Year 2 Chapter 3 - Cook

My sister approached us with a kind smile

Horikita: I didn't know you had a sister...

Sara: Yup, I am his sister. My name is Kazuki Sara,nice to meet you everyone

Horikita took out her phone, most likely she was going to look at the OAA application.

Me: You've grown up...

I smiled and stroked her head

Horikita: Academic A+ (97) ,huh? That's pretty high

Sara: Thank you, Senpai...well, what's your name?

Horikita: Horikita Suzune,2-D class leader. This is Sudo Ken next to me, and Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is on the other side

Sara: It's a pleasure to meet you guys.

Horikita: Do you want to be a partner with Sudo?

I'm a little surprised at Horikita's offer,but it makes sense. Sudo needs a partner who is academically good.

My sister looked up and down, straining Sudo. I guess she didn't find him reliable

Sara: Nii-san is this man trustworthy?

She ask suspiciously

Me: Don't worry, he's a very reliable person. We will be glad if you help.

Sudo: Y-Yes, please be a partner with me. My academic level is E+...its quite low i know...

Sara looked at him with a smirk

Sara: All right, I'll help you because of Nii-san

Horikita was relieved,after all, finding a partner for someone like Sudo must have been a difficult task. I don't have much time right now, but I need to talk to my sister later.

Me: Ugh..Sara lets exchange numbers

Sara: All right!

We exchanged numbers

Me: There are so many questions I want to ask you right now... But I shoul save it for later. Go and meet the other upperclassmen.

I also smiled gently in the same way

Sara: Okay Nii-san, see you later

Sara left us and went to the other upper classes. I think it's important for her to connect with someone like Ichinose,I can't keep her from connecting by keeping her here. If she make good connections this will be useful for other exam's as well

Horikita: Since we have found a partner for Sudo, let's go and find a partner for ourselves. Let's take a look at the other freshmen

When we passed front of class 1-C we heard voice

Ryuuen: Ku ku. You got here pretty late, Suzune.

The owner of that voice was none other than Ryuuen Kakeru, from Class 2-C, staring at us fearlessly.

With that much time, it was possible that he had already successfully scouted a number of students. We would be able to check whether each student had settled on a partner at eight o’clock the next morning.

Ryuuen: Relax. Still haven’t settled on anybody yet.

Not that the other three oeople with me today would believe him so easily, though.

Ryuuen: You look like you don’t believe me

Sneered Ryuuen

Horikita: Well, I’m taking everything you say with a grain of salt, at the very least

Horikita replied with her usual serious tone

Ryuuen: Looks like you’ve hired yourself a bodyguard. But you chose a dumb one, lady

Sudo: What’d you say?

He looked ready to fly off the handle, but Horikita kept him in line with a gentle wave of her hand.

Horikita: Are you planning on scaring the first-years? I’m afraid that taking that kind of attitude with them is going to backfire on you

Ryuuen: Ku ku,yeah maybe

Me: It seems that we have no chance for today,every student is exploring the school, so the classes are empty. Lets go back Horikita

Sudo: Lets get going

We walk past Ryuuen, meanwhile ryuuen snickered.

On the evening of that day, I picked up the phone and sent a message to my sister

Me: How are you?

Sara: I am good. Today was fun,what about you, Nii-san?

Me: Well, I'm fine too,I'm still looking for a partner. Who have you met?

Sara: There were 2-B class students,Ichinose-senpai and Kanzaki-senpai. Then there was the 2-A class leader Sakayanagi-senpai. They seemed like nice people

Me: Stay away from Sakayanagi for a while, she's not a very nice person. Ichinose is a good person.

Sara: I noticed, Sakayanagi-senpai has a sly giggle >_<

Me: Well... Why did you choose this school?

That's the question I was wondering,why did she come to this school

Sara: Hehe Nii-san, there are many reasons why I came. For example, like the advantages that graduates from school have,the biggest reason is that I came for you

So Uhh?! Why? Anyway,i missed her too.

Me: Oh i see... I've missed you too

Sara: Heh, thanks Nii-san. By the way-

After that, we chat for about 1 hour. In general, I gave her information about the school that could help.

Sara: Wow you know a lot,it's getting late now, see you later (ㆁωㆁ)

Me: See You Later

I hung up the phone and plugged it into the charger. And I slept


The situation took a sudden, unexpected turn near the end of our lunch break on the next day.

Something happened after we had finished eating our lunches, while we sat in our classroom, casually waiting for our afternoon classes to begin.

Miyamoto: H-hey! Dudes! Some first-years are headed this way!

