Chapter 5: Oct and Dec 1987

October 22nd, 1987:

(It was a warm day in Arlington as the family came together to celebrate Zac's second birthday)

Happy birthday to me!! (Zac started chanting all around the house as Taylor followed behind him oblivious to the song but was carrying his large dinosaur plush and a balloon) Happy birthday Zac!! (Isaac said laughing at his brother's chanting as Taylor dropped his balloon and walked off to the backyard, and joined Walker who was grilling burgers and hot dogs) Hey buddy wanna help me? (Walker asked setting a chair in front of Taylor and Tay just looked around the yard before dropping his dinosaur and climbing up on the chair) Ok buddy hold these real quick Walker said handing Taylor the tongs in which Tay started clicking them while Walker took the spatula and placed the burger patties on a plate) Ok now give me those and here (he said setting a plate, the buns and burger patties along with the spatula down on the table in front of Tay) Take a bun and a patty and make the burgers then put them on the other plate (he said as Taylor just weirdly stared at the sandwich stuff before sitting on his knees and grabbing a bun opening it and then looking back at Walker who was rolling hotdogs around causing Walker to look and over and smile) Now put a meat patty on it haha. (Taylor turned back to the patties setting the bottom bun on the empty plate and setting a burger patty on it then setting the top bun back on smiling at his work) Yayy now do the rest of them just like that (Taylor looked back and continued repeating the steps and made all the burgers setting them down on the plate in a sort of pyramid shape) Burger! (Taylor announced excitedly when he finished causing Walker to smile and laugh a little) Yeah look at that you made so many burgers!! Wanna do hotdogs too? (Taylor looked at his dad happily stimming to his dad's joy and nodding) Sounds good mini chef (Walker grabbed the hotdogs off the grill and put them on the other plate and handing them to Taylor moving the burgers out of the way and then setting down the hotdog buns and another empty plate) There ya go (Walker said sitting down at the table and watched as Taylor happily took each hotdog into a bun and repeated the pyramid shape signing the word more so his dad knew he needed more buns when he ran out. He then finished the hotdogs stimming even more at his work and his dad's joy over his accomplishments) Woo!!! (Walker beamed picking up his mini chef as everyone else came outside with more plates, silverware and some mac n cheese, Taylor giggled at his dad's excitement and looking at his mom and brothers who just laughed at the scene) Me!!! (Taylor smiled excitedly pointing to the plates of food) Ooo a mini chef I see. (Diana said setting down the mac n cheese and rubbed her son's head who was now standing on his chair) Should we eat now? (Isaac asked still smiling at his little brother who sat down in his chair and took a burger off the top and started eating) Haha I think Taylor answered that question. (Diana said taking a burger and putting it on Zac's plate as the neighbors and their kids came to the backyard setting gifts down on the other table and grabbed some food as well) I would say this was a good 2nd birthday so far huh Zac. (Jacob said stuffing his last bit of hotdog in his mouth) Yes it was great!! (Zac exclaimed jumping off his chair and running to his gift table climbing up on the chair that was set in front of it) Now we open these!! Hang on there little tike ahaha. (Diana said helping Taylor down off the chair and grabbed him his dinosaur before everyone surrounded Zac sitting down on the grass) Ok go ahead Zac. (Diana said as Zac excitedly turned around grabbing gifts and opening them, he got many cars and action figures, and of course clothes but the one that made him smile was a much bigger red car then he had already, and Zac thought about it for a moment before deciding something) Taylor come here!!!! (Zac shouted excitedly at his brother who was focused on his dinosaur and was paying no attention to his brother's enjoyment but looked up when Zac yelled his name) Here!! (Zac said holding out the red car to his brother who excitedly smiled and stood up and grabbed the car from his little brother who joyfully smiled at his brother's happiness) That's for doing a great job with the food. (Taylor smiled and signed thank you before hugging Zac and running back to Diana who was smiling at the exchange between Taylor and Zac, Taylor's communication has gotten so much better thanks to speech therapy and CBT and it definitely showed) 

