(20) murder

I feel like there should be more then 20 chapters because of how long it's taken me to right this. lol, oh well. here it is! enjoy!

brianne xx.....

  Evelyn Higgins' pov. 

  "What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows. How she really died? I was told she died in a car crash ever since it happened. No one has ever told me differently. 

  "Your birth mother, went to jail not only for alcoholic consumption while pregnant, but for the murder of my wife." His voice wavered and he put his head in his hands. "She...she shot her, and she tried to shoot me as well but...she missed. Everyday, I wish it was me instead of her. I wish I was the one who had to die, not her. She had so much to live for." 

  "Why did nobody tell me this?" I spoke quietly. 

  "You-you were so young, I couldn't tell you that someone murdered your mother. You wouldn't have understood..." I nodded as the tears pricked my eyes. Standing up I walked around to his side of the desk. I had never seen him cry before, but I know he was from how red his forehead, that was peeking out in between his fingers, was. 

  "Dad," I held him. "Don't cry. Mum wouldn't want us to cry or to regret. She would want us to move on with our lives and be happy. And you know that...it's time to accept what happened and let it go. We can do this, as a family. Mum will always be watching over us and making sure we're okay. Just like if she were still here." 

  He hugged me back and squeezed me. "I love you," he sniffled in my ear. 

  "I love you more, dad." 


  "Babe," I looked up from my phone at Louis and he sat next to me on the couch. "What are you doing?" He looked over at my phone as I scrolled mindlessly through twitter. 

  "Nothing," I shrugged. 

  "The guys want to see you. They haven't seen you in weeks." he said. I thought about: I really haven't seen them in a couple weeks. Which is weird because they used to be over 24/7 after the incident. "Are you up for it?" 

  Suddenly a wave of paranoia and anxiety washed over me at the thought of being alone with five guys. What if one of them tries to hurt me? No one will be there to help me.. What am I even thinking? I trusted the boys before this, they  would never hurt me. Would they? I took a deep breath.

  "Uh," I stalled, trying to think of a way out of it. 

  "Please," he grinned cutely at me and kissed behind my ear slowly. My anxiety calmed a bit. 

  "Alright.." I agreed hesitantly. "Louis?" He hummed into my neck. "They won't..hurt me, right?" he pulled back with a confused expression. 

  "Never! What's wrong, Evelyn? I thought you loved the boys." He frowned and pulled me closer to him. 

  "I do! With all my heart. It's just..that was before I knew that more men are capable of doing what Oliver did to me." I trailed and Louis kept his frown. 

  "Love, you have nothing to be worried about. I will always protect you, but they would never lay a hand on you. Or even think about it.. trust me, they know you're my girlfriend and not theirs." he grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

  My heart swelled. "I love you," I smiled at him.

  "I love you more." Louis leaned in towards me and slightly touched my nose with his. 

  "Not possible," I teased. 

  "It obviously is since I'm capable of it." Just as I was about to respond with a witty response he kissed me, knowing he won our little argument and at the moment, I didn't even care.


  We pulled up to the house that the boys were in and I shook my knee nervously. 

  "Relax, love." Louis stopped my leg with his hand. "Everything will be just fine, just act like you normally do and so will they. Be yourself; they love you already." I nodded curtly and opened the car door, waiting for Louis to come around the other side. 

  Once he reached me, our fingers subconsciously intertwined and we began to climb the steps to the mansion together. After what seemed like a minute, we reached the front door. Louis rang the doorbell and seconds later it flew opened. 

  Harry grinned widely and threw his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground and forcing Louis to let go of me. My whole body tense up and my breathing became short. 

  "Harry! Let go of her." Louis snarled and Harry slowly let me down, giving Louis a wide eyed look. He clearly got the message and frowned, leading us inside. 

  My hands were trembling and my knees felt weak. Louis put his arm around my waist and looked around us to make sure nobody else would make the same mistake. "Breathe," Louis whispered in my ear. "I'm right here." he said faintly and kissed my cheek to make it look like he hadn't said a word. 

  "Evelyn!" Niall shouted when the three of us entered the living room and Zayn and Liam looked up at the sound of my name. I smiled at them. I truly did miss them and I wish I wasn't so nervous around them. Maybe it will just take a little bit to warm up...

  I flinched a little when he did so and Louis moved his thumb in circles on my waist, under my shirt. I took a deep breath and sat down. 

  "There's our little runaway!" Liam laughed and smiled at me and my muscles relaxed some. I laughed as well and Louis grinned when I did, seeing as I was beginning to get a bit more comfortable with them.  

  "That's me." I grinned at Louis and he laughed. 


okay so i need some help deciding... end it, or keep going? if keep going message me some ideas bc idk what to do! thanks! please comment your answer, and vote, love you all!

brianne xx
