(2) late night chat

Louis Tomlinson's pov. 

  Good Lord was Evelyn gorgeous. I couldn't get over those eyes of hers. Like they could captivate anyone they wanted to. 

  "So Evelyn..." Harry tried making conversation with her and I gave him the stink eye. "have a boyfriend?" he smirked that stupid smirk that I wanted to slap him across the back of the head for asking right in front of Paul. 

  Evelyn tensed up and choked up her water. Her eyes became red and my face softened. Niall's mum pulled her in for a hug, scolding Harry while Paul stood and said something to Harry but my eyes were focused on Evelyn who seemed to begin hyperventilating slightly. 

  "I'm fine." her voice shook as she tried to reassure her father but he didn't seem convinced. "If you'll excuse me..." She walked away from the table and Paul stood up. 

  "I'll talk to her, I'm a woman. I understand her better." Harry's mum stood up and after scowling down at her ashamed son, left in the same direction Evelyn did. 

  "Is she going t'be okay Paul?" Niall asked Paul quietly and he shook his head. 

  "I knew this was a bad idea," he sighed and looked at Harry across from him. "It's not your fault Harry. she's had some...rough relationship problems and well..she took it harshly as you can see." Paul rubbed his hands over his face and I pondered. 

  What could have happened? Maybe they fought a lot. 

  I stuck with that conclusion until Harry's mother came back with a triumphant smile; Evelyn in tow. She made contact with no one and shyly stared down at her plate, saying nothing for the rest of the dinner.

  All she ordered was a salad and soup while the waiter rudely checked out her breasts. I cleared my throat and glared at him making him back down immediately. I realized Paul watched me do this but quickly averted his eyes elsewhere. 

  Nobody said anything about the incident for the rest of the time. Each of us just talking to our parents but Evelyn not talking neither making eye contact with Paul. 

  Evelyn Higgin's pov. 

  Dad was right, this was a terrible idea. I wasn't going to talk to anyone for the rest of the dinner which was nearing the end. I would make a fool out of myself even more and Lord knows that's already happened. I almost cried in front of five major pop stars over some stupid abusive ex-boyfriend. 

  The waiter looked at nothing but my breasts while I was ordering and didn't try to hid it. I'm surprised dad didn't say anything but eventually Louis cleared his throat and the waiter probably assumed we were together. Blood rushed to my cheeks at the thought but I hid my face with my hands so no one would see. 

  I was anything but ready for a relationship at the moment and sure Louis was extremely, extremely handsome but how could I trust another man after something that horrible happens to me? I can't just forget it. 

  I was too deep in thought about Louis when someone called my name. "Eve?" dad brought my attention back while everyone stared at me. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

  "Huh?" I asked looking at him. 

  "Zayn asked what you do for work darling." 

  "Oh, sorry. I, uhm, work at a small little bakery close by where I live." I smiled slightly at the thought of the warm little shop that smelt a great deal of coffee and muffins. 

  "You seem to like it, yeah?" Louis asked me with a small grin and I nodded proudly. 

  "You know, I used to work at a bakery." Harry prompted, trying another conversation. 

  I smiled at him shyly and took a sip of my water. "Alright boys," my dad stretched out his limbs and put his cloth napkin on the table, rubbing his stomach -something he does when he's ready for bed or a nap after eating. 

  After paying we were standing outside making small chit chat about random things such as tour. Not so much me talking but the boys. Louis stood close to me and you could tell my father was watching us with hawk eyes. He didn't even try to hide it that well either. Probably trying to scare Louis. I don't think it was working because when a gust of wind blew through I shivered and Louis offered me his leather jacket; my dad to involved in scheduling times in their phones for upcoming events.

  "Won't you be cold?" I said quietly, afraid of what he would do. Oliver messed me up pretty good. 

  "It'll be worth it, trust me." he wrapped the warm leather jacket around my shoulders as I inhaled. Just like I used to do with Ollie's jackets. But Louis wore nicer, probably more expensive cologne.

  "Thank you." I smiled. I slipped my arms through the holes after Louis told me to because I was full on shivering now. Their parents slowly began departing one by one, leaving the boys- because they lived in a flat together- and my dad and I.

  "Alright then boys," he looked down at Louis' jacket wrapped around me but I avoided his gaze remembering he told me no flirting but it wasn't flirting it was just Louis being a nice friend. That's all really. "Time for bed." they all groaned and I giggled quietly. 

  From the corner of my eyes I saw an adorable grin spread across Louis face when I giggled and I smiled. Once we were all loaded into our separate cars and driving away I realized how tired I was. 

  Just before I could drift off to sleep we pulled into the driveway of our semi-mansion in our semi-rich neighborhood. I gasped and clutched Louis' jacket that still clung to my body. "I was wondering when you were going to notice." dad smirked and I glared at him. 

  Right before I was about to go to bed, I noticed a piece of white napkin sticking out from his jacket. Picking it from the pocket I realized what it was. 

  It read,


In case you need me for a late night chat. xx 


Louis xx

 My heart fluttered at the thought of him preparing this as a surprise for me and I clutched it before placing it ever so gently on my dresser. I did a little dance and relaxed into my mattress, trying to fight the smile that was taking over my face and winning. 


