Chapter 18 - End of Sports Festival

Half of the sports festival is over with terrible troubles for the D-class, and we have entered the cafeteria. There were people having lunch in the cafeteria, some were eating on the floor: we were told that we could move and sit as we wanted.

I were sitting in the very corner eating my food

???:Ah Kazuki-kun, isn't it? Long timr have we been not seeing each other

When the sound came, I looked up and looked.... I saw Hiyori Shiina. Like everyone else, she wearing school spors tracksuit

Me:Oh hello Hiyori-san,a nice coincidence.

Hiyori: Can I sit down?

Me: Of course

I moved a little to the side, smiling,and she sat next to me

Me: How is the sports festival going for you?

Hiyori: I haven't participated in many competitions, I'm physically bad, what about you?

She was smiling sweetly as she took a bite out of her sandwich

Me:Well, here we are in a bad situation as a class. If it goes like this, it looks like we're going to lose, we're not doing much teamwork right now

I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of my orange juice,Hiyori-san seemed thoughtful

Hiyori: I'm thinking.. let's hang out sometimes after the sports festival..... Of course, if you have free time

She said it in a low voice,she seemed a little embarrassed. What should I do now? Obviously, I have free time ,well, anyway, I'll accept

Me: Yes. Obviously, I have free time on weekends,we'll arrange the time and place by talking first

She shook his head excitedly and smiled

Hiyori: Very good. We can get to know each other better

She seemed happy, and involuntarily, a smile formed on my face. We ate our lunch and came back. Hiyori-san returned to the C-class camp, while I returned to the D-class camp

Sudo still hadn't returned, did he seriously quit? I don't know, time will show everything

Sudou, who we informed that he would participate in all competitions, had not yet arrived.. At this rate, there would be no writing in the competitions. It was becoming a serious problem for us. Moreover, the issue of preparing a ‘substitute contestant’ in his place would also be raised

No matter how well we fought, we were getting bad rankings in the races. We needed Sudo urgently, and either as a last resort I will have to attend it myself

Horikita wasn't around, I think she'd already gone looking for  to convince Sudo

The last competition of the afternoon, the 1200 meter relay, was about to start to complete the sports festival. Everyone's blood pressure was through the roof except for class D.

???:Ha, ha. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. What's going on?

I was a little surprised that he had really come, Horikita had done a good job. Sudo came running to us panting, and Horikita followed soon after.

Hirata: Sudou-kun, you're back!

Sudo: Sorry, I'm not done in the bathroom.

His face looked lively and cheerful. However, many students gave Sudou cold looks. Sudou saw their gaze and immediately took action.

Sudo: I'm sorry. I got angry, I hit Hirata and caused your mood to deteriorate. I have a big share in making the D class fall into such a difficult situation.

Before someone blamed him, Sudou apologized and bowed his head. Sudou must have come to his senses. Normally, he would never make such a move.

Something had definitely happened, that was the reason for the change. Hirata laughed after being surprised for a short while. His cheek was a little swollen, he was definitely hurting. But he didn't care at all.

The last event, the 1200 meter relay, according to the rules, girls and boys must be mixed. There should have been an equal number of male and female runners from each class. Each of the three girls and three boys had to run 200 meters.

Horikita: Can I ask for the  replacement...? I'm not going to get satisfactory results with this leg.

After Sudou's situation was resolved, Horikita asked for help with an apologetic face.

Hirata: Are you sure, Horikita? You've worked hard to be in this relay, haven't you?

Horikita: I know, but I'm not fine. I'm not sure I can win even against Ike-kun in this state. I'm sorry

I wonder if she's ever been so honest. Horikita couldn't do what she wanted from the bottom of her heart, and her body was in pain, and it was all Ryuuen's fault.

Kushida replaced Horikita from the girls

Miyake: Hirata-kun, I'm sorry, but... would you let me withdraw as well?

It was Miyake, one of the men who had been agreed to participate, who said this. He looked like he could barely drag his right foot.

Miyake: Actually, I sprained my ankle on a 200-meter run before noon... I thought it would get better with a little rest, but it didn't go away and it still hurts.

Hirata:In this case, we will also have to make changes from men.

After saying this, Hirata scanned around

I sighed

Me: I can run if you want

Ayanokoji stopped, as if he wanted to say something,his expression seemed to relax, I wonder why?

Hirata: Yes... If you're feeling good, fine. You are one of the most athletic students

I shook my head

Me:Okay, then I'll race

Ayanokoji POV

Just when I was about to nominate myself, Kazuki spoke earlier,I was relieved that I wouldn't attract too much attention. Everyone was going to compete along with the upper-class students. By this time, Kazuki had shown a high degree of athleticism and intelligence, and I had seen that he had even reached 120 kg on the power meter, of course, he immediately reduced his strength to be remarkable. He probably has the capacity to do more.

Sudou will come out first, Hirata, who is confident in his speed, will come out second. Then, three girls, including Kushida, will come out in turn, and finally, Kazuki will be. We will leave in this order. Kazuki is more valuable because he will come out last,even if the others finish in an average or below average time, Kazuki is the one who turns the situation around with his amazing athleticism.

Since Hirata and Horikita were aware of this, they put it on the end

Hirata: I trust you, Sudou-kun!

With Hirata shouting, Kushida and the other runners also gave high-pitched cheers to Sudou.