:Later that night:

Vroom!!! (Zac said playing with his new cars on his bed while Taylor decided to help himself to another burger out of the fridge as everyone else watched TV) Still hungry? (Zac asked Taylor as his brother walked back in and sat on his bed Taylor just continued eating without answering, Zac just shrugged it off and went back to his cars before looking up when he heard slight crying and saw that Taylor was upset) You okay Taylor? (Zac asked quickly getting up and running across the room to Taylor who was curled in a ball holding half a burger and his stomach) ouch!! (Taylor said pointing to his stomach) Want me to get mommy? (Taylor nodded and Zac ran out into the hall to the top of the stairs yelling out for everyone saying something is wrong and they all came running up the stairs and over to the little boys' room) What's wrong Taylor?? (Diana said walking over and picking up Taylor who was screaming and crying with little coughs still holding onto the half of burger) He said his stomach hurt. (Zac said to Diana who was rubbing Taylor's head) Poor baby why is it hurting?? (she asked fixing his hair as he held up his half of burger so she could see) The burger??? Idk how that hurt his stomach they were all thoroughly cooked and he ate one earlier just fine. (Walker said confused as he looked at the sandwich) It must be something else, probably just ate too much that's all it'll be fine. (Diana said as Taylor calmed down and went back to his burger taking another bite) Well that isn't going to help you haha. (Diana laughed at Taylor who seemed to have completely forgot of the stomachache he just had and continued eating anyway. Diana just set him back down in bed and put both him and Zac down for sleep giving both some melatonin before shutting off the light and closing the door)

: December 1987:

It was December 22nd of that year and the Hanson family was packing up for a long ride to Tulsa OK to spend the holidays with their family. Diana was busy getting all the boys ready while Walker was packing up all suitcases and bags with snacks, drinks, and necessities. Taylor and Zac were hooked into their car seats and Isaac climbed in and buckled his seatbelt. Once everything was packed and ready to go Diana and Walker got in and they headed off for Tulsa. Are we ready guys? (Diana asked looking in the back where the three boys were either playing with toys or getting pillows and blankets ready for the trip) Yea!!! (Isaac and Zac yelled while Taylor just looked up and grabbed a blanket from Isaac) 

:In Tulsa OK:

Woo!!! (Their cousins exclaimed running at them as they entered the house and all of them started running around the house together till some kids fell asleep while others waited on breakfast, Taylor and Zac were sitting on the floor playing with cars and trucks while Isaac and one of their cousins were sitting on the couch and going through action figures) Breakfast kiddos!! (Diana yelled as everyone got up and headed to the kitchen and sat down at the table while Diana placed eggs and bacon with toast in front of them along with a cup of apple juice) Yum!! Ya this is my fav breakfast!!! (Everyone started eating their food except for Taylor who was slowly nibbling on a piece of toast and attempting to use the fork to grab eggs but resorted to using his fingers to eat them) Is it good Hehe! Ya know Diana, he gets more and more interesting every time I see him. (Their grandma exclaimed laughing at Taylor who was laughing at his grandma and sat up on his knees to eat his bacon and the rest of his food while Walker helped him with the fork and eggs, once they were done they cleaned up and went back to playing, Taylor and Zac were again playing with cars till Taylor started repeating ow) What's wrong Tay? (Zac said looking at his brother who was starting to cry a little and threw the cars at the wall signing mom to Zac who ran out to get their mom, Diana ran in the room and picked up Taylor who just hugged her crying and screaming as Zac came back in gathering the cars that Taylor threw and put them in a pile) What happened? (Diana asked as she rubbed Tay's head and looked at Zac) I don't know we was just playing cars. (Taylor lifted his head and started signing stomach and chest to Diana) Oh you're stomach hurts hmm) Must be the food he ate right? (Isaac asked walking in) I don't know but I have a feeling we are in for another doctor visit.
