Chapter 18: Late 1992

(it was October 31st and the Hansons were getting ready for trick or treating) Waa!! (Taylor shouted in his ninja costume kicking his foot at the tree outside) Alright come on Bruce Lee you can beat up the tree afterwards. (Walker joked as Taylor jumped around kicking the giant rock in the front yard) Hop a long vamoose... come on. (Walker said grabbing Tay's hand and giving him his bag and lanyard and Taylor let go and ran up to his siblings and mom and they headed down the street and trick or treating walking to a lot of neighborhoods until the some of the kids started feeling overwhelmed and tired so they walked back home and sat on the couch and at the table sorting their candy and stuff) Look I got weird glasses with springy eyes! (Zac said showing off his glasses to everyone) You look wacky Zac but they are really funny. (Taylor said giggling and grabbing his pair and putting them on looking at Zac who laughed at him) I see what you mean haha you look hilarious. (Isaac and the girls finished sorting theirs and putting the bags away while Diana and Walker sat and watched tv and put the girls to bed and Zac and Taylor snuck out to the treehouse and climbed up sitting down with their candy) Ok what do we eat first like chocolate or skittles. (Zac said as they rummaged through the bags and Taylor pulled out a ring pop and and two cans of Slice soda from his sweater pockets) Well I'm gonna eat jewerly and here a soda. (Taylor grabbed a Strawberry soda and held it out to Zac who smiled big and took it opening it) Yum!!! (Taylor laughed at Zac and opened a can starting to drink his too and opened his ring pop and put it on his finger while Zac grabbed some chocolate and started eating)

:inside the house:

(Diana and Walker continued watching tv as Isaac came downstairs and to the kitchen to grab a can of Fruit Punch Slice soda from the fridge and stopped on his way back to look at the tv) Oh hey Isaac where's your brothers they need to go to bed soon and I know if we don't start early Tay will never go to sleep. (Diana asked turning to Isaac who slurped on his soda and shrugged his shoulders) I don't know they aren't upstairs I was just up there and they obviously aren't with Jess and Avie cause they are sleeping. (Isaac said and Diana and Walker got up and the three of them looked around for Taylor and Zac walking into the backyard and over to the treehouse where the boys were laughing and laying on the floor) Hello little goofballs you've been caught cause it's time to go to sleep zoom zoom. (Walker said as Zac peered down at the with his bag and smiled sweetly and climbed down the ladder handing Diana his bag and running after Isaac who turned around and ran inside) Come on Taylor that meant you too! (Taylor peered down at them and stuck his tongue out climbing into the tree more and sitting on a branch) NO!! I'm not tired yet!! (Walker and Diana rolled their eyes and Walker climbed the ladder into the treehouse and tossed Taylor's bag down to Diana who handed them off to Isaac who came back out and took them in putting them with the others while Walker reached up and lifted Taylor off the branch and set him back on the floor of the treehouse) Alright come on ya little crazy climb down. (Diana sighed as Taylor pouted and climbed down the ladder with Walker and then ran off towards the front of the house) Hehehe!!! (Taylor jumped around on the rocks in the front yard sticking his tongue out at Walker who followed him around while Diana went inside to check on Isaac and Zac) You are a whole workout aren't you. (Walker picked Taylor up off the rocks and carried him inside and upstairs to their bedroom and set him down on the rug) Hey I was not done jumping yet! (Taylor said trying to push Walker out of the way so he could go back outside but Walker wouldn't move and Diana grabbed Taylor some pajamas after making sure Zac was ready for bed while Isaac climbed into bed) You can jump tomorrow now come on pajamas. (Diana said as Taylor turned, looked at her, and sulked but he changed into his pajamas and climbed into bed) I'm not tired yet!!! I hads soda and candy. (Taylor said as Diana covered him up and kissed his forehead) Just close your eyes and relax and before you know it your sleeping. (Diana said as her and Walker said goodnight and left turning the lights off)

:December 12th 1992:

We need to go grocery shopping. (Diana said as Zac and Isaac sat at the table eating apples while Taylor played with Walker in the living room) Well if you wanna go while the girls are with Lindsey's kids we can go she said she'd let them hangout all day since they are only down the street. (Walker said getting up as Taylor ran to Isaac and Zac and they gave him some apple slices that he started eating) Yea I think we should go, you three finish your apple slices and we'll go. (Diana said and the boys nodded, so they finished up their apples and piled into the car to go shopping)

:at Walmart:

We need more slice soda mom me and Tay only have 2 cans left. (Zac said running to the soda aisle with Taylor following behind) I'm good on mine for now I got about 5 cans, unless you wanna get me more. (Isaac said as they followed the younger boys into the aisle who were already each holding a case of Strawberry slice and put them on the bottom rack of the cart while they decided to get more of Isaac's so they didn't have to worry about it) Alright we got soda and juice now the frozen section little peeps. (Diana said as the younger two ran out of the drink aisle and back up to the frozen section) Alright can you guys grab some kid cuisine meals for you guys and maybe some frozen pizzas just for quick meals. (Walker said as Isaac and Zac ran to get the stuff while Taylor just walked up and down the aisle peering at everything but stopped when he saw a bag of Perdue dino nuggets and excitedly grabbed it out of the freezer and running to his parents) I NEED THESE!!! (Taylor exclaimed showing them the bag of nuggets as they just laughed at his joy over them while Isaac and Zac put the pizzas and kid cuisines in the cart) Well then put them in then, I can admire the package later Tay. (Diana said as Taylor smiled and dropped the nuggets in the cart and they headed to the snack aisle to get chips and stuff. They grabbed some Doritos, nachos, cheese crackers, and Taylor grabbed a jar of queso putting it in the cart for the nachos. They then headed up to get all the fruits and vegetables and bread then went to check out and head home)

:back at home:

Alright everything is inside and in the kitchen ready to be put away. (Walker said pulling things out of bags and putting them on the table and placing the bags in a drawer while Taylor climbed up to the table with a divided plate and pulled the nachos and queso towards as Diana laughed and walked over) Trying to get a snack now Taylor we just got back haha. (Diana laughed helping him open the jar and bag and putting them on the plate) Yes could you get me a slice soda please mama I am thirsty. (Taylor asked looking up at Diana who was closing the jar and putting a bag clip on the nachos passing them to Isaac) Yea just get me one second I gotta help them put groceries away. (Diana finished helping the other boys and Walker put stuff away and gave Taylor one of the cold sodas and then everyone went off to do their own thing till the girls came home)
