Chapter 04- Midterms

"What am I going to do without points, huh?”

"I also used the last remnants of my points yesterday...”

After Chabashira-sensei left the classroom, the class was in a mood of complete chaos.

“More than the score, the problem is related to the class... Why did they put me in class D!?”

It was obvious from every appearance that Yukimura was disappointed. His face was covered with sweat and his eyes.

“One moment. So we're not going to be able to go to the university we want, are we? Then why the hell did I come to this school? I wonder if Sae-chan-sensei hates me off...”

No one could hide the confusion they were experiencing.

“I understand that everyone is panicking, yes. But please calm down.”

Hirata took control of the classroom, trying to calm down any crisis that might break out.

“How can we stay calm in this situation? Aren't you nervous because we're in collection class!?”

“Even if I say I'm angry, isn't it better for all of us if we all work together and get out of this situation?”

“Get out of this situation? I can't even accept the hierarchy system between classes for once!”

“I understand very well how you feel. But still, there's no use sitting here complaining.”


Yukimura approached Hirata and grabbed him by the collar.

"Calm down, both of you, okay? I'm sure the Sensei made a harsh statement to encourage us. But isn't it?”

Kushida stated her opinion.

"Besides, it's only been a month since school started. As Hirata-kun said, we should all work diligently for this situation. Am I wrong?”

"H-no, it's... definitely, I don't think what you're saying is wrong, but...”

Yukimura's anger had already subsided, Kushida, who was hoping for everyone's cooperation, was looking into everyone's eyes in class D.

“R-right. We shouldn't be so impulsive. There's no point in Yukimura and Hirata fighting.”

“... My mistake. I succumbed to my own anger for a while.”

“That's all right. I should have chosen my words more carefully too.”

With the help of Kushida Kikyou, the fight incident was solved in a mature way. heh, at least we weren't a completely hopeless class,there's a glimmer of hope at the end of the road, even if it's small

"Everyone, when the lessons start, I'm going to ask everyone to pay attention. Especially you, Sudou-kun.”

Hirata stood in front of the lectern and attracted the attention of everyone who was talking in the classroom.

“Tch, what is this.”

“This month, we didn't get any points. This problem will affect our entire school life very badly. We can't keep going like this and graduate with zero points, right?”


A girl gave approval to Hirata's words by shouting. Hirata also shook his head.

“Of course not. We have no choice but to strive to get points next month. That's why everyone in the class has to work together and solve our common problem. We should avoid being late to classes and talking in classes. Of course, it is also forbidden to use a phone in class.”

"But Sudou-kun, the truth is, if we don't cooperate, our scores won't increase at all.”

“... whatever you do. Don't confuse me. Is that OK?”

Sudou seemed to feel uncomfortable staying in the classroom and left. He was stupid a lot, but I think he was chosen to this school because of his physical abilities.

"Sudou-kun really doesn't understand the situation. He's the one who's the most late. Can't we score even without Sudou-kun?”

“Yes... he's the worst. Why is he in the same class as us...”

Everyone was making their day until this morning. There was no one criticizing Sudou.
Hirata got off the podium and walked to the front of the class.

"Horikita-san and Ayanokouji-kun, do you have time? After school, I want to talk about how we can improve our scores. I would like you to participate as well. Does it suit you too?”

“Why us?”

“I want to hear everyone's ideas. Although I would like to hear everyone's opinion, more than half of them will not even listen carefully.”

“I'm sorry, but can you ask someone else? I'm not good at discussing things at all.”

“You needn't trouble yourself to say anything in private. Even your participation is enough.”

“I'm sorry, but I have no intention of attending the meeting for an empty reason.”

“I think this will be the first discussion/discussion we will have as a class. That's why—”

“I have already refused to participate. I disagree.”
Heavy words spoken quietly..Without evaluating Hirata's point of view, Horikita again rejected him.

"What about you, Ayanokouji-kun?”

“Oh... I'm out too. I'm sorry.”

“... No, I'm the one who should apologize. If you change your mind, please don't hesitate to join."

Ayanokoji and Horikita have left. Then Hirata turned to me side by side

"Kazuki-kun, do you want to join? You did a good job in the audition, too, and it might help."

He said with a kind smile,even if 2 people had rejected him, he would definitely feel bad if I had refused. But I didn't care I wanted to go back to my dorm room

"I'm sorry, Hirata, I'm not interested "

He understood me, at least that's why he didn't push too hard

It was after school. Hirata was at the teacher's desk, writing something on a chalkboard to prepare for the meeting.

Thanks to Hirata's charisma, everyone seemed to have joined except Horikita,Sudou and Ayanokoji. It's been a long time since the three of them left the classroom. So I got up and left the class.

The first week of May is about to end.
Ike and the others began to listen to the teachers in silence.
Only Sudou continued to sleep in classes, but no one tried to stop him.
Because no one had found a reliable way to increase our scores. Sudou's habits were the same as before.

