Year 2 Chapter 6 - Little Devil


After studying with Kei, I text to Ayanokoji.

Me: Do you have the Professor's number?

Very soon the answer came.

Ayanokoji: Yes, why are you asking?

Me: Ayanokoji, are you going to compete with Horikita in this exam, right? Which subject did you choose for this?

Ayanokoji: In the mathematics exam.

Me: So will you be able to get 100?

Ayanokoji: Probably yes. There have been no questions I haven't been able to solve since I came to this school

Me: You know, the professor is quite interested in computers. I wanted ask him to make a betting site, then I will share it anonymously on the school's forum page.

Ayanokoji: A bet?

Me: Yes. For example, to see which partner can be the first,all 157 couples will be there, of course, more bets will be placed on those with high academic achievement.

Ayanokoji: I understand,you have a high chance of being first with Amasawa. So why did you ask me about mathematics?

Me: This bet is not limited to couples only. In the same way, they will be able to place bets on the first of each course.

Ayanokoji: Hm, so you divided the bet into two places. It's about which couple will come first first. out of 157 pairs, people can bet on whatever they want. The second is in such a way that bets will be placed on the first of each course.

Me: Yes, my plan is to play bet on you. When betting on which subject will be predicted first, people generally bet on Sakayanagi,Ichinose, Horikita,Me,Amasawa,Takuya,Kushida and people who have more academic success at the forefront. But no one expects you to be first, so out of 320 students, no one plays on people with academic skills lower than B.

Ayanokoji: I understand,so if I come first, the amount of points you will get will be 9-10 times more, right?

Me: Yes, I will play 889,000 Points on you. i think I will earn 8 million or more points.

Ayanokoji: Okay then, I'll give you the Professor's number.

Me: All right, thanks

After I got the Professor's number, I told him this by offering him 100,000 points. He immediately agreed in an easy way.

The next day, the Professor sent me the site he had made.

Me: Thank you

Professor: It's okay Kazuki-dono,I would like my 100,000 points after this job, okay?

Me: Don't worry, if I don't, you can use this text message's as evidence. I won't scam you.

Professor: Okay, you're right, I'll see you then

Me: Goodbye

I shared this on the school forum with an anonymous account

There were a lot of bets placed before the exam day, especially the third graders seemed to be very interested in this. The most bets were placed on Sakayanagi.

Everything went as planned, so I was the only winner in the end.

Flashback End

Ayanokoji got 100 points in math, my bet on him increased 10 times, I won 8,890,000 points. I currently have 8,890,920 points. After the lesson, I immediately sent 100,000 points to the Professor. He looked at me and nodded, indicating that he had received the score.

As soon as the lesson was over, Yukimura approached Ayanokoji.

Yukimura: Kiyotaka, do you have time?

He was someone who boasted about getting a high grade and knew how difficult it was to get a full grade.  He will probably ask Ayanokoji how he got full marks.

And I walked out of the classroom,I don't care much.

I opened my phone and sent 1,000,000 points to my little sister.

7,790,920 P

This is the last remaining number of points.

By the way, 100,000 points were awarded for taking the first place with Amasawa.

My active Points:

8.090.920 P

My hand was still bandaged because of the wound caused by the knife. My days were now passing normally again.

April is over, and it's been almost two weeks since the beginning of May. The OAA application had been updated.

Class 2-D - Kazuki Yamada

First-Year Evaluation

Academic Ability: A (95)

Physical Ability: B+ (76)

Adaptability: B (71)

Social Contribution: B- (63)

Overall Ability: B (78)

I saw a message on my phone after I got out of school.

[Kei: If you don't have any special plans, can we study in your dorm room again?]

Why? I mean, we finished the special exam. Why does she still need to study? Anyway, like Sudo, she probably wants to improve herself.

[Me: Yes, I'll be in my dorm room in 20 minutes.]

[Kei: I'll come!]

It took me 10 minutes to get back to the dorm.

I'll wear my normal clothes. I had purposely kept my door open and not lock.

Kei: I'm coming!

So saying, she went in and shut the door.

Me: Lock the door.

Kei: Okkaayy...

I had a new lock added to my door as a precaution against Amasawa

I put Kei's shoes in the shoe closet

Me: Would you like something to drink?

Kei: I'll handle it

Me: Is that so? Well, do it if you can...

