(7) not yours

Evelyn Higgins' pov.

  I stayed silent and so did he. His hands still gripped the bars tightly. "What are you thinking about?" I asked quietly after a couple more minutes of silence. Louis looked at me and I shivered. 

  "Are you cold?" I noddded and he walked closer to me grabbing my hands and leading me inside again. He sat me on the bed and began pacing in front of me. Running his hand through his hair several times, he made it distorted and sticking up. Finally, I grabbed his arm as he passed by and sat him down next to me. He sighed. "I'm sorry, about reacting that way, it just makes me angry." 

  I nodded again. Standing up, I pulled him with me. "I want to show you something."  He smiled weakly and followed me again. 

  We tip toed across the hallway towards my fathers office -the only other room with a balcony, but with a way better view than mine- and shut the door quietly behind us. "What are we doing?" Louis whispered and only the moonlight hit his face. 

  "You'll see-" I knocked over a box and it's contents spilled out. We froze at the commotion. My eyes dropped to the objects that now layed onto the ground. I tilted my head to the right and furrowed my eyebrows. Slowly I leaned down and picked up a pink teddy bear that said congrats! and squeezed it. Louis stood behind me looking over my shoulder. 

  The next was a letter from a woman, obviously, name Martha. There was only a couple short sentences written on it but they were harsh and seeped through the paper; indicating that the pen was pushed down hard. There was stains on it and it was crumpled. 

  She's not yours. She's mine and I will have her. These bars will not hold me back. I am coming for my baby. I am coming for you all. 

  "Who is that from?" Louis grabbed it from my hands and I jumped. "Sorry." he chuckled. He read over it, furrowing his eyebrows. I picked up another piece of paper and smiled. My birth certificate. 

Evelyn Marie Higgins. It read. Gaurdians; Martha Duke & Shane Duke. I frowned. What? Who is Martha? Who is Shane? 

  "Louis," I nudged him and he looked up from the letter, and onto the one in my hands. "I-I'm..." I stuttered. 

  "I'm adopted." 


