Chapter 16: Early 1992

(Taylor and Zac were running around the side of the soccer field with their sisters waiting for Isaac's game to be over they had already finished theirs so they were getting a little restless while Diana sat in a lawn chair laughing at them chase each other) Woo!! (Taylor shouted as he tackled Zac and they just lied in the grass laughing and the girls stopped running and sat down) Aww look who's all tired out. (Diana joked laughing as Isaac's game finished and the others stood up and grabbed their things) That was a good game we won!!! (Isaac exclaimed running over smiling as Zac smiled back) Yay!!! Great job dude!! (Zac and Isaac just happily talked about their games while Taylor just sulked a little he had gotten a red card again so he had to leave the game early again, he liked collecting the cards but hated having to leave the games a lot)

:back at home:

(Taylor peered into the living room at Walker who was sitting there with Avery and Zac watching TV before running into the kitchen and tossing his soccer stuff in the garbage then started heading back towards his room little did he know Walker was watching him throw the stuff away and got up and went after him) Hold it little munchy. (Walker said and Taylor stopped and turned around looking at him as Walker crouched down in front of him) Wanna tell me why you threw your soccer things away... I thought you liked it. (Walker asked looking at Taylor who just seemed really upset) Not anymore the sport sucks and I don't wanna do it anymore I will just stick to music stuff. (Taylor explained turning back around starting to run back off towards his room but was stopped when Walker picked him up and carried him into his and Diana's room and sat down in the chair with Tay on his lap) Now why don't you tell me why it sucks now. (Taylor just sighed and looked around) I keep getting red cards and having to leave my games early and it sucks there's no point of playing it with Zac and Isaac if I can't even stay in a game for half of it. I don't wanna listen to Isaac and Zac talk about how fun theirs are and I don't have anything to talk about. I don't wanna do anything else cause I suck at everything. (Walker frowned at what Taylor said they had tried so hard pushing Tay to try a few things and the one thing he seemed to enjoy at first turned out to be a bummer) Do you really not wanna play anymore cause if you really don't I will call your coach and tell him you aren't playing anymore. (Walker asked) Yea I really don't I just wanna stay home and play with dinosaurs I am good at playing dinosaurs! (Taylor exclaimed and Walker smiled hugging him and letting him go as he ran off to his room and Walker went to call the coach and tell him)

: April 1992: 

(The boys were sitting in the living room practicing their songs and stuff while Diana and Walker got the girls ready and they all left for the Mayfest auditions) I am so excited!!! (Taylor exclaimed shaking his hands as Isaac and Zac smiled) Me too!!!! I hope we don't mess up and get through performing for Mayfest would be fun! (Zac said and Isaac nodded agreeing with what Zac said as Diana and Walker just smiled at the boys' excitement) Remember to have fun though that's the most important part ok. (Diana said) Ok!! (The boys exclaimed as Walker pulled up and parked and they all got out heading to the stage for the auditions Isaac grabbed their number paper and stuck it to his jacket and they headed towards the stage while Diana and the girls took a seat and Walker started filming. They were called up to the stage and started performing a medley of 50s and 60s rock n roll and when they finished the audience clapped and the boys walked off the stage smiling cause they thought it went great)

Yay for my little rockstars!!! (Diana exclaimed as all three boys ran at her and hugged her almost knocking her to the ground and she laughed hugging then Walker came over turning the camera off and picking up Taylor and Zac who just laughed and Isaac and Diana picked up Avery and Jessica) Congrats you three you did really well!! That was really enjoyable!! (The Hanson family  stood and went home and waited to hear the results of the auditions and when the the three boys heard they went through and would be playing the Mayfest they jumped up and down and hugged their parents and sisters who all smiled at the news) Yay congrats guys you deserve this considering all the practice you did. (Walker exclaimed as they went and celebrated with the boys' fav food place and then headed back home to continued celebrating till everyone fell asleep) 

:May 8th 1992: 

(It was the first day of the Mayfest and the boys were getting ready to leave to head down and perform) Are you two ready to go?? (Isaac asked Zac and Taylor who were looking in the mirror and fixing their hair) Yea! (they both said climbing down their footstools and heading out with Isaac and the family headed down to the Mayfest festival) Are you guys excited to sing? (Walker asked as they all sat down at a table and ate hotdogs while another act was singing) Yea I am excited hopefully we don't mess up. (Zac said getting up and throwing away his cardboard and napkin from his hotdog as Taylor and Isaac agreed and turned to watch the other acts perform after about an hour the brothers went and performed while Walker filmed it and afterwards they stayed and enjoyed the Mayfest till the crowd and everything was getting too much for Taylor and Zac so they left for home)

:back at home: 

I would say this has been a pretty successful two months. (Diana said writing another gig down on the calendar so they remember it and went and sat with the younger boys who were playing with dinosaurs on the couch) I agree it's been fun to do all these shows and stuff I hope we do a ton more. (Isaac said smiling as the other two boys smiled and they spent the rest of the day hanging with each other playing and watching movies) 

AN: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter not as long as I wanted but with starting the Lucifer story and working on a second Hanson story as well as ya know life haven't had much time to think ideas. Feel free to check out all three stories if ya want and leave your chapter ideas!