Shouted one of my classmates

Yosuke: Wow, they must be awfully brave to come up to the upperclassmen’s floor

Said Yousuke, while I mulled things over in my head.

Yosuke: I mean, if we decided to head up to the third-year’s floor, we’d have to be very careful not to make a fuss.

Horikita: Yeah, that’s true…

It would be a different story if you had a lot of close friendships with your senpai, but for this year’s batch of new students, that wasn’t the case.

Many of them must have felt like they were venturing into enemy territory.

I supposed that in that sense, some of them showing up like this might actually be an event that merited surprise.

Yousuke said he was going to go check it out, so I followed him, heading out into the hallway. Ayanokoji, Horikita and Sudou followed right after us.

The first thing that caught my eye was a guy with a particularly large build.

There were several reasons why he stood out, one of which was that he seemed to be around Sudou’s height. But, more than that, it was the strong impression he made as he walked confidently down the center of the hall on our floor.

Following a little way behind this student was a girl. Horikita, realizing that they weren’t simply here looking for partners, stepped out in front of the male student to block his path. Sudou stuck close to her.

Male: Who’s this chick?

Female: Please wait a moment… I’ve found it

After fiddling with her phone for a short while, she showed him her screen.

Male: Class 2-D. Horikita Suzune. Academic ability A-, huh?

Nanase: Hello, my name is Nanase, from Class 1-D. He’s from the same class. This is—

Housen: Housen

He said, interrupting her.

They both gave us their last names. Just for reference, the large guy’s full name was Housen Kazuomi and the girl’s was Nanase Tsubasa. They were both genuine Class 1-D students, just as they had said they were. Students from the very same that we’d tried to meet with yesterday, but couldn’t.

Although their sudden arrival here was rather unexpected, it was both a lucky break and a stroke of ill fortune for Horikita. That was because we couldn’t exactly start negotiating with Class 1-D out in the open, while under the watchful eyes of the other classes.

Horikita: For a couple of new students, you’ve done something quite brave. I admire your pluck

Housen: Huh? What, you admire our pluck? Don’t act so high and mighty, woman

Sudo: She ain’t bein’ high and mighty, dude. Don’t get all full of yourself, kid

Housen had snapped at Horikita, causing Sudou to snap back at him in turn. Even though they were about the same height, Housen had a slightly bigger build, making Sudou look a bit smaller in comparison.

Housen: You wanna go?

Housen said without any hesitation whatsoever.

Sudo: Don’t get too full of yourself, punk

Sudou huffed

Horikita: Don’t lose your cool, Sudou-kun. You do understand how things work at this school, don’t you?

It wasn’t unreasonable for the new students not to know this, but the hallways were supervised quite closely by school officials.

The surveillance cameras were constantly monitoring us, so if there was a problem, the school officials could go dig up the footage.

Sudo: I know......

Just then, as Sudou’s attention was focused on Horikita, Housen thrust his large hand forward against Sudou’s chest and shoved him.

Sudo: Wha-?!”

In the next instant, Sudou lost his balance, falling backward, landing on his hands.

Housen: Ha, only thing big about you is your height, loser. Just a little tap was all it took?

He sneered

Sudo: Asshole!!!

Sudou, having regained his composure and realized what had just been done to him, looked ready to let all his pent-up anger explode at once. But right before that happened, another guy, who had been watching the situation from afar, jumped in.

Ishizaki: Dude, the hell are you doin’?!

It was Ishizaki Daiichi from Class 2-C. He was quick to lose his temper and could be easily categorized as a delinquent, but he was also a compassionate person.

It seemed like he’d run out of patience after seeing Sudou, someone from his grade level, being treated with such cruelty

Nanase: Housen-kun, I thought we came here to have a discussion? If we came here just so you could get violent, then I’ll be leaving

Housen: Violent? All I did was touch the guy, like I was pettin a cat or somethin. Well, sorry, my bad, Sudou

He purposefully addressing Sudou without an honorific, as if he were spitting on him.

Ishizaki: Hey, man, you’re goin’ too far! Knock that crap off!

Ishizaki, reaching out to grab Housen by his collar. The moment that Housen saw Ishizaki’s arm reaching for him, though, the corners of his mouth curved up slightly into a smirk.

Ryuuen: Better think twice, Ishizaki, unless you wanna die

Well situation getting worse. I should leave, because i wanted to find partner not watchimg some fight's.

I walking away ,only Ayanokoji notice me but he didnt do anything.

I walking in hallway and search for first-year students.

Instead of heading toward the first-year classrooms, i decided to head towards Keyaki Mall, perhaps some first-year students.

