Year 2 Chapter 9 - Stronger One

Amasawa: So are we going to the designated area?

Me: No, I’m not going to push my luck by trying to get points for reaching that area. Tasks have popped up in both G8 and G9. I’m thinking of finishing the day by visiting those two areas instead.

Both of those Tasks centered around academic testing, the first being “Math Problems” and the other being “English Problems.” If I could arrive there in time and register for them, I was certain that I could score some points.

Amasawa: I see, let's go then~

We went to task's in the G8 and G9 areas.

I took second second in the math test, and finished first in the English test.

I earned 9 points in total, while Amasawa also earned 9 points.

Current Point : 40

Amasawa: Senpai which area do you think we should set camp?

Me: Hmmm...

I looked at Map carefully.

Me: Well,we can set camp in G8 area, since it is a forested area, we can camp in the shade. We'll get there in probably 40-50 minutes

Amasawa: Okkk let's start move.

43 minutes later we came to a good area.

I put my backpack on ground and start ro set tent.

I drank some water after setting up the tent.

Amasawa also set her own tent.

She still seem energetic. Her physical abilities seem better than I thought, at least she's obviously superior to Horikita or Ibuki.

Amasawa: You look worried.

Me? She pretty good observer. Yeah i am worried.

Me: Maybe, but it's none of your business

Amasawa: So it is, but you didn't try to hide it. C'mon Senpai loosen up a bit, it won't hurt you.

She casually shrugged her shoulders and looking at me.

Why she talk like she's the older one here? Its slightly annoying.

Me: I have a disease that caused me to die when i try to open up.

She burst into laughter.

Amasawa: You are quite good at avoid my questions.

Me: Yeah, I'm also quite goot at beign best.

Amasawa: Woah you have such a ego.

Me: Its not ego its confidence. There is a fine line between them.

Her lips curved into sly smile.

Amasawa: Anyway, it's getting late. I will go in tent and take rest.

Me: Yeah me too.

I went inside the tent. After drink some water i lay on and went into peaceful sleep.

The next day passed without incident.

We went to the designated areas and completed the task's.

I got a total of 24 points. If my predictions are correct, Amasawa has got 22 points.

Current Point : 64

I've never met my Sister, Yosuke, Horikita, or Kei on this island.

I'm worried about them for now.

Of course I sent enough points to my sister so she never gets expelled from school.

Likewise, it is impossible for Kei to be expelled from school.

Horikita and Yosuke I'm curious about. Since Horikita is especially lonely, if she gets sick, she will be disqualified and expelled from school.

The next day, just before 7:00 am, we walked south along the river from D4 to D5.

Amasawa: Oh, Senpai. There's someone fishing ahead.

A student appeared on the other side of the river. Someone sitting on a rock and killing time with a fishing rod.

It was as if he hadn't noticed us yet. I didn't call out to him because I didn't want to interrupt his fishing.

We walked silently along the sandy-pebble land by the river.

Before long, we slowly approached him, attracting his attention.

Katsuragi: Despite fighting on your own, you are not yet in the last 10 groups.

Yes, as of today, we were able to look at the ranking. But we can only look at the first 10 groups and the last 10 groups.

Me: Yeah, everything is going well for now

By the way, I was in the 53rd place with 64 points.

Overhearing Ryuuen came out of his tent and looked at me in surprise.

Ryuuen: So you're touring the island with a girl on your sleeve, huh? When did you get bored of the crispy Karuizawa?

Me: You two quite successful too.

You could easily check the top ten group with the tablet.

Ryuuen and Katsuragi were in 10th place with 92 points.

Ryuuen: Heh look who told us. That crazy weirdo classmate of yours is carry the exam all by himself

Me: Yeah, that's right.

The person Ryuuen was talking about was of course Koenji.

Koenji compete alone like me. He is in the fourth place with a total of 126 points. It is progressing flawlessly and extraordinary with its performance so far.

Amasawa: Did you catch anything?

Looking at the fishing rod in the river, Amasawa asked Katsuragi a question.

Katsuragi: Unfortunately, not much. To catch a lot of fish, you have to head to the ocean.

So, they were fishing here to pass the time.

Me: I suppose you're not worried about food?

I wasn't sure if he would answer me honestly, but I asked anyway.