Kei: Your left hand is injured, so I'll do it

So she was worried about the wound on my hand.

Me: Well, then you handle it…

Kei: You don't trust me, do you?

Yes.. But I guess I have no choice but to trust

Me: Make me a coffee, I trust, don't worry

Kei: OK

Kei was quietly preparing coffee,suddenly breaking the silence, she asked a question.

Kei: Yamada, would you like to date someone who is not beautiful?

Hm? What's the point? Even if I couldn't see hee face, she was a little nervous, as I could tell by her tone of voice.

Me: Hmmm... No. I think looks are as important as personality. Why not a girl with both of them? It would be nice if there was someone like that

Kei: So it is.... What kind of girls do you like?

Why does she ask such personal questions? I hope she doesn't have any idea of opening up to me...

Me: Hmm, obviously, I like smart and strong girls,I think it would be much better if they were sweet and funny.

Kei: was good

Later Kei came with 2 cups of coffee.

I took a sip of coffee,put the first year books on the table.

Me: What subject would you like to study today?

I looked at her saying.

Kei remained silent and looked deeply into my eyes.

What is she trying to do?

It's like she wants to say something, but she can't.

Kei: Yamada...

Me: Yes...?

Kei: I need to tell you something...

Me: You can tell...

Kei: I-I am.... I actually....


Kei: Ah, well, the door...?

Kei stopped suddenly. There was a knock at the door.

Me: I'll going to see who.

Kei: Uh, okay.

Kei shook her head, she was a little nervous

So saying, I walked towards the door. When I looked through the door opening, I saw her...

35 minutes ago

Ichika Amasawa POV

I was walking, dressed in my favorite outfit, humming a song.

I have been paying full attention to Karuizawa Kei from 2-D for about 2 weeks.

She keeps going to karaoke, cafes, from the shops at Keyaki Mall. Since the people she's seeing are girls from her class, I think I'm wasting time

I also received the result of my long-term struggle and efforts today.

Unlike usual, Karuizawa is on her way back to her dormitory today.

Otherwise...Are they going to meet Kazuki-senpai?

I thought other students besides Ayanokoji-senpai would be boring, but I was wrong probably....

My heart started beating fast from excitement.

I saw Karuizawa go to the fourth floor,that is, the floor where Kazuki-senpai's room is located.

I think I can wear nice clothes. I should look pretty enough~

After changing my clothes, I immediately left the dormitory

I immediately finished my shopping by throwing a few things into the shopping cart.

I didn't pay much attention to the products I chose.

I bought conspicuous vegetables, meat and so on and immediately switched to paying.

Then I immediately returned to the dormitory of the second-year students.

Luckily, Nomura Shuuji was also on his way back, so I went right behind him and made him open the door.

I took the stairs to the fourth floor.

I placed the bag in a place where he couldn't see through the hole in the door.

I got it! Preparation its over!

I pressed the doorbell and prepared to be an intruder.

Kazuki Yamada POV

While I was thinking about who it was, I looked through the hole in the door who the intruder was.

The first thing that came into my field of vision was crimson hair.

Amasawa: Senpai~

It was as if she was aware that I was watching her through the doorway

A girl dressed in casual clothes was smiling.

Both hands were empty, I guess she didn't bring anything with herself.

Me: How did you get into the dormitory?

Ichika: There was another senpai who came to the dormitory, so I came with him. I thought I'd give you a surprise.

Me: So?

Amasawa: How is your hand, is it okay? I came to see you because I was worried.

She lightly touched the lock with her right index finger.

Amasawa: Well... can you open this lock, senpai?

Me: It's getting late, can we talk tomorrow? I don't want to take a kouhai to my room for no reason.

If she came to visit just for my hand, she'll leave after these words of mine. However, Amasawa had no intention of leaving. By placing her left index finger on her lip and drawing an image as if she was thinking.

Amasawa: Senpai, if you're alone, make me dinner.

In order to find a way to get into my room, Amasawa suddenly changed the subject.

Amasawa: I have the right to that, don't I? Thanks to being a partner with me, we became the first,you earned 100,000 private points.

She said something I was waiting for,I was prepared for it.

Me: I don't have the ingredients for cook right now...

