Chapter 29 - New Love....?

The first lesson of the morning started with a strange ambience in C class. Light hums were rising from the girls gathered around Karuizawa Kei.

From what I heard from the girls' conversation, Kei broke up with Hirata.

Anyone who did not know about the relationship between them would be surprised at this situation. Of course, their separation did not mean that Kei and Hirata's connection was broken, nor did it mean that Kei's influence on the girls was decreasing.

If Hirata was the one who left, everyone would think that there was a problem at Kei, and her status in the class would be at risk.

When I looked around, it was obvious that their separation had created a big bombshell effect in the C class. What was interesting was that the girls talked about such issues out loud in the classroom.

Shinohara: Ehh, ehh? Why did you leave before you found someone new, Karuizawa-san!

Shinohara's scream of shock echoed through the entire classroom. They were supposedly talking between themselves, but Ike and Sudou were listening to them.

Kei: I want to be self-sufficient now. Yousuke-kun has been spoiling me a lot, yes... but it's time for me to grow up and mature

The separation of our famous couple has created a bomb effect not only in class C, but also in other classes.  For Hirata, a big battle will start soon.

Horikita: By the way, have you two heard anything about Ichinose-san?

Suddenly, Horikita asked a question about class B,to me and Ayanokoji

Me: Not really, they are slandering without evidence for now

Horikita: I've been hearing a lot of slander about him lately.

Ayanokoji: Are they jealous and lying because the girl is popular? Or it's a strategy to crush class B..? What are they even saying?

Instead of telling the details, she took out a note from the bottom of her desk. Wrote something on paper and show us

'she was abused as a child‘

'In astrange love triangle‘

'Involved in theft and robbery‘

‘She used drugs'

There were some ridiculous claims that even troubled people at school were not involved.

Something could have been done at the school as a precaution, but it will not be easy to find the source of the slanders. Anyway, the reason there was so much gossip was because everyone heard it from someone else... and didn't keep his mouth shut and brought it up to someone else.

Me: And what does Ichinose say?

Horikita: I don't know. We're not very close. And I didn't want to get close to her and draw attention to us either

Ayanokoji: Well, staying as a audience is the right choice

Suddenly there came a sound

???: Sorry...?

After school was over, some students were leaving for club activities, while others were packing their belongings. An unexpected person appeared at the classroom door.

Sakayanagi: Is Yamauchi Haruki-kun here?

Sakayanagi, the leader of class A, was the one who was looking for Yamauchi.

Sakayanagi: Can you spare me some time?

Yamauchi: O-of course, yes........

Sakayanagi: ....I'll be waiting for you by the stairs in the hallway.

She must have been annoyed by the strange looks of the people in the class. Sakayanagi disappeared from sight after these words.

Horikita immediately blocked the way before Yamauchi could get out

Yamauchi: W-what happened, Horikita?

Horikita: Maybe she's planning something to destroy the C class.

Yamauchi:Huh? Why do you even think that?

Horikita: Doesn't it seem strange to you that she called someone like you?

Horikita, who had a serious attitude from the beginning, became too outspoken. She made a sentence so clear that everyone could understand that she was humiliate Yamauchi.

...But Yamauchi was still looking positive.

Yamauchi: Accidentally bumping into a girl who had just arrived at school and was walking with books in her hand and falling in love, etc.....have you never heard such stories, Horikita?

Horikita:Huh?  Book......the hallway?

Unable to understand what Yamauchi was saying, Horikita rolled her eyes.

Yamauchi: I can't keep Sakayanagi-chan waiting, I'm leaving

Ignoring and ignoring Horikita's words and attitude, Yamauchi walked to the classroom door and said.

Yamauchi: I am the real secret weapon of this class. Trust me, never mind the rest.

I wish he'd told me how to he will handle it and the details. I'm sure he didn't hear what he saying,he's completely idiot.

Of course, everyone followed Yamauchi

Sakayanagi was waiting for him in the hallway near the window. Yamauchi approached him.

Sakayanagi: Honestly...I've been wanting to talk to you for a while, Yamauchi-kun.”

Yamauchi: R-r-r-really?

Sakayanagi: How can I lie about such matters..?

Sakayanagi: I'm not comfortable here, can we move somewhere else if you want?

Yamauchi: Yeah,sure.Let's go through.

Sakayanagi: You will accompany me for a while now.

They started walking side by side. Yamauchi started to walk slowly, keeping up with Sakayanagi speed. At least he was understanding.. even if it's a little bit

When our students saw the two of them walking away, they decided it would be difficult to follow them.

The days passed one by one. The slander against Ichinose continued. It had been almost 1 week since the slanders.

After getting out of the shower, I dried my hair with a toothbrush in my mouth. Today I am preparing more comfortably than usual.