Katsuragi: There is a lot of food in the sea, river and forest. Water is the same. All you have to do is boil the river water.

Me: But isn't it risky to drink river water?

Katsuragi: Yes. Boiling doesn't make it safe so I'm the only one drinking river water. Ryuuen drinks the water we buy and obtain from quests.

Me: Anyway, we should continue. Good luck to you two

Katsuragi: Alright good luck.

I were heading south with Amasawa to the starting point.

After about two hours of travel, we finally returned to the port at the starting point.

Amasawa: So… Why did we come here to the starting point, Senpai?

Me: Before we get to that, let's take a look at the task's.

Amasawa: Oh, yes, come to think of it, there was one, yes.

Task: Open Water Swimming. It was a competition where participants would need to swim a distance of approximately two kilometers, from the starting point to the finish line. Among the Tasks that we had seen so far, there had been many that assessed our physical abilities, but this one seemed to have an exceptionally high bar for us to reach.

Perhaps it was for that reason that this Task also boasted the highest reward yet at twenty points. Since the starting area was rather easy to reach, I could imagine that the Task could hit maximum capacity quite quickly.

However, the number of students who ended up registering would inevitably be quite limited in the end, because of what the Task involved.

Besides, the waves looked quite rough today too. Swimming out in the open sea was different from swimming in a pool. It was probably safe to assume it was precisely because of the danger involved that school officials were limiting this Task to be held only near the starting area.

I imagined that lifeguards would be on standby, readying to rush over in the event that something went wrong.

Amasawa and I arrived at the registration site on the harbor to sign up.

Staff Member: My apologies, i’m afraid that the last spot for the boys was filled just a few minutes ago.

I see...

There seemed to be just one spot remaining for the girls side.

Amasawa: Wow Senpai, isn't this guy Koenji-senpai?

The person standing with his back to us was, without a doubt, Koenji.

Me: If you want to sign up for this competition, you should go ahead and do it. But are you feeling okay, physically?

Amasawa: Hehe don't worry, I'm not tired yet.

Yeah its obvious. Her physical abilities above many of boys probably.

Me: You can enter the competition, I'll use one of the showers there.

One of the advantages of the starting point was that we were given free water and allowed to take a shower for free.

Amasawa: Okay Senpai~

I went to the place where the shower cabins are. I cleaned myself well and left after about 10 minutes.

I felt much more comfortable.

The open water swimming task had reached its conclusion back at the starting point. Amasawa get first place.

What surprised me the most was that Amasawa was a better swimmer than Kayano Onodera.

Onodera is the best swimmer among girls in the second year.

When Amasawa approach me i decide to compliment her.

Me: You have really outstanding physical abilities compared to other girl's, Onodera one of the best in swimming club.

Amasawa: Thanks Senpai~ By the way Koenji-senpai also did good job.

Koenji, who had taken first place in the boys race, with a display of overwhelming skill.

Koenji leisurely gazed out at the sea. It didn’t appear that he was out of breath at all.

Me: He’s a freak and superhuman. Which is exactly why it’s a waste of time to be bothered about him.

Adding the twenty-point reward to this point total, Koenji had temporarily moved up to first place. However, this didn’t necessarily put Nagumo at a disadvantage.

Nagumo was definitely going to increase his group size until it hit the limit. Once he had six members in his group, Nagumo would start earning points at a faster rate, and then he would probably start building a commanding lead. No matter how incredible Koenji might be, considering he got himself this far while fighting alone, you couldn’t beat sheer numbers in this special exam.

Amasawa: Who is stronger? Him? Or you?

Me: Well he might cause me a little trouble if we fight...

Amasawa: So would you lose~?

Me: Nah, i would Win.

Then, at one o’clock in the afternoon, the third designated area of the day was announced.

Next Designated Area its D2.

Amasawa: Senpai... Its quite far away.

We are currently in the D9 area, while the D2 area is quite far away.

Me: Yeah, i think we should skip for today. If we miss 2 area, nothing will happen.

Point reduction starts after missing 3 areas in a row.

If you miss 4 areas 1 point decreases, when you miss 5 areas 2 points decreases, when you miss 6 areas 3 points decreases.

Me: We are in the starting area, we can rest for the day. I think we both have a good amount points, we never fall into worst groups.

Amasawa: Yeah its good idea.