Amasawa: So... is that so—? You need to stock up~

Awasawa expressed her dissatisfaction, with an expression as if she was both pleased and not.

Me: We can't go to the market right now because it's late...

Amasawa gives the impression of having fun.

Amasawa: Please don't close the door, okay?

After these words, Amasawa disappeared from my view for a second.

She then used her left hand to pick up the plastic bag that had been left on the hallway floor so I could see what she was holding in the gap of the door. Using the door opening, I was sure that her hands were empty, but it turned out that whe had put the bags at her feet. It was hard to see.

She held up a bag full of foodstuffs so that I could see.

She won't let me run away.

I knew Amasawa had a sharp mind, but I've seen a lot more than I imagined.

Amasawa: Did you lie to me because you didn't want me to enter the room?

Amasawa: Senpai you are not alone, are you?

Me: What makes you think like that?

She must have followed Kei.

Amasawa: Because~ I saw it. Since returning to the dormitory, I have not taken my eyes off Karuizawa-senpai

Me: So what do you want?

Amasawa: Aww I said Senpai, I'll come because I'm worried about you~

It was obvious that she was lying.

Me: Wait, I'll open the door.

Amasawa: Okkaayy~~

I open lock and she enter inside.

Amasawa grinned as she saw eye to eye with Kei.

Kei, on the other hand, was sitting pout like a child.

Amasawa: Oh my God! A young couple behind locked doors~

Full of energy, Amasawa spoke while taking off her shoes.

Kei's face was flushed.

Kei: I told you we're not a couple!

Amasawa ignored her words.

Amasawa: Your clothes are neat, and the bed is intact. It's like you haven't done anything

Kei: Well, isn't that normal! We were just studying

Amasawa: I mean, I said that they are definitely pursuing immoral deeds~ I thought you two would experience love.

Although it was a unappropriate conversation, Amasawa took it one level higher by prolonging the topic.

It wasn't me she was targeting, it was Kei. Because she know its easy to get reaction from Kei.

Me: What you are talking about is against the school rules; it is forbidden.

I calmly replied to Amasawa so that Kei's restlessness would subside.

Amasawa: Isn't it like the school rules are for decoration? There are a lot of couples at school who are clearly in love. Even condoms are sold in the grocery store. I even tried to buy it, the staff ignored it. Well, if everything is forbidden and a young boy experience love...  And his partner gets pregnant. Isn't that a bigger problem?

After these words, Amasawa dipped her left hand into the plastic bag, took out a small condom and placed it on the table.

Kei didn't know what to say and kept looking at me, at the object on the table, and at Amasawa.

I took the condom from the table and threw it in the trash.

Amasawa: Senpai you're rude~ I gave you a gift as an apology.

Me: I don't remember you doing anything to apologize

Amasawa: I'm one of the ones who caused the wound on your hand, right? As you know, I was the one who collaborated with Housen.

Amasawa was not ashamed to tell the truth

Kei: I-... is that so?

Hearing these words, Kei was very surprised.

Amasawa: Kazuki-senpai, I think you're misunderstanding me?

Me: What do you mean, misunderstanding?

Amasawa: I am not your enemy. And you weren't our're the only one who interfered with our plans.

Me: Is that so? I see you as a potential threat.

Amasawa: Senpai our priority plan was to get Ayanokoji-senpai expelled from school, we don't normally have a grudge against you

Me: This issue also concerns me, obviously, because I am an ally of Ayanokoji.

Amasawa: I know, Senpai, I'm analyzing you very closely, don't worry. I've learned a lot.

Is it possible that the average high school student has such a brain... is it possible? Suspicious.

Amasawa Ichika.

She's really an extremely talented person.

Amasawa: My mouth is dry right now~ Is there any coffee or something, Senpai?

Me: Kei, make coffee for Amasawa then

Kei: Well...? Me?

Me: If I do, you will have to stay and talk to her alone.

Kei:...I'll handle it.

She's either going to make coffee or she's going to talk to her. Kei considered the options in her head and made the right decision.

Amasawa: With sugar and milk, please~

Kei: Ugh! Okay, fine!!

Amasawa: Don't spit in my coffee, senpai.

Kei: Why should I spit it out!

Amasawa is such a little devil.

Amasawa began to read the notes that were on the table.

Kei: Hey don't look at my notes!

