Permanent vacation

3 years later.

" Celest Denise Hood, perfect name for the most wonderful girl in my life" Calum smiled looking at Celest. Calum has found love again and whenever he looked at Celest, it feels like he's falling in love over and over again. He would never in a million years imagined that this would happen after Cheryl walked out on him three years ago.

3 years ago

Cheryl knew that she couldn't bear to be apart from Calum, he was her soulmate and she was his. She knows if she leaves, she wouldn't be able to live with herself. "Calum, I can't bear to leave you. I'm sorry." Cheryl cried

"Then don't please. Let's overcome all odds together. Stay Cheryl, please" Calum hugging her tight.

"Next passenger please!" shouted the ticket lady. It was her turn, her legs suddenly became heavy for her to move. "Next!!!" she shouted again.

Cheryl looked at her ticket and then at Calum, she knew what she had to do. As she walked away from the counter, to the side, she hugged Calum, "Overcome all odds together? Pinky promise me?" holding up her pinky.

"Together my love, together." Calum, lifting up his.

Cheryl smiled at Calum, "Calum, I do. A million times, I do. I only want you and only you."

"SHE SAID I DO GUYS! I'M GETTING MARRIED!" Calum shouting at the rest.

The 5SOS boys and the clowns cheered as Calum proceeds to insert the ring on Cheryl's finger.

"You guys are gonna be my bridesmaid!" Cheryl hugging the clowns.

After a week of wedding preparations, the day has finally come for Calum and Cheryl to tie the knot. 

"I pronounce you Calum Thomas Hood and Cheryl Angeline Avery, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Luke who was appointed as their minister.

The two kissed passionately and spent the night dancing with their close friends. 

Layla, who was their official videographer went up to Calum and asked him for a personal speech for the video, "Cheryl, as I live and breathe, I shall lo- " Calum said who got interrupted.

"Hey, I'm Luke." Luke interrupted Calum. "Hey, I didn't invite you to my barbecue, why are you all up in my grill? Go away, it's my time" Calum punched Luke on the arms.

3 years later.

"Babe, it's now or never! Grab the bag!!!" Cheryl shouted. Calum running everywhere to make sure he didn't forget anything, quickly get into the car and starts his engine. Cheryl is currently in labor and they've called their gynecologist to inform them that they're on their way. As they wheeled Cheryl to the delivery suite, Calum stayed by her side, giving her support. After pushing for 30 minutes, she safely delivered a baby girl. 

Calum, rushing out to inform the rest, "IT'S A BABY GIRL HOOD!" he shouted!

The rest, waiting outside cheered and left out a sigh of relieved that all went smoothly.

As they placed baby girl hood at the side, Calum and Cheryl look in amaze that they made her. She looked so perfect and definitely she's gonna be daddy's favorite. 

"Celest Denise Hood, that's her name" Calum as he picked her up from the bassinet and kissed Cheryl's forehead.