I researched for 15-20 minutes and bought some necessary little things.

I haven't been able to find anyone with partner potential at the moment. My goal is to get 100,000 personal points bonus by taking first place with my partner.

As i were waking up the steps to the café on the second floor though, i heard a voice come from behind me.

???: Hey! If you looking for a gifted partner, I’m right here, y’know?

When i turned around, i saw a lone female student looking over at mez with a big grin on her face, from ear to ear. As soon as our eyes met, she slowly walked up the steps.

Me: Hmm and who are you?

I looking her slightly suspicion

Amasawa: I’m Ichika Amasawa. From Class 1-A. I’ve got an A in academic ability,what about you,Senpai~?

1-A huh? She's one of my sister classmate.

Just for make sure i open OAA app and looking her profile

Class 1-A - Amasawa Ichika





OVERALL : B (68)

Strong and smart,very well-rounded inividual.

Me: I'm Kazuki Yamada. From class 2-D,i have a A academic ability too

Amasawa: If you want to shoot for the top, I’ll work with you. Okay? But i have a conditions~


Me: Hm its seem interesting,i believe if we work together we can make top. What is your conditions?

Amasawa: Well, I really like strong people, y’know

Amasawa, saying something that had absolutely nothing to do with this exam while wearing a devilish little grin.

Me: So you are lucky, because i'm strongest in whole school

Her eyes twinkle with mischief

Amasawa: Strongest huh? Its quite bold statement,do you can prove?

Me: To prove? Only insecure people try to prove themselves, Kouhai if you keep waste my time then i must go.

Amasawa pressed her forefinger against her lips, lost in thought for a moment.

Amasawa: Well, I guess besides strong guys, I like guys who can cook

Me: Cook?

Well, I cooked some pretty good meals during the Mixed Training Camp exam.

Amasawa: Would you make me a home-cooked meal? Something, like, super extra yummy?

Me: Yeah,i can do that. I'm extremely skilled.

Amasawa: Okay! How about we get this show on the road and you show me what you can do?

Things were moving way too quickly. Right now? No way,i don't want right now.

Me: While i love to, could you possibly give me a little time? Upperclassmans busy these days

Amasawa: I see, I see. Well, I suppose you’re right, it wouldn’t be good for little ol’ me to take up all your time myself. Then tomorrow after dvhool. What about that? That wouldn’t be a problem, would it?

Me: …All right. Can we seal the deal then, with these terms?

Amasawa: It’s settled, then.

Amasawa agreed readily, having no objection to meeting up tomorrow after class like she’d suggested earlier.

Amasawa: Okay, so, how about we meet up in front of Keyaki Mall at four thirty tomorrow after class? Would that be okay, Kazuki-senpai?

Me: At the mall? Not at the dorms?

Amasawa: What I’m gonna ask you to make is a secret! And besides, you’re gonna have to buy the ingredients and stuff to make it, right?I’m going to be reaaaaaally strict with how I judge!

I see. So she was going to judge me on everything, starting with what I bought.

Me: Yeah, no problem.

I figured that I’d give her a straight answer for the time being, but man, this had turned into quite the ordeal.

Amasawa: Okay, then I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye bye!

Amasawa said before proceeding to go back down the stairs, seemingly satisfied.

I'm back at my dorm room. I looked at all freshmen from the OAA app. After memorizing their names, appearances and abilities, I plugged the phone into the charger and went to sleep.

Wednesday arrived, marking the third day of the special exam period.

At eight in the morning, the OAA app was refreshed for the second time, and the number of partner options we had inevitably dwindled.

Thirty-four new partnerships have been decided.

Class ended for the day.

When I arrived at the entrance of Keyaki Mall ten minutes prior to the scheduled time of our meeting, it seemed Amasawa wasn’t around yet.

So I just stood there, just nonchalantly watching the students come and go.

Eventually, just when it was about the time we had agreed to meet, Amasawa appeared.

Amasawa: Perfect, Kazuki-senpai!

She said as she approached me with a big smile, nodding several times, as if she were satisfied about something.

I must admit for now i can't understand this girl completely,like Koenji.

Me: What you mean?

Amasawa: You waited at the place you were supposed to, before the girl got there. And you didn’t even like, do anything else, either

She was unexpectedly sharp. Or rather, I should say she understood my actions quite well, even the trivial ones. When she said I didn’t do anything else, she probably meant that I wasn’t messing around on my phone or calling anyone while I waited.

Amasawa: Well then Kazuki-senpai, shall we?
She said,lining up next to me, and quickly taking me into the mall with her.

