Chapter 7: Summer 1988

:June 8th 1988:

(The Hansons were busy getting the baby's things set up in Isaac's room it was only a month till her arrival and there was so much to do, they originally thought of moving Taylor into Isaac's room but they figured that splitting Taylor and Zac wouldn't be good so they ultimately decided to put the baby's things in his) This looks so good!!! (Diana exclaimed setting up a shelf unit for framed photos, books, and toys) Yea I like it!!! (Zac said helping Taylor and Isaac bring some of the lighter things into the room) 

Yea it's pretty nice I suppose. (Isaac said setting up stuff on the shelves and taking things from Taylor who was just dropping things on the floor) Thank you guys that was very helpful.  Welcome mommy!!! (Zac exclaimed as him and Taylor set the rest of the little things down and walking out back to their room) This is probably the easiest baby furniture set up we had so far. (Walker said walking into Isaac's room carrying the finished crib and setting it up against the wall then helping Diana complete the last shelf) I think that's because we have three extra pairs of hands then usual. More people make work easier. Yea you are probably right. (Walker, Diana, and Isaac finished the shelves and then sat down on the bed and floor to relax as Taylor and Zac walked back in and sat down with them) Why everyone is sitting?? (Zac asked looking around at everyone) We are tired that was a lot of work and now we are regaining our energy, but I should finish lunch. (Diana said standing up and heading downstairs as Taylor got up and followed her) 

:in the kitchen:

Are you trying to help me?? (Diana said as she laughed to Taylor who was trying to get the dipping sauces out of the fridge and place them on the counter for the dinosaur nuggets and fries) He is becoming the mini chef and assistant. (Walker said smiling as he walked into the kitchen and helped Diana make the plates) Well I could always use an assistant for cooking, preparing, and cleaning. That's why you get a little 5 year old named Taylor!!! (Walker jokingly exclaimed as Diana just rolled her eyes and held the red plate out to Taylor) Here food for you. Boys!!!! Lunch!!! (Taylor took the plate and wandered into the living room with a juice box he had grabbed out of the fridge) Yay chicken nuggets!!! (Zac exclaimed as him and Isaac ran into the kitchen and got their plates and drinks) Yay now go on and eat I think Taylor wandered to the living room. (Diana said making her and Walker plates of their spicy nuggets and fries while the other boys went to join Taylor) 

:after lunch:

(after lunch was over Diana and Walker went ahead and starting cleaning everything up while Isaac and Zac went to play and Taylor fell asleep in the chair) That is one sleepy kid I'm telling you. (Diana jokingly said to Walker as she took a blanket and covered him up) Well that's Taylor for you gotta love him. (Walker said laughing) Yea yea I know that Walker he is an interesting one. (Diana and Walker finished cleaning up and Taylor woke up and joined his brothers upstairs in the playroom) Hi Taylor did you have a nice nap you slept for a good bit? (Isaac asked as Taylor walked in and grabbed his blocks and dinosaurs and then sat next to them) Yes!!! (Taylor exclaimed laughing and starting building a tower) Well that's good glad you had a nice sleep now let's play. (The boys played together for the next hour until speech therapy showed up to work with Taylor and Zac as Zac decided he wanted to join in therapy) Hi Taylor glad to see you dude, you ready for therapy? (the therapist asked walking in and sitting down on the living room couch as Taylor climbed up and sat on the chair) Hello!!! Yes!!! (Taylor exclaimed as he sat down and looked over at the therapist who was taking cards out of her bag) Glad to know you're excited for therapy and you're actually responding somewhat to me also hello Zac glad you could join us. (The therapist said as Zac walked out and climbed up on the chair next to his brother) Hello Miss Summers good to see you!!! (Zac said smiling at her as she grabbed the cards off the couch cushion) Nice to see you too!!! I need to work with Taylor on some picture cards. (Miss Summers said showing him and Taylor the cards) Oh let me do them too!!! (Zac said jumping up and down on the couch as Taylor laughed at him and stared back at the cards weirdly) Ok Ok calm down dude hehe. Alright Taylor what's this?? (she showed Taylor the first card and Taylor stared for a second before going back to laughing at Zac who had climbed up on the back of the chair and was hanging upside down looking at the card) That's a fish. (Zac whispered in Taylor's ear quietly and Taylor smiled at his brother) FISH!!! (Taylor exclaimed laughing and standing on the chair jumping around on it as the therapist tried to settle them down) Alright let's settle down please and sit in the chair so we can do this and it helps Zac if you don't give him the answer on his turn so he can figure it out himself. (Zac and Taylor just continued laughing but sat back down in the chair for a second before getting up and running to the kitchen and Miss Summers got up and followed them) Catch us!!!! (Zac said running with Taylor outside and in the playhouse outback laughing and sitting down at their small table as the therapist and Isaac who had ran outside caught up to them) What are you two doing??? (Isaac asked to Taylor and Zac who stopped laughing and looked at their brother who looked unamused to their behavior) We ran from Miss Summers she supposed to catch us!!! Yes she catch!!! (Taylor and Zac explained to Isaac who just rolled his eyes and opened their door so Miss Summers could tag them and end the game so they could get back to work but they just got upset that they were caught) Hey no fair you wasn't supposed to help her!!! (Zac yelled as Isaac who just shrugged it off and walked to the shed to get his bike) Let's get back inside boys ok and finish up this. (Miss Summers said as she started walking toward the house and they came out of the playhouse and followed her back inside)

:July 31, 1988:

(It was a July morning and Diana and Walker were leaving for the hospital for the birth, they packed the bags into the van and said goodbye to the boys before leaving)

:at the hospital: 

Walker: You good honey??

Diana: Yea I'm fine just a little pain I think I got used to the pain after having three boys haha.

Walker: Seems like you'd might.

(Walker said sitting down as the nurses and doctors came in and out checking on her before it was time for the birth)

Nurse: You ready for the birth Diana??

Diana: Yup let's do this!!

(Diana said as they went and Jessica Grace Hanson was born)

Walker: She is so beautiful!!

(Walker exclaimed looking down at Jessica and smiling as the kids' grandma walked in with the boys) 

Taylor: Baby!!!

(Taylor exclaimed as he and Zac ran over and carefully climbed up on Diana's bed while Isaac just walked over there and stood beside the bed with his grandma)

Diana: Her name is Jessica!!

Zac: Hi Jessica nice to meet you I'm Zac your big brother and this is Taylor he's got autism he doesn't talk much right and this is Isaac he talks a lot.

(Zac said explaining everything as everyone just smiled and laughed at him)

Walker: You like her Isaac?

Isaac: Yes she is so cute!!

Grandma: I love her too my first granddaughter been waiting for one of those. Do you like her Taylor?

Taylor: Cute baby. I hold her.

(Taylor said looking at his mom who just smiled at him and laughed)

Diana: You wanna hold her?

Taylor: Yes I hold her!

Walker: Alright here sit back next to mommy.

(Walker said setting Taylor beside Taylor as both him and Diana situated Jessica in Taylor's arms who just smiled at the baby and Zac moved in front of them so Isaac could climb on the bed too)

Zac: Awww she likes you Taylor!!

Taylor: Baby's cute!!

(Taylor said getting comfortable next to his mom on one side as Zac scooched and laid his head on Diana and Isaac climbed and sat on the other side of her)

Grandma: A mom and all her little people. The most adorable thing I've ever seen.

Walker: I agree with that statement.

(Walker said as he grabbed his camera out of the bag and took a picture of the moment then grandma and the boys headed home and left Diana and and them there then the next day they came home and started their new life with the first of four kids still yet to come)
