Jet black heart

Calum POV
"Ash, I have to convince her to believe me. I have to tell her face to face." Calum said.
"How Cal? She's not even answering your calls. How would you wanna fly there, when you don't even know where the hell she stays Cal? Her friends don't stay in the same country as her, I doubt so they'll know." Ash said.
"We can get one of them to ask her for her address Ash! It's almost Christmas, just lie it off saying that they wanna send her a gift or something." Calum said while sipping his beer.
"I don't know Cal. As much as I wanna help you out but I don't think using her friends is the best way. How would she react knowing that one of them lied to her and it's for you?" Ash said while patting Calum's back.
"But she should know what happened. You were there Ash, so was Luke and Michael. I know, I alone can't convince her nothing has happened. She's closest to you Ash, I'm sure she'll believe you. Let's all fly to Singapore and find her. I'll try to get her address, one way or another." Calum said.

October 21 (So this part is a little flashback to the past)

Calum woke up early to head to the airport to fly to their first show for the Meet you there tour. First stop, Glasglow. It's 10pm her time, means she's gonna reach home soon. Calum's phone vibrated and there's a text from Cheryl, "Hey babe, I'm finally home from my shift. I miss you. Talk soon! Xx". Calum smiled. He missed Cheryl, he miss her hugs, her kisses, the way she smell, her voice. Everything.
Calum still have an hour before the flight and so he decided to call her. "Hey babe! I miss you!" Calum said.
Halfway through the conversation, Nia came out of nowhere, "Baby, we're about to check in, is that Joy on the line, tell her I said hi!"
Calum stunned, dropped his phone and it went blank.
"What the hell Nia?! Who are you to call me baby?! Look we're just taking the same flight since we're going to the same place, I'm not your baby, never had and never will." Calum shouted.
"Oh come on Cal baby, don't be so dramatic." Nia smirked.
"Ash, shit, I was talking to Cheryl halfway and I think she might heard what Nia said, I got shocked that she came behind me, I dropped my phone and look what happened. My screen is shattered and we're flying off soon." Calum panicking.
"Oh damn! You wanna call her using mine" Ash asked.
"I wish Ash but I don't remember her number. What kinda boyfriend am I?" Calum said sadly.
"The gate for Glasglow is now open, please proceed to the front and board in an orderly manner. Thank you"
Calum, overthinking what Cheryl might be thinking. "She must be so hurt. I either need to get a new phone once I land or I gotta change my SIM card to another phone." Calum thought.
After a long 13 hour flight from LAX to Glasglow, they took the car to their hotel. While on their way there, Calum asked Ash, "Hey Ash, do you have the SIM pin? And also could I borrow your phone to put my SIM in?"
After the SIM swap, Calum forgot to activate roaming, so the next best thing to do is to reach the hotel to get wifi so that he could text or call Cheryl.
Upon reaching the hotel, Calum thought they would have time to unpack and relax but their manager has requested them to proceed to the venue for soundcheck and band meeting.

After a tiring day, the boys went back to their rooms and Calum decided to call Cheryl.

Calum tried multiple times but the call doesn't seem to get through. Calum was getting worried. What if something happened to her? Ash calmed him down and suggested they get some rest and try calling again tomorrow.
October 22

Calum decided to save Chery's number in Ash's phone, so that it's easier for him to call instead of changing SIM card all the time. Plus the most important person he needed to contact is Cheryl. Joy can easily call their manager should she is unable to get through to him.

After breakfast, he decided to call Cheryl but again, unsuccessful. 

Their manager noticed that Calum was not himself, "Cal, we need you to be with us right now. Focus on the tour? Play a good show. Your brothers need you on that stage. Without you, there's no 5SOS." 

Calum nodded his head. 

Fun fact:
I was listening to Jet black heart when I wrote this.
