Chapter 12: Late 1990

:Nov 5th 1990:

(It was Monday morning and the boys were playing with friends while Jessica was sitting outside the house with Diana, Walker and the friends' parents)

Cmon Taylor!! (Zac said as he turned towards the basketball game while Isaac was shooting a basketball with the other kids. Taylor looked up and smiled at the game but continued to sit there with his book and read) No thanks Zac I'm just gonna read. (Taylor said as Zac turned back and nodded before running off to join as a small 7 year old girl walked in the court and went to sit next to Taylor with a big bag of cheetos) Hi I'm Chloe what's your name?? (Chloe asked as she sat and opened her cheetos as Taylor looked up and peered over at her closing the book and putting the bookmark in it's place) My name's Taylor nice to meet you Chloe!! (Taylor held his hand out and they shook hands and smiled at each other but then Taylor looked away and over at the trees and kept peering back over at Chloe) You don't like eye contact either huh yea I'm the same way. (Chloe said as Taylor turned back to her and smiled slightly) It's not that I don't like it it's just difficult sometimes for me cause I got social anxiety and autism so I have struggles ya know. (Taylor said looking over at his brothers who were still playing basketball) Really?!! I have autism too!!!! That is so cool we both have it that means we can relate!! (Taylor's eyes went wide and he smiled big at Chloe's response) Really cool!!! (Chloe smiled back and nodded before grabbing her cheeto bag from next to her and looking over at Taylor) Want some cheetos?? (Chloe asked smiling and Taylor nodded and Chloe put the bag between them and they sat there talking and eating cheetos till it was time to go) Ok come on boys!! We gotta get home. (Walker shouted to the boys and Zac and Isaac ran over to their parents while Taylor stood in the court saying goodbye to Chloe who promised to come to his house soon and then he ran off and left)

:Nov 8th 1990:

(It was Thursday afternoon and the boys were doing school at the table while Walker was at work and Diana sat in the living room with Jessica and Avery and Zac was in the backyard) So who was the girl you were talking to in the basketball court a few days ago?? (Isaac asked Taylor who was writing a paragraph on the book he read) Her name is Chloe and she's got autism too so we talked that's it. (Taylor explained as he put the paragraph aside and grabbed his math) Are you sure? Cause it took you a good few minutes to say goodbye. (Isaac explained as he finished his math and went to his Social Studies work while Taylor finished up his math page and put that aside) Yea I was just asking if she'd want to come visit at our house and she said yes. (Taylor said and was reaching for his word bank pages when Zac ran in and to the kitchen) Taylor there's a girl named Chloe outside!!! (Zac climbed up and sat on the other side of Isaac as Taylor jumped down and ran outside) Who is this Chloe girl he seems super excited?? (Zac asked Isaac who was still working on his social studies) I don't know she's the girl he was talking to at the court ya know the one with the cheeto bag. (Isaac looked over at Zac who smiled at him) Oh yea I forgot about that Taylor was reading Runaway Ralph it's a good book. (Isaac looked over at Zac confused and Zac just smiled at him) How do you not remember a whole human being but remember what book Taylor was reading? (Isaac said getting up and getting a bag of Doritos and turning back to Zac who had jumped down from his chair and pushed it in) I don't know I just really like the book so it's easy to remember it. (Diana walked into the kitchen and set Avery in the high chair and starting collecting Taylor's and Isaac's finished papers and books and put them in piles while Isaac and Zac went outside to the backyard with Jessica)


This is so nice I love small rivers. (Chloe said looking at the water flow through the rocks as Taylor smiled) Me too, me and Zac come down here sometimes when we need a quiet space. (Taylor explained as he looked around the trees and Chloe smiled at him as Zac came running down the hill) Hi guys. (Zac said sitting down on the rocks on the other side of Taylor) Hi Zac I'm Chloe it's nice to meet you. (Chloe reached her hand out to Zac and they shook hands) Nice to meet you too Chloe. (Zac smiled at Chloe and looked over at the river throwing a tiny stone in) Did ya need something Zac or just wandering around?? (Taylor asked Zac who was getting up and heading for one of the trees climbing up onto one of the branches) Nah I just saw you guys sitting here so thought I'd join and say hi to Chloe. (Zac scooched over on the branch as Taylor joined him and they helped Chloe up on the opposite branch) Wow this is super cool I never climbed a tree before! (Chloe exclaimed looking around at all the trees she could see and turned towards the house seeing the blur of two people in the backyard) Who are the two in the backyard?? (Chloe asked) Oh that's Isaac and Jessica our older brother and one of our little sisters. (Taylor explained as the boys climbed down from the tree and helped Chloe down) Yea you should meet them too. (Zac said excitingly as him and Taylor brought her over to meet Isaac and Jessica) 

:Nov 17th 1990:

(It was Isaac's 10th birthday and everyone was setting up for the party and a bunch of people showed up to the party including Chloe who brought Isaac a gift and card) Thank you for coming Chloe and thanks for the present!! (Isaac said happily hugging her and putting the gift with the others) Oh you're so welcome I am glad to come although big crowds are kinda meh for me. (Chloe said back smiling and looking around the party) It's alright Taylor and Zac don't really like crowds either. (Isaac smiled and they walked over to where all the other kids were, Isaac went and joined his friends and Chloe went and joined Taylor and Zac who were sitting on the bench) Hey Isaac happy birthday dude!!! This is a cool party so far!! (Matthew said side hugging Isaac as Ryan and his twin brother Evan joined the kid group hugging Isaac and putting gifts on the table) Yea thanks dude my parents always kinda go big when it comes to parties. Also hi guys glad you could make it! (Isaac said smiling at the twins who were getting sodas) Ah of course dude we wouldn't miss this party I mean not like we ever have plans haha. (Ryan opened his Pepsi and took a sip as Evan nodded in agreement) Well do ya'll wanna go play some basketball I got a new hoop for my birthday and my dad just set it up. (Isaac asked the boys who were still sipping sodas) Yea let's go!!! (Evan shouted and the three guys turned and ran to to get the basketball with Travis who set his drink down and ran up too while Isaac turned to his brothers and Chloe) Hey Zac we are playing basketball if you wanna join we need an extra!!! (Zac looked up and smiled and stood up saying goodbye to Taylor and Chloe who were playing with Jessica and left with Isaac)

:during the game: 

Gee Zac you're really good where'd you learn to play that good. (Ryan said high fiving Zac who just shrugged his shoulders) I don't know just a natural I guess. (all the boys continued shooting hoops for an hour or so while Taylor and Chloe sat there and watched until it was time to eat and for Isaac to open gifts, it was a pretty great birthday and a great start towards the end of the year)
