Chapter 19: Early 1993

(Taylor sat as his table his desk in therapy group looking at his math paper casually looking over at Chloe who kept making funny faces at him making him smile until the teacher aid came and crouched down next to him) How about we start work ok and make funny faces with Chloe after. (Taylor turned and looked at her but quickly turned his head towards the window looking out at the grass) Tay... buddy come on turn here please. (Ms. Williams asked as Taylor looked back at his paper and side eyed Chloe who was talking to the teacher) Ok why don't we start and let's see how far we can get. (Ms. Williams said pulling up a chair and sitting down as Taylor looked at the paper and grabbed his pencil shaking it in his hand) Ok Taylor what's 70 ÷ 7? (Ms. Williams said pointing to the first problem) I don't know it... do I gotta do this? (She nodded at him and he turned back to the paper counting by 7s) Is it ten? (She nodded again and he smiled writing ten down and then Ms. Williams continued to help Taylor with the math work then let him and Chloe walk around the halls and get some energy out) Come on! (Taylor exclaimed as he ran down the hallway and Chloe shook her head smiling and chased him down the hallway catching him halfway down and they laughed as one of teachers of the Little Light House kids came out in the hallway looking at the two of them looking out the window laughing) Hello you two aren't you guys supposed to be somewhere? (Mr. Johnson asked as Taylor continued staring out the window but Chloe turned around and looked at the teacher) We are in Mrs. Langley and Ms. Williams' class but Ms. Williams said we could go out to the halls and walk around to calm down and get our energy out she said she'd let us out to the playground but Taylor has a habit of wandering off. (Chloe explained as Mr. Johnson nodded and smiled) Well if it's ok with the two of them my class is gonna be going out to the playground for recess you two can come with us. (He said as he grabbed Taylor's hand and walked him back over as Taylor started walking further down the hall looking out the window but turned and looked at Mr. Johnson and smiled) Really!! I'll go ask!!! (Chloe exclaimed as the teacher nodded and offered to watch Tay so he didn't wander and Chloe ran back down to their room and ran back and let him know they said yes so the two of them went with Mr. Johnson's class outside) 

:outside at the playground: 

(Chloe and Taylor ran around playing with the little kids until Taylor got tired out so he walked around the grass in circles and kneeled down picking grass out of the ground) Why don't you come sit with me Taylor so your not pulling out the yard haha. (Taylor walked over and sat down on the bench with Mr. Johnson and watched the others run around until Ms. Williams came out to the door) Taylor and Chloe ya guys have to come in the bus is almost here and ya gotta get ready! (Taylor and Chloe nodded and said goodbye to the other kids and Mr. Johnson then ran back inside the school and to class. Ms. Williams helped Taylor and a couple other kids get ready and then both teachers and Mrs. Langley's daughter walked out with the kids to ensure they all got on the bus then the three of them headed inside and got their things)

:on the bus: 

I think today was a good day except the reading that part sucked I am sure I read two lines like five times. (Jeremiah said scooching back in his seat as Taylor agreed) Yes but I think math sucked more I hate division. They should just throw it away and forget it exists. (Jeremiah, Ash and Chloe laughed and agreed as the bus pulled up to Taylor's house and Isaac was waiting outside for him) Hi Isaac!!! (Taylor said climbing off the bus and running to his brother who laughed) Hi Tay have a good day at group? (Isaac asked taking Taylor's bookbag and walking with him back up the driveway) Yes!! Ecept for math that sucks I told my friends they should throw it away! (Isaac laughed at his brother as they walked inside) It's except Tay not ecept haha pretty close though. (Taylor shrugged his shoulders and ran to join Zac in their room as Isaac hung his bookbag up and took his lunchbox to the kitchen setting it down on the counter)

:Feb 18th 1993:

I need more papers please! (Avery said to Zac who handed her more construction paper and went back to his drawing. While they were drawing and stuff in the kitchen Taylor was upstairs in their room playing with the lego table moving his dinosaurs having them jump and down on the buildings and castle and Isaac's newly built boat he continued moving his dinosaurs around the table until he launched his dinosaur onto the table and it smashed into Isaac's boat breaking some legos off so Taylor quickly ran over and picked up his dinosaur dropping them on the floor and trying to fix the boat but realized that too many pieces came off and he didn't know how to fix it so he yelled for Walker) Daddy come here it's an  emergency!!! (Walker ran in and over to Taylor who started crying) What's wrong Taylor? (Walker knelt in front of Taylor who wiped his eyes and looked back at the table) I broke Ike's boat see my dinosaur hit too hard and now it's broken. (Taylor covered his ears with his hand and started crying more kicking the leg of the table so Walker just picked him up and walked over to his bunk and sat down with him) It's ok Taylor I'm sure it was an accident I'm sure Isaac will be fine and he can just fix it. It's fine it's not broken. (Walker wiped Taylor's tears as Taylor reached over and grabbed his plush T-Rex hugging it and leaning into Walker who wrapped his arms around) But what if he cannot fix it then it is broken. (Taylor asked as Walker just rubbed his arm) Trust me Taylor he can fix it, why don't we tell him what happened. (Taylor nodded and Walker called for Isaac who ran in and walked over to his dad and Taylor) Ok Tay you can tell him what happened, it'll be fine. (Taylor looked at Isaac who looked a little concerned but smiled at his brother) I was playing jumping with my dinosaurs and my dinosaur flew on the boat and broke it. (Taylor said dragging Isaac over and showing him the broken boat on the lego moat and Isaac just smiled) Oh that's ok Taylor I can just rebuild it I kept the instructions see! (Isaac exclaimed pulling their drawer open and pulling out the boat instructions giving them to Taylor who smiled) Oh yay that's much better I was worried you were gonna be mad. (Taylor said jumping up and down happily and hugging his older brother who hugged him back as Walker smiled and left them to fix the boat together and went back to cleaning his and Diana's bedroom)

:March 18th 1993:

(Avery and Jessica were at their ballet dancing around as Walker dropped the boys off to piano lessons during his lunch break) Have fun boys! (Walker said as they waved bye and headed inside) Good morning boys glad you guys are interested in piano lessons. (Donald said as the boys came in and took seats in the chairs) Thanks yea we love doing music so we thought we would try piano too. (Isaac said as Donald sat at the piano bench) Sounds great well the first thing we want to do is learn music notes this will help us know what keys to play now notes only go up to G so we will never go higher than that. Do any of you know what your highest singing note is? (Donald asked as Zac and Isaac shook their heads and Taylor stared off at the paintings on the wall) Am I boring Taylor haha. (He asked looking at Taylor who turned back and smiled before sinking into his chair and hiding in his knees) I don't think you are boring Taylor has autism he zones out a lot and ignores people and stuff a lot. (Zac explained as Donald nodded and smiled starting his lessons with teaching the boys the notes and which keys are which notes and then allowed the three of them to try playing the piano freely and helping Taylor when he just looked up at the ceiling and slammed his fingers on the keys. About an hour later Diana and the girls came and picked them up and they went home)