Amasawa: Nothing will happen~

Kei: I'm saying don't look!!

Amasawa: Senpai, it's like your girlfriend... doesn't have anger control

She whispered in my ear, she was quite close.

On the one hand, she was trying to provoke me by talking about Kei as my girlfriend.

Me: I said once that she's not my girlfriend. I don't like to repeat myself.

Amasawa: I know, Senpai~ It's obvious from the tone of your voice that you're not lying. I just want to make fun of you,I wonder how you look when you're angry?

Anger huh? The last time I was angry was when I was 13. Since then, I have had very good control over my emotions.

Kei: Here's coffee for you!

Kei put coffee on the table.

Amasawa: Thank you, Karuizawa-senpai~

Amasawa smiled slightly.

However, instead of drinking the coffee, she stood up.

Amasawa: Well, then I'm going, Senpai~

Kei: Huh? What does that mean? Aren't you drinking? Didn't you make the coffee to drink?!

Amasawa: I would like to stay a little longer and relax by spreading out in the room... but would you be pleased with my presence?

Kei: Okay.. you can...go

Amasawa: That's exactly what I was thinking~ I am going,don't miss me too much Senpai~

After Amasawa left, the room returned to its former silence.

I don't know what Kei wanted to say before Amasawa came,she never brought it up again. after working for 1 hour, she also left.


Part 2

Special Exam

It was the end of May.

Chabashira: I think everyone is in class today. Good

After Chabashira had finished taking attendance, she started fiddling with her tablet, most likely to project something up on the monitor

Chabashira: We have been together for quite a long time now. So I’m sure you probably have some idea of what this is about.

A new special exam was about to begin. Even though everyone clearly had something they wanted to say, they all waited to hear what Chabashira was going to announce.

Chabashira:  Yes, we will certainly be discussing a special exam. However, to keep you in suspense for a while longer, we’ll hold onto that discussion until later. First, I’m going to talk to you about summer vacation

An image appeared on the monitor—first, a picture of a luxury cruise ship.

Chabashira: Now, I’m going to start by explaining a bit about what this summer vacation will be like

The students looked at each other for a moment, their expressions conveying the joy they felt at the sweet-sounding words that had just come out of Chabashira’s mouth.

Chabashira: From August 4 through August 11, you’ll be able to enjoy your summer vacation freely and to the absolute fullest on this luxury cruise liner. That’s a total of eight days and seven nights. You can watch plays or indulge in tasty meals. And there will be nothing even remotely like a special exam held on this cruise, either.

In other words, we were being promised a true, genuine vacation for about one whole week.

Chabashira: However, in order to fully enjoy this cruise, you must successfully complete the upcoming special exam

Horikita: When will this special exam begin?

Chabashira: Well, typically when we make these announcements, the special exam would be given that very same day or the next. Unfortunately, in this instance, it’s still a ways off. The next special exam is going to be held during the summer break.

What was the purpose of this announcement, if the exam was still more than a month away?

Chabashira: You’re going to participate in an ‘Uninhabited Island Survival’ test, and will be competing against each other.

Yukimura: So, we have to do that again this year...

He mumbled

Chabashira: I’m sure you’re thinking back to the uninhabited island survival exam that you took last year. However, this year’s exam is going to be different from the previous ones. This will be more rigorous, more grueling than any other special exam. Of course, the Class Points and Private Points that you can earn in this exam will be significant, though

Chabashira: Let’s start by going over the schedule. You can download it to your own devices later and look it over, so there’s no need for you to take any notes here.

July 19: Assemble on the sports field. Depart by bus. Board the cruise ship at the harbor.

July 20: Special exam begins. Explanation of special exam, distribution of supplies, etc.

August 3: Special exam ends. Rankings will be announced onboard the cruise ship. Rewards will be handed out accordingly.

* Private Points for the month of August will be allotted after the results of the uninhabited island special exam are applied.

August 4: Start of free time on the cruise ship.

August 11: Arrive at harbor. Return to campus. Dismissal.

Nishimura: Sensei, based on this schedule, won’t our summer break be shortened like, a lot?

One of our female classmate ask

The summer break was generally supposed to be around forty days long, but even if you counted the free days spent lounging around on the cruise ship as part of our summer break, we still were only getting about twenty-four days. It was no wonder students felt dissatisfied.

