Chapter 13: Early 1991

(the boys were sitting at the bench outside the swim team tryouts, Diana said they should try to do some extra curricular activities so she signed them up for swim and soccer tryouts) This should be fun I mean a good chance to make friends. (Diana exclaimed as the boys peered into the room at the pool, Isaac looked excited but Taylor and Zac looked unsure about the pool) Do we have to do swimming, I mean can't we do something else. (Zac asked turning towards Diana as Taylor nodded in agreement as Diana sighed) I'd think it'd be fun I mean Isaac seems excited about it I thought you'd be too. (Diana looked at Isaac who smiled in agreement then back at the other who just shrugged their shoulders) Then Isaac can do it and we can do something else. I mean there's gotta be something. (Taylor said as the four of them were called into the pool room for tryouts as they were the next group) Alright hello boys I am the coach and I'll just be observing you guys and Paul there in the water will be taking you guys through some basic things and directing you. (The coach explained and they nodded and Isaac climbed in the pool and swam over to Paul and the other two just stared down at the pool before climbing in and just standing there) You two gonna join us??? (Paul asked concerned as they looked up and swam over standing with Isaac, Zac looked down at the vent and starting picturing a shark in the vent and backed up and scooted closer to Taylor who was nervous but held Zac's hand) You ok Zac what's wrong?? (Taylor whispered pulling Zac over to the one side while Paul worked with Isaac on strokes) I think there's sharks in those vents and I am scared one is gonna come out. (Zac whispered back and pointed to one of the vents and Taylor turned and looked down at the vent and his nerves started to grow and he started panicking a bit quickly climbing out of the water with Zac and running towards the changing room running towards the empty room in the back and sitting down hyperventilating as Zac sat beside him and rubbed his back and looking over at the doorway) You ok Taylor what's going on??? (Zac asked concerned moving to sit in front of his brother who just ignored Zac and started crying covering his ears with his hands and burying his face in his knees) Taylor?? (Diana ran in the room with Isaac and ran over to the boys hugging Taylor and Isaac rubbed Zac's back who started tearing up and his cheeks turned red) Is this an autism meltdown?? (Zac asked concerned) I think so he'll be ok he just needs a minute. What happened to the two of you both of you looked like your souls left your body. (Diana looked up at Zac who frowned at her and sighed) I saw the vents in the water and I thought there was sharks in the vents and I got scared one would come out and I told Taylor when he asked if I was ok and he looked over and got all panicky so we got out and ran out back here but I don't my shark thoughts scared him. (Zac explained to Isaac and Diana who looked confused and found Zac's thoughts about sharks to be a little much but ignored it) I told you we can't do it just let Isaac do it. (Diana nodded as Taylor looked up and wiped his eyes smiling at Zac who wiped his eyes as well and smiled back, then Diana talked to Isaac who decided to stay and finish lessons and the get a ride home with Evan and Ryan and she packed up the younger boys' things and went home)

: February 8th 1991:

(Chloe and Taylor rode their bikes around the street while Zac rode a skateboard) Woo!!! I am so glad we don't have to do swim team it wasn't really our thing ya know!! (Zac said to Chloe and Taylor who smiled and laughed at Zac) Yea I don't I can imagine you two doing anything swimming related if you won't even stay in a pool 10 minutes. (Chloe said as Taylor and Zac just smirked and they rode down and pulled into the church parking lot and put their bikes in the rack while Zac picked up his skateboard) Ya'll wanna check out the church?? (Taylor asked Chloe and Zac who nodded and the three ran inside the empty church) What are we even exploring the podium or the kitchen haha. (Zac joked as they walked into the main room and walked through the church pews down to the small stage) and climbed up pretending they were actually at church and continued to do that till they got bored and left the church without visiting the rest and rode back to the house) 

:meanwhile at swim team: 

Kinda sucks your brothers didn't want to join us but hey I mean swimming isn't for everybody. (Ryan said as him, Evan, and Isaac got ready to get in the pool) Yea but Taylor is a little claustrophobic and Zac has this fear of sharks so it's understandable why they didn't wanna do it. (the boys walked out and joined the rest of the team by the pool on the benches they listened as the coach and Paul explained everything then they got in the pool and warmed up) Alright today we are gonna do the exact same thing we did during tryouts we are just gonna do some basic warmups and strokes feel free to go in whichever section of the pool you feel most comfortable with and go ahead and do some strokes back and forth from one side to the other. (the coach said as all the boys went ahead and got in the 12ft and 5ft deep sections and practiced their strokes, then they all did some warmups and activities like retrieving colored rings until it was time to go) How was swim team Isaac?? (Walker asked as Isaac got in the car closing the passenger door behind him and buckling up to go home) It was really good we just did a bunch or warmups and small activities to build up skill it's really fun to be on the same team as Evan and Ryan. (Isaac explained as they pulled away and headed for home. Yea it was a very eventful day at home with Avery and Jessica. Taylor and Zac spent their day outside with Chloe riding bikes and skateboards, and riding down to the church. (Walker rolled his window down a bit as Isaac nodded) Sounds fun but I mean a church??? (Walker explained on the way home that they wanted to explore the church but they got bored so they came back home)
