(25) caught

Evelyn's pov.

  As soon as we arrived to my house, I went straight to the bathroom and quickly shut the door behind me. I could hear Louis sigh once the door shut. 

  I searched for my first aid kit that was under my counter and fished it out. At first I applied disinfectant and cream to keep germs out, and cover it with band aids. 

  "Evelyn," Louis knocked on the bathroom door. It slowly opened and I tucked the first aid kit away. "Are you okay?" 

  I nodded and avoided eye contact with him. He sighed and grabbed my hand."Babe-"

  "I'm going to get some sleep." I snatched my hand back. I slid past him and into my bedroom to find some new clothes to sleep in. Louis sat on my bed and watched me as I moved across the room towards my closet. I undressed and slipped into a t-shirt, not bothering to put on pants and just sleeping in my panties. 

  I walked past Louis and onto my bed, laying under the covers and turning on my side, away from Louis. "Eve." Louis said softly and crawled next to me. "Please talk to me.." He kissed at my neck and instead of the butterflies I was used to, sickness erupted throughout the pit of my stomach and I didn't like it. "I'm sorry they all came at us at once and I couldn't stop it. If I had known this was going to happen, we would have gone somewhere completely private." 

  Tears well up in my eyes and I sniffled quietly. The girl's words constantly replayed like a broken record inside my mind and it was ringing in my ears: "dirty little whore"  "slut"  "you don't deserve him"  "you're being paid!"

  "Babe? Are you crying?" Louis tried to roll me over but I resisted and wiped my eyes frantically. 

  "No." I mumbled and cleared my throat. 

  "You're lying," He moved hair and tucked it behind my ear. "Tell me what's going on."

  I shifted to my back and stared at the dimly lit ceiling. Closing my eyes, I tried to say it but I couldn't. My mouth was trying to form the words but no voice was following them. 

  "I don't think I can do this anymore." A few tears slipped out of my eyes as I looked towards Louis who was on his side, hovering over me. Confusion and panic filled his eyes. 

  "What are you talking about?" He said slowly. 

  I sighed. "Sometimes I wish that my dad never took this job, and you and I just had a perfectly normal life together without fans and paparazzi and rumors..." I explained and relief flooded Louis' face. 

  We sat in silence for several minutes. Neither of us saying a word. My heart pounded as I thought of the girl again. How could someone say such a thing? Even to their worst enemy. 

  "Evelyn." Louis rolled on top of me. I raised my eyebrows in response. Louis pressed his lips up against mine softly and moved slowly and tenderly, like I was a porcelain doll. My smiled broke the kiss and he peeled his eyelids open to see me already grinning up at him. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." Louis whispered. 

  I shook my head. "I've been nothing but trouble ever since I met you." 

  "I like trouble," He smirked. "It turns me on." I laughed loudly and he kissed down my neck. Louis always knew how to cheer me up, even if he didn't really know what was going on. I rolled on top of Louis and this time I left love bites down his neck. He moaned in response and pulled my face up to kiss my lips.

  Suddenly the door to my room opened and the footsteps stopped abruptly. I shot up and came to the sight of my father staring back at me red-faced and wide-eyed.


sorry this is short i had a really hard time writing this.

writers block<<<<<

brianne xx
