Chapter 17 - Desperate Situation

Before boys had time to rest, they had to prepare for the next competition: rope pulling.

The 4 strongest students from class D, Sudo, Me, Ayanokoji and Hirata were selected

In front of us there was a B class,while the A class was paired with the C class.

I looked at the B-class students, they are probably a more balanced group in general, but I have full confidence that we will win.

We went to the rope alone,we were sorted by height order. Sudo was standing at the back,then me, then Ayanokoji, and Hirata was standing at the front.

With the referee's whistle, the rope pulling competition started,as I expected, they were equal with us. Sudo was using all his strength

Sudo:Arrrghhh, we can do it, don't stop

He's probably trying to give us motivation, I don't understand. Anyway, I started using more and more force, and the other side was getting closer to crossing the line. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't, I was using a high amount of power.


With Sudo's sign, we all used all our strength at the same time,of course, I didn't use all my strength, I could have finished from the beginning. And we won the rope pulling race. On the other side, the A class had defeated the C class.

We went back to the cabin, I sat down again and started to rest. On the other side, the girls had won their own race. Frankly, I think we're in an advantageous position. Now there was a girls' steeplechase race

We trusted Horikita, but she fell into the same group as Yajima-san and Kinoshita-san again. A coincidence? No matter how talented Horikita was, these two were experts in this field. It's really suspicious, as if the C class know about oyr competitors

The race started with the referee's signal.

Unlike the 100-meter run, which depends only on the speed and endurance of the person, there were various obstacles in the Deceleration race, but there was not as much difference between them as we thought.

After passing the balance board, the distance between them cecelerated almost as if they were running side by side.

Sudo: It looks like she has a chance this time

Sudo was also cheering on Horikita and holding his hands tightly as he watched. When Horikita passed the network barrier before the others, she managed to take the lead.

Since Kinoshita is a fast runner, she managed to close the brief cecoupling caused by obstacles, finishing 2nd.moved to the queue

Yajima probably wouldn't have a hard time getting the first place. Horikita was also doing her best to take the second place. When Horikita reached the sacks, she was slightly off balance and approached Kinoshita.

It was like a 1-2 second difference between them. Horikita was running at full speed for the remaining 50 meters. Meanwhile, perhaps she was worried about Kinoshita approaching from behind and was constantly looking in behind her sometimes for checking

This caused her to linger for a moment, and Horikita and Kinoshita came side by side. At that time, both Horikita, who was trying to pass Kinoshita with a momentary run, and Kinoshita, whom she was trying to pass, bumped into each other and fell.

From this distance, it was impossible for me to tell which one had fallen on top of the other, but there had been a fall, and they were both on the ground now.

Although they continued to compete, the competition did not have a huge impact.  Horikita surprisingly 7. It has happened. Kinoshita, on the other hand, could not continue the competition due to pain in her leg and finished last.

Horikita probably hurt her leg, it was like a planned accident,Kinoshita's eyes were always on Horikita ,as if she was looking for an opportunity to have an accident

Horikita came to the cabin and sat down

Me:Are you okay?

Horikita: I'm fine,it doesn't hurt so much I can participate in other competitions

No matter how hard she tried to look, she could hardly even sit still.

Horikita:I'm thinking about participating in competitions, even if it's crawling

She was really determined,I sighed

Me: You know, the next race will be the 'three-legged run'. Good luck

The men competed first. Sudo and Ike from our class had become partners. When the race started, Sudo roared and started running at full throttle, of course Ike couldn't keep up with him

He supported Ike, who almost fell, by holding sudo by the shoulder,as if he was racing alone. Sudo and Ike finished in first place. However, Sudo took first place in almost everything

Then the girls' three-legged race began, and the Horikita-Kushida pair began preparing for the second round.

The relationship between them was very deep and complicated, but since they both wanted to win, it probably wouldn't be a problem.

Not a bad start and the cheers started to go up.

Sudo:Come on, Suzune!

Sudo broke his promise and called her by name, but he's probably safe because Horikita didn't hear his voice

Horikita's movements seem to be inflexible

Me:She's really pushing herself

Ayanokoji: Yes... It seems like it's hard to get a good rank

Horikita always took the lead in training, forcing her partner to fit in with her. But right now, Kushida seemed to have taken the lead. As I expected, the pain in her leg was affecting her

She's trying to adjust herself to her own pace, but her body didn't seem to be able to keep up with it, that's what I observed

They do the best they can, but unfortunately they came last

there was a 10-minute break: some people ran to the sink, while others gave themselves up to drinking water.