Chabashira: Unfortunately, there will be no making up for that lost time. The fact of the matter is that your summer break will most definitely be shortened this year. That’s just how it is. However, on the bright side, you’ll get to spend one week on a luxury cruise ship. Depending on how you look at it, this one week you get to spend on the cruise ship might be more valuable than the two weeks of normal time that you’ll be losing. And as I stated earlier, you can enjoy your time on the ship purely as a vacation period.

It seemed like Chabashira was trying to encourage us to hang in there by saying all of that.

Chabashira: Now then, let’s get down to business. This is similar to the uninhabited island survival exam that you had last year, but you could say that the most significant difference here is in terms of scale. In addition to the fact that there’s going to be a two-week long test period for this exam, the island that we’re using for this is larger in size than the one you were on before

An uninhabited island in the middle of the ocean was shown on the monitor. The photographs seemed to have been taken from the air.

Chabashira: And this time, it won’t just be students in the same grade competing. Students from every grade level will be competing against each other.

Hirata: So, wait… Doesn’t that mean that the first-year students will be put at a significant disadvantage, whereas the third-year students will have an advantage?

If this were an exam where we were partnered with students from other grade levels, then everyone would be equal. But that didn’t seem to be the case this time. If so, it meant the difference in physical ability and experience that came with age would create a considerable handicap.

Chabashira: I understand what it is you’re trying to say but let me just go ahead and say that no exam is ever going to be one-hundred-percent fair. Even if we’re only talking about you second-year students, you’ll be competing on the same stage despite the fact that there’s nearly a year’s difference between those born in April and those born in March of the following year, right?

To put it another way, though, that meant there were also cases where students in grades only a year apart might have an actual age difference of nearly two years. That would be a significant handicap.

Chabashira: If a first-year student comes to you asking you for advice, it befits you as their senpai to give them at least some kind of answer. However, the exact nature of what you say to them is entirely up to you. Likewise, you could also ask a third-year student for their opinion

So, while there didn’t seem to be a problem with discussing things as much as you’d like or if necessary, it would basically be like helping the enemy.

Chabashira: Anyway, taking all of that into account, let’s move on. I’m now going to explain part of the outline, regarding the new rules for the uninhabited island survival exam.

The word “part” made the students exchange looks.

Chabashira: That means not all of the rules are going to be revealed to you today, at this time.

Chabashira instructed us to listen quietly to her explanation and then brought up a new image on the monitor. We looked up at it, seeing the word “group” stand out prominently.

Chabashira: Your next special exam, which is to say, the uninhabited island survival battle, has a rule that allows you to form large groups of up to six people and cooperate with one another. The first thing that you must remember is that these large groups can be formed with any student from your grade level, regardless of class.

Horikita: So, does that mean…the other second-year students are our allies…?

Horikita muttered quietly to herself.

Chabashira: For the next four weeks or so, from today until the end of Friday, July 16, you second-year students will be given the right to form small groups of up to three students with any partners of your choosing in your grade level. These groups will be the basis for the large groups. However, even though I said you can team up with partners of your choosing, there are some restrictions involved. One of those is, as I just said, that you can only choose students from your grade. You cannot form a group with first-year students or third-year students.

It might be possible for all four second-year classes to work together to form the strongest groups to compete in this test.

Chabashira: Next, we have the gender ratio. In the case of a mixed-gender small group, girls must make up at least two-thirds of the group.

[1 Boy] [2 Boys] [3 Boys]
[1 Girl] [2 Girls] [3 Girls]
[1 Boy & 2 Girls]

Hirata: What happens if you don’t form a group? …Or in the event that you can’t form a group? What then?

Chabashira: As you can see from the list of possible combinations, ‘groups’ of just one person can be formed. There would be fewer benefits to such an approach, but it’s not disallowed. The next special exam can be conducted regardless of the number of people in your group. If anyone does want to try going it alone, they are allowed to, regardless of gender.

Although the fact of the matter was that the more people in your group, the better off you were, it sounded you could still take this special exam on alone without issues.

Chabashira: I’m sure that some students might feel more comfortable being on their own, but the more people in your group, the better. In addition to the advantages you gain by simply having more people, there are also special benefits for having more members. I would strongly recommend you do not choose the option of trying to go it alone in this test, except as a last resort.