I turned off my phone before going to bed at night. I just opened it.

Kei also called at night, I'll call her back later now.

After putting on my school clothes, I left the room. I waiting for elevator

Me: Did you call? Let's meet tonight if you want

As soon as I sent the message, the read message appeared.

Kei: There was no important reason for me to call, never mind. Let's meet, but can we  meet earlier? I will see my friends in the evening >_<

Hmm, then it would be ideal to meet around 17:00.

Me: How about 17:00?

Kei: Okay~ Bye

Me: Exactly, see you later

When I wrote the last message, the elevator arrived. Hirata was also in it.

Hirata: Hey. Good morning, Kazuki-kun

Me: Oh Hi Hirata-kun. You were always going to school early

Hirata was an honor student in our class, he was at school before everyone else. It is impossible not to be surprised.

Even when it was impossible for him to be late, he was late until the last minutes..?

Hirata: Obviously, I had planned to leave early, but…

His face turned sour, he didn't know what to say at once.

Hirata: But?

The elevator came to the first floor and the door opened. I saw girls waiting at the door.

There were girls not only from our class, but also from other classes. When I was thinking about why they gathered here, it popped into my head.

Girl: Good morning, Hirata-kun!

Hirata: Good morning.

He greeted them with a forced smile.

Girl: This...this is for you!

All six girls suddenly handed him a Valentine's day chocolate bar. He must have experienced this scene several times, which he kept going up and down to her room, to leave the chocolates. It became clear why he spent so much time.

So today is Valentine's day.. huh..

I left Hirata's side and walked towards the school.

There were many students who were eager to get Valentine's Day chocolate. As soon as I entered the classroom, I understood this from the atmosphere in the environment. All the men were gathered in one place talking.

Valentine's Day was one of the most important days of the year. Like Christmas, it was an important and precious day for couples.

I go and sit down, I was moving to a comfortable position when I heard a voice

???: Hello Kazuki-kun

When I looked up and looked, I saw Kushida

Me: Hi, did you need something?

Kushida: This is for you.

She give me her usual smile, she handed me the chocolate

Me: Oh, thank you

Kushida: See you then

She left with the same cheerful smile.

Horikita: Don't get your hopes up too much

Horikita spoke to me with harsh words

Me: What do you mean?

Horikita: Kushida-san gave chocolates to every man,so don't think you're special in her eyes or anything

I didn't expect Kushida to give chocolates to all the men. I wonder what she was aiming at with this?

It's not surprising for someone like Kushida, either..

Me: Don't worry, I already think I'll buy a lot of chocolate

I win with a playful smile. Horikita just sighed and rolled her eyes. She continued to read her novel.

At that moment, Chabashira-sensei entered. And everyone fell into silence.

The lesson passed normally. At the end of the lesson, Chabashira-sensei made an announcement.

Chabashira: Tomorrow on the 15th of the month, you will be put to the test. This exam is also like the exam you took before, it will not affect your final results. The purpose of the test is to measure your current knowledge and prepare for the final exams at the end of the semester. There will not be the same questions in the test, but you will see similar questions in the final. Just because you have risen to class C, do not neglect to study for exams

Chabashira finished today's lesson by making her last statement.

I walked out of the classroom and walked down the hall. A lot of girls gave me chocolates. Let it be class A or B. There were even second and third class girls.

By the way, someone is following me. Hashimoto from class A. I don't know why,I've seen him following Ayanokoji 2-3 times,I don't know what his reason for following me was.

Around 5 p.m., I called Kei and invited her to a dorm not far away. The place was not very popular, more or less students came.

Kei: Why did you say to meet here, was there no other place?

Me: Should we appear together and have a gossip?

Kei: Well, yes,'s not much different here either. If someone sees it here, there will be a rumor, so…

Me: Don't worry about it.

Kei: It sounded like you weren't paying particular attention, but.... anyway.

She sighed

Kei: It's so cold. I wish summer would come.

Me: Aren't you saying that you wish winter would come in the summer?

I chuckled, saying

Kei: That's how girls are.

Karuizawa pouted.

Me: Are you ready for the end of the year exam? It looks like it's going to be difficult.

I saw a change in Kei's attitude, she was nervous

Kei: Well... do you think so?

Until now, Kei had somehow passed the exams, but now she was worried.

Kei: Could you tutor me?

Me: Ask Hirata for help. Even if you have difficulty, you can handle it, so you'll ask?

Kei would normally ask him for help, but she refused to ask for help because they broke up. She stared at me.

Kei: You taught Satou-san at the time, why don't you accept my offer?

Hm where does she know about this? Satou-san and I studied its correct, for paper shuffle exam in my room for a few days.

Me: Well, I'll set up a program.

Kei: Okay...

And it looks like the main event will be in March. I think we are waiting for a tough special exam.

