect she would turned me down. What have I done to upset her?" Calum with tears filling in his eyes.

The rest of the 5SOS boys gave Calum a hug, "Give her time Calum, I'm sure she'll let you know why or what happened." Michael comforting Calum.

"Hey guys, did Cheryl ever mentioned anything? Like she wasn't happy or something?" Calum asked the clowns.

One by one shook their head, "Even if she was Calum,about you, she wouldn't tell us, she protects your reputation too much and she respects you and believe that what ever happens between the both of you,stays between you both." Layla said. 

"Calum, try calling her. Jen's not responding either." Nadia said.

"Maybe we all should try calling her too. Maybe she doesn't want to talk to Calum" Dahlia added.

Calum tried multiple times but all his calls went to voicemail. "Babe, I'm sorry if I've hurt you but please call me or text me or the rest, so I know that you're fine. I'm worried about you."

As it's getting late, the clowns decided to head back to their airbnb and hugged Calum while on their way out

"Take care Cal, update us if you have anything. If Cheryl calls either one of us, we'll let you know too" Claire said.