Nevertheless, Sudou was exposed to the anger of those in the classroom every day.

Lesson over

When everyone got up for lunch, Hirata started talking.
“The exam that Chabashira-sensei mentioned is very soon. I think everyone knows that if anyone gets a low grade, they will be expelled from school. That's why I thought it would be great for all of us if we set up study groups.”

It made sense, anyway, idiots like Sudo Ike and Yamauchi would definitely fail the exam

The hero of class D, apparently, started charity work.

“If you neglect your studies, you will immediately get a low grade and be expelled from school. I want to avoid this situation. Studying is not the only way to get rid of this situation, because most likely our grades will be reflected in the scores. If we all get high scores, I think the value of our class will increase. I asked for help from a few people who got good grades. If those who are concerned about their grades join our study group, I would be very pleased. Of course, our door is open to everyone.”

I wasn't interested,heh anyway I'm smart I didn't need

Sudou averted his eyes and tied his arms, then closed his eyes.
Sudou and Hirata have a bad relationship, ever since Hirata asked us to introduce ourselves in class . Remember when Sudou refused to introduce himself.

“Starting at 5 o'clock today until the test day, I plan to study for 2 hours in our classroom every day. If there are any of you who are thinking of joining, please come without hesitation. You can also disagree with the whole thing if you want, thank you.”

As soon as his speech was over, some of those who scored low went towards him. And I left school and went dorm room. I worked at home for a few hours and then took a shower at the end. Then my days passed like this,apparently Horikita had set up a study group for the stupid trio.

It was very close to the exam, only 7 days.

A message has arrived in the group chat.

"I heard about what happened today~. Horikita is really annoying, isn't she?”

“It made me very angry. Sudou was also very angry with her. It was like he was going to hit her.”

“If I see her tomorrow, I'll pass her one. She really pissed me off today.”

“Ahahaha, if you hit her, there will be a big incident. HAHA, that would be too much”

“Hey, speaking of, shall we ignore her starting tomorrow?”

“Heh, we've always ignored her anyway.(HAHA)"

To be honest, I don't know what the situation is, I guess Horikita's study group project didn't go very well.

“I have to get her somehow. We can scold her and make her cry. We'll hide her shoes, for example.”

“If I were a child, I would laugh a lot. I want to see her suffer.”

In an instant, Horikita became the main topic of the group chat.

"Ayanakouji-kun, do you want to join as well? I'm scolding her haha”

"Oh, Ayanakouji, he's madly in love with her.”

Is he in love? This is the first time I've heard it. Yes, Ayanokoji is one of the closest people to him, but she treats even him harshly. Horikita and I have talked many times, as if Decently, she is usually always insulting, I am used to her like this now, I am always making fun of her, of course, it makes her angry

“Hey, whose side are you on, huh?

"You're reading this, aren't you? Hey, I'm asking you: whose side are you on?”

“I'm not on anyone's side. I can't stop you.”

“You're staying neutral, huh. The most insidious answer that can be given is HAHA”

Ayanokoji gave the logical answer

“You may think as you please. But if you think that way, it means your loss. If the school finds out about this problem, then it will be a problem for you. Keep that in mind.”

“Are you trying to protect her? Haha”

He says it's true,the school takes any bullying incident seriously and punishes it harshly

"If Kushida finds out about this, she will hate you. HAHA”

Wow, Ayanokoji answered well,his love for Kushida is obvious. Later, Ayanokoji never wrote, and I wasn't really involved in group chats, but even being in a group felt good.

I fell asleep on bed

Frankly, our days have passed the same way again. It seems that Horikita has re-formed the group, this time Sudo Ike and Yamauchi are determined

I didn't pay much attention, 2 days before the exam, Kushida gave us the exam questions from last year that she received from senpai.

Frankly, I know she's not smart enough to think about it, anyway, I didn't care much. Everyone was happy and returned to their dorm rooms hopeful.

The exam day has come,I was a little surprised when I looked at the paper.

All types of questions were the same. I didn't look at all the questions carefully, but despite this, I couldn't see any difference either.

If I memorized the answers to all the questions, I would get a perfect grade, that's for sure.

I looked around the classroom, there was no one who seemed impatient or confused. Apparently, the majority of the last-minute work was done quite well.

So I slowly solved all the questions.
2. and 3. the part continued with Japanese and chemistry subjects.

4. in the part, there was mathematics. All of the abnormally difficult questions in the essay test were undoubtedly present in this test as well. The people in the class probably won't understand the questions. But if they've memorized the answers, they'll do a good job.

It's break time, obviously Sudo was very worried about the English exam. Apparently he hadn't looked at the English part very much

The exam has started. While everyone was starting to solve questions, Sudou was having problems. From time to time, he put his pen to his head, stopped writing while he was thinking. No one can help him right now. There is only one way for him to pass this exam. And that's Sudou's work to get away with it.