Me: By the way, why did you call me?

Kei: Oh, uh, ..there was something I wanted to ask... can I ask?

Me: Yes ask

Kei: Uh do you know the importance of today? Answer me now..

Me:Yes, so today, valentin-

Kei: Okay, okay, you answered quickly

She hit me lightly on the head with a small box.

Me: Are you giving this to me?

Kei: I was going to give it to Yousuke-kun, but now that I have no reason to give anymore...

Me: So it was for Hirata?

Kei: Oh, you don't like it?

Me: None. I was just thinking how many days ago you were preparing for Valentine's day

Kei: I a-always prepare in advance, okay!! Even if I decide to break up with him, I'll keep it ready in my hand! Besides, what does a love-poor person like you know about these romantic movements

Love poor? may be true

After Kei slightly turned her face sour and looked, she corrected her facial expression.

Kei: So, didn't the other girls give you chocolate?

I grinned mockingly and my eyes flashed

Me: Of course we're talking about me here. I bought a total of 12 chocolates

So I showed the inside of my bag,my bag was filled with chocolates.

Kei: Heh.... It was good

I noticed that someone was coming towards us from behind. From the fact that he came to us quickly, it was clear that he wanted to be involved in the conversation.

Hashimoto: Yo Karuizawa

Kei: Uh, who the hell is this?

Kei didn't know who Hashimoto was, so she turned to me and asked

Me: Someone from class 1-A,his name is Hashimoto

Hashimoto: Oh, Kazuki is here too

After greeting me as if he hadn't seen me, Hashimoto approached Kei.

Hashimoto: A boy and a girl meet in such a secluded place, huh.

It was one of my predictions that Hashimoto would talk to me directly, but I couldn't decipher why he chose now. I need to think about this.

Me: We don't seem to be doing much--

Hashimoto: Are you deceiving a child? It's Valentine's day today!! Even if you're not lovers, it's normal to meet and exchange gifts in a place like this... didn't she just give you a gift, Kazuki?

So Hashimoto noticed the chocolate I put in my bag.

Me: She gave me chocolate by chance, that's it. I didn't come here to get a gift from her

Hashimoto: It's like you're lying. You just knew she was going to give you chocolate. You brought your bag..

Me: It's not just Kei, it's because a lot of girls gave chocolate

I had to show the inside of my bag,it was filled with chocolates.

Hashimoto: Well, the result doesn't change! You bought chocolate from Karuizawa

Me: I don't understand now... what part of this do you have a problem with?

Hashimoto: I'm wondering what Karuizawa finds in you. Isn't his ex-boyfriend Hirata one of the most popular kids in this school? I don't understand why she chooses you after Hirata.

Even if I was popular, everyone looked at me as a playboy for some reason. Someone who plays with girls' emotions. But I've never even had a girlfriend.

Kei: Now, actually, I was going to give the chocolate to Hirata-kun, but when I left, you know, instead of throwing it away, I decided to give it to someone, I chose Kazuki-kun.

Kei made the right choice here by not using my first name. Hashimoto would have been more suspicious if she had called me Yamada

Hashimoto: Are you saying that you just chose someone? Who would believe this lie? at least tell a convincing lie,Karuizawa

Hashimoto burst out laughing, while Kei was furious.

Kei: Huh? You suddenly appear like a surprise egg, and then you write a script in your own way and put us in the place of extras. Who are you?

Hashimoto approached Kei by taking a few more steps. By putting his arm against the wall behind Kei, he kind of pinned her against the wall, blocked her way (Its called 'Kabedon',search in google if you want)

Kei: What the hell are you doing?

Hashimoto: I've been thinking about how beautiful you are for a while, will you go out with me, Karuizawa? I don't know who you like right now. Just give me a chance, won't you?

Kei: What are you saying… something like that is not even possible?

Hashimoto: What we call love suddenly strikes you like a lightning bolt. I have something like this too.

I grabbed Hashimoto's left arm and pulled it back, of course I didn't hold it with all my might, I didn't want to hurt his arm.

Seeing this, Hashimoto was a little surprised and angry, but he tried not to show it.

Hashimoto: I didn't know you were so protective Kazuki-kun

He said it with a smile, but it was obvious he was annoyed.

Me: Well the girl doesn't want to, after all, there's no point in forcing Hashimoto.

I then slowly removed my hand from his left arm

Me: I'm leaving now, today was tiring

I left saying

Kei: Hey wait for me too

With quick steps Kei caught up with me and we walked together towards the dormitory.

Kei: Well.... thanks

Me: I wouldn't interfere if you gave your consent, I have no intention of meddling in other people's business

Kei: got it....

She doesn't seem like much, but whatever.

We walked together to the dormitory, I went to my room.

Tomorrow would be the test.