Chabashira take deep breath and keep explain

Chabashira: When the actual special exam begins, the small groups will be allowed to form up with each other. You could have two groups of three people come together, or three groups of two people, or even six individuals. However, there are conditions for the formation of larger groups as well. In large groups of four persons or more, the group must be at least fifty percent girl.

So the gender ratio rule would change, requiring groups to have a one-to-two ratio of girls instead of two-to-three. If these restrictions were going to be changing, I supposed sticking with a small group of just one or two people in the beginning was a viable strategy.

Chabashira: I understand you must feel perplexed, after being told to just go ahead and form small groups of your choosing. If you don’t know what the contents of this exam will be, you can’t exactly narrow down what kind of people you might need

Sure that everyone in class had arrived at that conclusion.

Chabashira: I cannot tell you exactly what the next special exam is going to be assessing you on. But I can lightly touch on what kind of skills that you may need. That kind of thing

She taking a look at the students, whose expressions had tightened.

Chabashira: I’m sure many students were left feeling frustrated by last year’s survival exam on the uninhabited island, feeling as though they were unable to really demonstrate their potential. However, it is safe for you to assume that this year’s exam is going to test all kinds of ability. Academic ability, physical ability, emotional strength, and communication skills. There’s a strong possibility you’ll be able to make use of strengths other than those I just mentioned, too.

So it wasn’t enough to simply be good at academics or sports. This meant that students who were good at many things would have an advantage, from the sounds of it.

Chabashira: Now that you understand the importance of the groups, let’s talk about the rewards.

Wow protection point? 300 class point? Its huge numbers really.

Chabashira: And of course, groups that place at the bottom of the rankings will naturally suffer some penalties. The groups that place in the bottom three positions will have Class Points snatched from them. But that’s not all. Students in the bottom five groups will be expelled.

The students gasped. Five entire groups meant it was possible that a maximum of thirty students could be expelled.

Hirata: B-but, if only students from our class are the ones who end up getting expelled, then…

Chabashira: In the worst-case scenario, that would leave only nine of you. But there’s no need to worry about that. In the unlikely event that you are penalized, you could pay six million Private Points to save yourselves. That amount is divided by the number of people in a group. So, for a group of six people, it would cost one million Private Points per person.

So, even in the unlikely event that we did get hit with the expulsion penalty, there seemed to be ways that we could save ourselves.

Here was a summary of the information that Chabashira had presented to us so far.

•Survive on an uninhabited island for up to a maximum period of two weeks

•A wide variety of skills will be needed, and a high level of overall ability will be more advantageous, but cohesion cannot be ignored

•Special rewards such as Class Points, Private Points, and a Protection Point will be given to the groups that place at the top (Class Points are divided equally based on the number of classes though)

•Groups will be formed, with a minimum of one person to a maximum of six, and the more people in your group, the more advantages you’ll have (Group rankings are determined by when the last person gets eliminated from the group)

•The groups that come in last will receive penalties, expulsion is also a possibility

•In accordance with the rules, we can freely form small groups within our grade (up to a maximum of three people)

•Forming a large group during the exam will not be easy


Part 3


Chabashira: I understand that this has all been a lot to take in so far, but there is still a lot left to explain.

She drew a breath, then moved on to the next part of her explanation

Chabashira: Please take a look at this.

The monitor refreshed, now showing eight items on the screen.

Chabashira: These cards are items that will affect the uninhabited island survival exam. Everyone will receive one card. With one exception, there is no drawback to having any of these cards. Their efficacy can be roughly understood by looking at the descriptive text on the cards.

There was a total of eight kind of cards in the lineup, ranging from cards that would give you an edge in the special exam to cards that specialized in protection.

Chabashira: Also, regarding the special cards… There are three kinds of special cards, and they’ll be handed out randomly, but only one will be handed out to each grade level. Therefore, there is the possibility that, through sheer coincidence, one class may come to hold all three cards. That’s all.

An explanation of the uninhabited island special exam, followed by an explanation of the rewards and penalties. And then an explanation about the distribution of items called cards. And thus, we came to the end of the long overview of the uninhabited island survival exam.

The bell rang loud and clear, signaling that it was the end of our firstperiod class.

Chabashira: I suggest that you think long and hard about what kind of group strategy you’re going to produce. You have time.