We've had a good rest today. It was almost heaven to be able to drink as much water as we wanted, they allowed us to swim as we wanted.

I felt like on vacation.

Next day

It is seven o'clock.

Me: Next designated area E7

Amasawa: Its pretty close Senpai.

Me: Yeah,lets start to move.

3rd POV

Shibata: Ichinose, is this really broken?

Group member Shibata So asked, looking at her wrist watch.

Ichinose: Yes. I think it broke when I fell and hit a rock by the river this morning.

Shibata: For now, we have no choice but to return to starting point.

Ichinose: But-

Although Ichinose understands what to do, she looked at three people behind her: Kamuro,Hashimoto and Ninomiya

Hashimoto: If you leave now, you can return to the third area in time.

None of them blamed her.

Although Ichinose was pleased with it, the guilt was overwhelming.

Shibata: I will accompany you

Ichinose: Thanks...

Ichinose and Shibata walked south along the river until they reached the E9 area.

As they stepped onto the sandy beach, the starting point was visible.

Now all they had to do was head west. Then they would arrive at the port

Ichinose: Shibata-kun, move on to the next area from here if you want?

Shibata: No i can't. Even though it's close, isn't it dangerous for you to come back alone? The forest is like a maze, you know. Yes, the weather is bright but today is cloudy, rain can start…

Ichinose: I just have to go in a straight line. Nothing happens to me.

Shibata: Alright. But don't do anything stupid. If it starts to rain, don't force yourself. Wait until the rain stops, okay?

Ichinose: Yes, I will not act unnecessarily. It wouldn't even be funny if I got injured and disqualified.

After about ten minutes, her vision began to deteriorate further and further into the dimly lit forest.

The reason was clear: the gray clouds that covered the sky were now thicker and darker.

Although Ichinose tried to walk in a straight line, she couldn't succeed because of the dense trees and bushes that stood in her way.

The port was a few hundred yards away, she kept thinking.

She walked for another twenty minutes without stopping. But she didn't know what to do, she had to make a decision.

If she hadn't taken a wrong turn at some point, she should have arrived in port by now.

Just then, she heard a very faint voice ahead.
For a moment he considered shouting.

However, she could not rule out the possibility that the voice belonged to a wild animal.

Wanting to take a look around, Ichinose started to move silently towards the source of the sound.

Before long, two silhouettes appeared: Acting Principal Tsukishiro and 1-D's homeroom teacher, Shiba.

She thought she could find the way by following them. Naturally, from here they would return to the starting point, she thought.

If they went to a nearby mission, there would be students around, asking them for directions.

Tsukishiro: This one looks like it's going to be tough. I have evidence that the teachers are keeping a close eye on us. Among them, Mashima stands out in particular…

Ichinose clearly can hear their voice.

Shiba: Apart from that, there is another teacher: Chabashira, the 2-D classroom teacher. Searching all records.

Tsukishiro: Getting teachers involved is one of the few options he has left. Whether it's Chabashira-sensei or Mashima-sensei, I'm sure their behavior is dependent on Ayanokoji-kun. Since Ayanokoji-kun was at the scene at the time, it's only natural that he managed to decipher the truth.

However, everything changed, as an unexpected name was mentioned.

Ichinose held her breath as soon as she heard the name.

Unwittingly, it was a name that made her heart beat faster whenever she heard it.

Tsukishiro: This time we have to corner him.

Shiba: Still, do you think it would be that simple to force him out of school? He ─── From the White Room after all

Tsukishiro: People always get carried away by these titles. He's just a ─── he───

White Room?

Despite straining her ears to understand what was being said, Ichinose couldn't quite grasp some words.

The wind suddenly gathered strength, and the sound of the storm drowned their voices.

Even though Ichinose was sure they wouldn't be able to hear her, she quickly approached them… Just then…

The Acting Principal turned his head back and looked at him with a sharp and serious look.


Her intuition or instinct screams the word; Her instincts told her to turn around and run away as fast as she could.

However, her backpack was too heavy, preventing her from increasing her speed. Making a hasty decision, she unbuckled the belt of her backpack and threw it into the bushes with all her might. If they took backpack and look, they would identify her by looking at her tablet.

Ichinose was making too many crazy decisions to think that far ahead right now.