Of course, class D no longer has a chance to win the festival, but if we win here, future events may be greatly affected

He has the best timing I've ever seen. As the first runner, he attracted everyone's attention by passing 11 people at once. The applause and the confused cheers of the people mingled.

Sudou, meanwhile, maintained the lead by a margin of more than 15 meters and came next to Hirata.

Sudo: I'll leave it to you, Hirata!

Hirata, a hybrid type who excels both in classes and sports. He also shone like gold in this competition

One after another, the other students followed him, but the gap did not close, and just as planned, our leadership was maintained until the third Onodera.

If there was a problem, it happened after this point. Onodera was fast for a girl. However, the men managed to Decipher the difference by following her behind. Here, it was only a matter of time before the leadership was out of our hands.

Finally, it was Kushida's turn, we had fallen to sixth place now.Of course, the other classes had an advantage over us when it came to general ability.

Kazuki and the President seemed to be talking about something. Kazuki had a small grin as usual. Kazuki is obviously not as arrogant as Koenji,but he had a lot of confidence in himself.

He was someone who could be called the Genius of Geniuses,even those who are normally geniuses are probably not close to his level

In an instant Kushida caught up


He said, and the two of them started running. Their speed was so overwhelming that the other students were slow. One by one they were passing them all. The difference between the president and Kazuki started to open up decently,obviously Kazuki was faster.

he probably completed the 200 meters in a record time.
Horikita: Wow....

She said quietly , probably first time she see her brother lose

Sudo:That's it!!!

Hirata: Really fast wow.....

Ike:Oh my what was that speed?!?!

Everyone was in awe. It's a good thing I didn't compete,it would have been bad to draw so much attention to me.

there had been a difference between them of about 3 meters.

After the competition, they gathered around Kazuki. There were not only our class, but also other class girls. He's always been popular with girls, especially because of his looks, now he decently may be one of the most popular male students.

Kazuki POV

Minutes passed after the competition, especially our class seemed happy. But what mattered were the results

I waiting to general results

"Well now, we're going to announce the results of this year's sports festival—“

On the electronic bulletin board, we were divided into two Teams, Red and White, and the counting of points began

The sum of the total points earned from all 13 events. The winning team…

“The Red Team won.”

Now it's time to explain the overall scores of each class.”

the 12 classes were divided into three categories, the total score of each class was shown at once.

For us, the statistics of the second year or third year classes meant nothing. The important thing was the position and score of the D class.

1. Rank: 1-B Class

2. Rank: 1-C Class

3. Rank: 1-A Class

4. Rank: 1-D Class

It was the expected result,after all, as a red team, many of the points were earned by the upper A and D class. As early years we did not perform very well

Unfortunately, the class A that had won as part of the Red team finished third in overall scoring, and this returned to them as minus 50 points. Minus 100 points because class D is at the bottom....

Everyone was both sad and tired because it turned out this way. Everyone had done their best, but they could not prevent the drop in points. It was as if their efforts had been wasted.

"Finally, we will explain the most important classes 1,2 and 3.”

This is probably the part that Sudou has been waiting for the most.

If he could become the first, Sudou would be overjoyed because he would have won permission to call Horikita by her name. But—

"The Best Student of the first year Classes – From Class B - Shibata Sou"

Sudo:Guaaaah! So I failed!

Sudou, who had lost his last hope, screamed. Shibata is either 1st in all competitions. that's right, 2..

Sudou won 1st place in all competitions he participated in. he took his turn, but his well-known absence had a big impact.

Horikita: Sudou-kun, you didn't come first. You remember our promise, don't you?

Sudo:Yes, unfortunately I remember. But a promise is a promise.

Horikita: You have an unexpected determination, huh.

Horikita laughed lightly with a mocking attitude.

Horikita: I forgot to tell you, but I didn't say yes or no in response to your proposed request.

Sudo:What does this mean now?”

Horikita: If you come first, you should have called me by my name. You're the one who offered me such selfish terms, and it's normal for me to punish you if you fail in return, isn't it?

Sudo: Well, you're right, but…

Horikita: That's why I'm going to punish you for not reaching your goal. You will never use violence again in situations where you are not right. Can you promise me that?

Sudo: It's a punishment, isn't it? I promise.

Horikita: Of course, remember that you will not decide whether there is a just cause or not. It will be decided by me or a third party.

Sudo obeyed

Sudou may have realized his own stupidity because of this incident and decided to act more maturely. Horikita slowly turned around and started walking.

Horikita: But the truth is... at this sports festival, like you, I couldn't meet anyone's expectations.

Sudo:Ahh? There was nothing you could do, was there? You were hurt, after all.

Horikita: Yes, but I can't forgive myself. I need to be punished too.

Horikita turned around after these words and:

Horikita: As a punishment, you can call me by my name.

Sudo:What? O-Oi?

Horikita:This is also my punishment.

Sudou shamefacedly rubbed the tip of his nose with one hand and looked in another direction, seeming to blame the setting sun for his flushed cheeks: with the other hand, he tried to cover his face.

“Ohhhhhh, yes, it's great!”

Sudou shouted as if all his exhaustion had flown away from him and raised both his hands in the air.

A lot of students scattered around,so I went to my dorm room. After taking a cold shower, I put on my clothes and lay down on my bed.

Tomorrow the student council president was going to change

I'll probably go watch it