Horikita said she was going to the infirmary to put compresses on her leg and headed towards the school building.

After a short break, the event ranking turned upside down for a temporary period, it was time for the girls' cavalry fight

The points were set up in a mechanism that would be distributed according to how many opponents were eliminated within a 3-minute period and how many allies were left. If it was a team, it consisted of 4 people.

Four people from each class(cavalry) were selected, and as a result, an 8-on-8 match was planned.
In case of an emergency, the selection of replacement students will be selected from the remaining students.

A cavalry group was worth 50 points. In addition, each class will choose one of its cavalry as a general cavalry, and the value of this general cavalry team is set at 100 points.

Stealing an opponent's headband was enough to get points : there was no requirement to knock down an opponent's horseman

When the signal to start was given, the B and C class cavalry decently began to close the distance between them. As I guessed, the person who was brimming with motivation between them was Ibuki from class C.Ibuki was the jockey, and without any hesitation, she gave the order to head towards Horikita.

The C class did not attack their other enemies, that is, the A class, and they also showed no interest in the general of the D class or other horsemen. They only surrounded Horikita's horse. Their purpose was very clear.

Four horsemen attacked Horikita. Will they take turns or was their goal just to defeat Horikita...?

Either way, it was definitely Ryuuen's finger.

Relying on us being outnumbered, a support from the A-class would be good.

Me: They're clearly targeting Horikita, aren't they? She's already injured, her condition will get worse

Sudo: Damn... this is probably Ryuuen's job. Fucking asshole

If you defeat the leader of a group, the group would remain without resistance. This was one of the most important tactics used in many wars.

Ryuuen's strategies weren't bad.

The cavalry under Karuizawa's command was the first to see the situation and take action to help. Shinohara ran there while supporting Karuizawa. However, Ichinose, a general horseman of the B class, got in their way.

Unlike the A class, the B class was neatly following the C class, which was moving according to their heads

They ran over each other,

Ichinose versus Karuizawa

I think we are in a desperate situation, they need to get out of this situation as soon as possible to support Horikita.

The three girls supporting Karuizawa were not so athletic: it was just a cavalry group of 3 close friends. On the other hand, the Ichinose horse housed the most outstanding and talented students of the B class

"Oh, very well!”

As the enthusiastic voices of the spectators increased, the struggle between the two horsemen began to change.Cheers were thrown.

The headband of one of the horsemen was stolen. They took Horikita's.

She was attacked by four horsemen at the same time and could not prevent their continuous attacks any longer, she was finally crushed. She fell off her horse quite ostentatiously and is currently on the ground, in frustration, trying to straighten his head and lift his body

However, in such a situation, even Sudou would not have a chance to win.

The reason for the defeat is the A-class, who did not immediately rush for help

Karuizawa, who was fighting Ichinose, was suddenly reduced to an 8-to-1 situation.
Kariuzawa managed to steal the headband of one of the B-class horsemen with his last fight, which was a suicide attack, and ended the fight with mutual death. A cavalry with losses of C class and B class attacked the remaining A class and destroyed them. As for the opposing team, they lost only two riders.

Horikita, mad with anger, returned to our camp. Sudou immediately called out to her

Sudo: Don't worry at all. Whoever it was couldn't have made it.They also came to help late anyway.

Horikita:... it doesn't change the fact that I lost. I was defeated by their attack...

The attitude of the C class, determined to crush Horikita, was remarkable.

And in the face of such an attack, no cavalry could stand.

Sudo: Okay, don't worry about it. This job is for me too. I'll make it up to you nicely.

Sudo coolly said that

Sudo: All right, let's go, guys!

Sudou shouted. The cavalry battle of the men was beginning. I was stationed on the right side of the horse. Sudou is in the middle and Miyake is on the left. Hirata took the role of jockey, and the strongest horseman of the class was established.

And I sat next to Horikita at that time

The D-class horsemen followed Hirata's orders and joined the A-class horsemen at the same time the start signal was given. If co-operation could not be obtained, definite instructions were to be given to direct all by force.

Me:How are you feeling?

While watching the match, I asked Horikita

Horikita: I said I was fine first

Ryuuen, who assumed the role of general of the C class, burst into laughter when he saw us. He attacked towards our cavalry

Me: It's pointless to upset your mood,we have a whole 2 years and months ahead. Even if we fail here, we will have a chance again

Horikita didn't say anything, she just kept looking at the ground towards her feet

Me: You did a good job

I said and pat her head once

She didn't make a sound, her cheeks were slightly red,was it because of the pain she was suffering? Or is it because she embarrassed? I don't know. For now, I'm focused on the match

I don't know what they were talking about, but apparently Ryuen was provoking Sudo,Sudo seemed quite angry.