All these conversations… were things she should never have heard. As she continued to run, she felt deeply, that it was a conversation she should not have witnessed.

She thought they wouldn't be able to chase after her.

Yes, everything would go smoothly… Yes, there would be no problem…..

Minutes later, Ichinose tripped into a rock and fell to the ground.

Despite the sharp and aching pain in her knee from the fall, she did her best to endure the pain and get up again.

Just as Ichinose was getting back up, a large hand had clasped onto her left shoulder from behind. Ichinose was so shocked that she felt like her heart nearly stopped. Unable to move, she fearfully turned around.

Shiba: If I’m not mistaken, you are Ichinose Honami, from Class 2-C, aren’t you?

Intimidated by his intense glare, Ichinose crumpled back down to the ground.

Ichinose: O-oh, y-yes, that’s right…

She stammered.

Ichinose, having fallen on her bottom, frantically tried to scramble backwards, but there was no escaping from his sharp glare. Shiba stood over Ichinose, looking down at her, his eyes filled with an emotion that she couldn’t get a read on.

Shiba: Why are you here?
Ichinose: W-well, it seems like my watch is malfunctioning, so…I thought I’d get it looked at......

Shiba: Well, it doesn’t really matter how much of our conversation you heard. Even if you had only heard 1 percent of what was said, then… Well, that simply means you were unlucky.

Ichinose: Are… Are you saying that I’m going to be penalized in some way?

Shiba: This has nothing to do with the school rules. We’re just going to have you removed. Immediately.

Shiba slowly drawing closer to Ichinose and reaching out to her with his large hand.

Tsukishiro: It is a bit premature to resort to such violent methods, Shiba-sensei

Shiba: Ah. My apologies.

The Acting Director turned to Ichinose, with an unsettling grin.

Tsukishiro: Now, then, I’m going to ask you formally. What did you hear?

Ichinose: I-I didn’t hear anything…

That was a lie, of course. While she had only heard bits and pieces, Ichinose had certainly overheard part of their disturbing conversation. But she was sure that even if she told them that she hadn’t heard anything, they weren’t going to believe her one bit.

Tsukishiro: As adults, we must always expect the worst and act accordingly. That means that I must operate under the assumption that you did indeed hear everything.

Then, he crouched down, so that he could look her right in the eyes.

Ichinose: I-I really didn’t hear anythi—

Tsukishiro: I’ve already told you that I am operating under the assumption that you did hear, remember?

Hearing this, all Ichinose could do was gasp.

Tsukishiro: Perhaps we should hurt you until you no longer remember, Ichinose-san?

Said Tsukishiro with his usual unsettling grin.

Tsukishiro: Of course I could never say something like that, as someone tasked with protecting this school. I would prefer to avoid such violent measures, if at all possible. Therefore, I will make you a proposal. If you tell anyone about this, I will see to it that a group composed solely of students from Class 2-C is eliminated from the exam.

Ichinose: Wh—....?!

Tsukishiro: t would be a group that does not have enough Private Points to save themselves, of course.

Basically, he was saying that he was going to make sure that a group of students would be immediately expelled.

Shiba: Acting Director Tsukishiro, shouldn’t you invoke that authority here, rather than show her such leniency? Even if Ichinose were to disappear, I doubt that Chabashira or Mashima would take notice. Those two only take care in matters where Ayanokoji is involved.

Tsukishiro: You certainly make a good point. Well then, what do you think would be the appropriate course of action in this situation, Shiba-sensei?

Without even a second’s thought, Shiba pulled a pair of rubber gloves from his pants pocket.

Shiba: If you will leave this matter to me, I will dispose of her.

???: Dispose? Heh.

A male student and female student heard them.

They met by chance.

A smug grin appeared on the man's face.

He thought something fun will happen.

Yes, that male student was none other than Kazuki Yamada.

Amasawa Ichika, on the other hand, was feeling nervous.

She knew how strong, dangerous and clever Tsukishiro and Shiba were.

These two of the rare people around whom she felt fear.

Kazuki: Can you really dispose her?

He asked defiantly.

It didn't matter who the opponent was, even if he fought alone, he was sure that he would win.

The student who declared himself the best wanted to fight against 2 White Room agent's.

To be continued....

(I hope it was a fun chapter. I don't know if the chapters are boring or fun because there aren't many comments)
