She looks so perfect

Their time in Sydney passed by so fast, they were having fun hanging out with the rest of the boys and also Calum's family. His family welcomed Cheryl with open arms, from the time they picked them up at the airport, family barbeques to when they had to bid goodbye.

Cheryl is scheduled to fly a day earlier then the boys for she had to start work early.

"I'm gonna miss you guys! We shall see each other soon yeah!" Cheryl said as she hugged Ashton, Luke and Michael.

"We'll miss you too Cheryl! And yeah, come to LA soon!" Ashton said while he gives a peck on the cheek to Cheryl.

"Come here babe" Calum said while hugging Cheryl. "I love you, alot. And you betcha I'm gonna miss you alot. Text me when you land okay." he kissed her on the lips.

The worst thing ever, is saying goodbye to Calum, not knowing when she is gonna see him again and feel his warm embrace.

"I love you babe. So,so much" Cheryl said she kissed Calum.

As it's time to check in, Cheryl with a heavy heart walked to the counter, checked in her luggage, presented her passport and made her way in. She look back, waving at the boys.

1 year later.

A year has passed since she went to LA to meet the clowns for the first time, their first 5SOS concert together and also since she met Calum. Calum and Cheryl has been travelling from Singapore to Los Angeles to spend time, most of the trips lasted for a week. The clowns is still in touch and their friendship, closer and stronger then ever. 

It's Calum and Cheryl's one year anniversary and Calum made sure Cheryl is coming to spend the day with him. Little did Cheryl know, Calum also invited the clowns to come to surprise Cheryl.

"Babe, I'm boarding soon. I'll see you at LAX in 16 hours! Can't wait!!" Cheryl texted.

The clowns, who reached a day earlier than Cheryl is currently at Michael's place, decorating for Cheryl's arrival. "Can't wait for Cheryl to be here! Feels so complete now that all of us are back here together!" Jen said.

"I'm so excited that I'm gonna have a cardiac arrest!" added Mia.

16 hours later, Cheryl finally reached LAX with Calum waiting for her. The minute she exited after collecting her luggage, she ran up to Calum and kissed him.

"I missed you!!! And I'm so glad you're here in my arms again Cheryl" Calum kissed her lips

"I missed you so much too! And guess what, this time around I'm staying for three weeks! " Cheryl said returning Calum's kisses.

They exited out of LAX and drove to Calum's place. Every time Cheryl comes, her luggage becomes lighter and lighter, she even has a space in Calum's wardrobe for her clothes and shoes and sometime she would buy Asos and ship it there instead of her home so that she could save on luggage space. 

"Hey babe, let's go to dinner tonight. We need to celebrate. I bought this dress for you , wear it okay? " Calum smiled.

"Aww babe, it's beautiful. You shouldn't have." 

At 8pm, Calum is waiting for Cheryl to finish getting ready for their date, as Cheryl comes down the stairs, Calum remembered how he felt seeing Cheryl for the first time at the pizza parlour. His eyes lit up looking at how beautiful she is and he for the first time in his life, he feels complete. He has the best mates, great parents and now, the most amazing girlfriend in his life.

"How do I look?" Cheryl said, twirling in her dress.

Calum staring with so much love, "Beautiful, you look so perfect."