Sudo was thrown forward and hit with his body. However, the enemy cavalry continued to stand without being affected at all by this. Their powers were equal. There was a Patch in the middle of the horse that I had heard of before. His strength was amazing. As I've heard rumors, he's a pretty strong guy.

In all the matches so far, Ryuuen has been lucky with his opponents and 1st in all the individual competitions he has participated in. It has happened. He was quite an athletic person

When he was in a non-defensive position, he extended his hand to grasp Hirata's headband. He grabbed the headband with his hand and pulled it towards him and let go. Suddenly, the headband on Hirata's head fell to the ground.

When Sudou realized that we had lost, he got down on his knees and Hirata fell off the horse.

Hirata's headband picked up from the floor, making a noise. Immediately after, there was a warning from the referee for us to leave the field.

Sudo:Damn it!

Turning wild, Sudou stared at Ryueen as he stood up. Even if there was a distance between us, he was shouting and talking. Especially Ryuen used something, Hirata tried to take the headband 2 times during the match, but his hand always slipped. Why was it so slippery? Did he put something on the headband? He was playing a trick, of course, as long as no one noticed, everything is fine for him

After returning to our cabin,Sudou showed no signs of calming down. I moved away from him to give him time to calm down.

Our order of participation in the competitions we accepted, the fact that Hirata was first on the list, and our strategies were all known to Ryuuen. Based on this information, he did two things

The first : he used weak students as bait for talented students like Sudou and Hirata. And then he forced non-athletic students like Ike and Yamauchi to face athletic students that he was unlikely to win.

Of course, we are also making efforts to complete our combinations. But
Class C is waiting for us to make a move because he knows everything. This way they will produce better results…

The other target is : Horikita. But this has nothing to do with leading your class to victory. He is trying to crush Horikita out of his own personal interest and desire. That's why he pairs up with powerful people to attack and crush him.

Sudo, on the other hand, was extremely angry,it seemed like he wanted to beat Ryuen....of course, if he has the power to do

Hirata: Calm down Sudo,you are our leader

Sudo:Shut up! He's the only asshole here! He's making a foul!

Hirata: I think he's probably committing a foul as well. But it's hard to prove that

Sudo: I am the leader during the sports festival. Tell me, Hirata, let's dive into Ryuuen together.

Hirata: I don't deny that you are the leader. There is no doubt that you are the leader here. But I want you to look around. How many people accept you as a leader right now?

Sudo looked around.

Starting with Ike and the others, who had witnessed his anger before, most of the students had distanced themselves from Sudou.They were keeping a distance between them so as not to incur Sudou's wrath.Horikita, too, was watching Sudou's speech and behavior with bored eyes.

Sudo:Shut up…

Hirata: That's how I feel too, Sudou-kun. I want you to see the big picture, Sudou-kun, because we absolutely trust you. And I want you to respond to the feelings of all your teammates.

Sudo:Shut up…

Hirata: You must be able to do this, Sudou-kun. Therefore—

Sudo: I told you to shut up!

The person standing next to Sudou,Hirata, was hit by Sudou

Sudou's eyes were covered with anger and he didn't seem to realize the mistake he had made.
If someone else spoke up, he would probably be the next one to be beaten.

Chabashira: What's going on?

Chabashira-sensei, who was responsible for observing the class, walked towards Hirata, who fell to the ground. Then she looked at the angry Sudou and the red swelling on Hirata's cheek, it was easy to understand what was going on.

Chabashira: Did you hit him?

Hirata: Not so, sensei. I just tripped over myself and fell.

Chabashira: It doesn't seem like that at all.

Hirata: You are wrong. Because I'm telling the truth

After few seconds silence she talk again

Chabashira: You're absolutely right. If the victim says there is nothing wrong, then there is no problem. But objectively speaking, it's possible that there's some kind of problem between the two of you. Put distance between you from now on.  So I will report to my superiors that I have taken a precaution

Thanks to Hirata's calmness, there were no problems. Hirata decoupled the distance between them so as not to get into Sudou's line of sight.

On the other hand, Sudou could not contain his anger any longer and kicked the pipe chair next to him with all his might. With Chabashira-sensei's eye on him, it was impossible for him to beat the C class.

For a moment Sudo looked at Horikita, who was watching everything, but she turned her eyes away. He got up and started walking towards the dormitory

Kouenji didn't join because of his fake illness, and now Sudou has left us. If we have to talk logically, the situation of class D was like shit right now