Me: To buy ingredients, right?”

Amasawa: Yep! Well, that too. You gotta buy the stuff for what you’ll make for me. Do you have any cash?

Me: A reasonable amount.

I have a 829.920 points,but i don't see any point for reveal this.

Amasawa: Ooh, yay! I won’t be shy then, in that case. Um, let’s see, I think I’ve heard from my classmates that they sell all the essentials here and stuff, but… I wonder where they keep the shopping baskets?

Rather than heading straight for the supermarket, she headed over toward “Humming,” a store that specialized in carrying everything you needed at home. She picked up a blue shopping basket that she found near the entrance to the store. What she said earlier, “that too,” stuck in the back of my mind. I knew I was going to cook a meal for her later, but did that mean there was something else I needed to do besides buy the ingredients?

Amasawa stopped by the kitchenware section of the store. When I first started at this school, I’d come by here a few times to buy the things that I needed.

It seemed like all sorts of new products had hit the market since I’d been here last, which was some time ago. Considering the fact Amasawa had stopped here, I wondered if she was planning to buy some kind of special appliance or utensils. There were countless tools here after all, like peelers, graters, mortars and pestles, etc. Some of those things, of course, I didn’t have.

Amasawa: Okay, so, first of all, we’re gonna need a cutting board, right? Then, like, a kitchen knife? Then we’re gonna need a bowl, a whisk, and then also, also, we’re gonna need a pot and a ladle.

Kazuki: Wait, hold on a second. I pretty much have almost all of those things in my room already though.

Amasawa: Oh, no worries, no worries! I’m just having you buy these things for me. For when you cook for me.

She was just having me get all these for her…? Even the cutting board she picked out was much better quality that the one I had back in my room.

Me: Hey,  just asking, but who is paying for these…?

Amasawa: Oh, come on, you are, of course, Kazuki-senpai! Obviously!

As expected. I already knew that. But the total cost of all these items easily exceeded fifteen thousand points.

Amasawa: Oh, and I already told you this just a bit ago, but remember, you’re buying these to use them for me, and for me only. So don’t go wearing them out with everyday use, okay?

I sighed

Me: Okay okay...

Afterward, we went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients, which was the main purpose of our coming to the mall in the first place. In the end, the trip cost me about 20.000 Private Points.  The plastic bags I carried in both hands were so heavy that the handles were digging into my fingers.

We together walk towards dormitory. After 10 minute's we reach my room. I put bags on floor.

Amasawa: Thanks for having me! Oh, wow. It’s, like, super tidy in here. And real clean, too!

Me: You can go ahead and watch TV if you’d like to.

Amasawa: Thanks, senpai

Amasawa: By the way, no looking for recipes on the phone, okay?

Me: Sure enough,i am confident about myself.

I put my phone away from kitchen.

Me: So what should i cook?

Amasawa: All right, I’ll tell you! What I’m going to have you cook, senpai, is… tom yum goong!

Me: Tom yum goong huh...?

Amasawa: Can you do it? Pleeeease, senpai?

Me: Well then,i can do.

I start to doing,thanks to my great knowledge i already know how to cook Tom yum goong.

After 15-20 minutes i finish. While this time Amasawa sometimes glance at me and make sure i didn't cheat.

And now the time had come for me to serve the completed dish to Amasawa. I’d never imagined I’d be serving a home-cooked meal I made myself to someone I’d only just met. And a girl, no less

I placed the tom yum goong on the table.

Amasawa: Wow, awesome! Incredible! You can handle it so well! Lets try how this taste~All right. Time to dig in!

She slowly bringing a spoonful of piping hot tom yum goong to her mouth. She didn’t seem to have any qualms whatsoever about having someone watch her eat. But I supposed I was like her in that regard, as I didn’t mind having people around me, either. At any rate, once she was done eating, Amasawa slowly brought her hands together in a gesture to show that she was quite satisfied.

Amasawa: Thank you for the meal! It was great! You pass this,we can pair up~

Me: Hehe i knew it,there are no way i can make bad meal. So let's aim first place and get this 100.000 private points

Amasawa: Oww senpai its getting ,It can be a misunderstanding if a girl stays in a guy's dorm room for that long~~ See you then,i am eager to meet again!

Me: Yeah,bye

She stand up and move towards door.

Amasawa: Oh by the way senpai,i remind again. Don't use everyday items we buy,its just special for me~

She giggled and leave my room

Me: Yeah,don't worry about that

When she exit, i close door.

Interesting Kouhai

I am eager to meet with other new students for some reason...
