(19) home

Evelyn's pov.

  The next few weeks were some of my hardest. I was in a lot of pain and couldn't do the things I wanted to. A week and a half after I was submitted to the hospital, the released me and gave me some pain medicines; which only last for a total of two hours before I'm back to, what has come to, the strong aches throughout my head and body.

  My father and I aren't exactly on speaking terms as of the moment. He apologized and I did as well, but I was angry with him for lying and he was angry with me for leaving.

  "I tried to warn you about her, Evelyn." He shook his head. "She doesn't want you as a daughter."

  "I know dad, okay? I get it, I messed up." My father did nothing but sigh and mumble something under his breath before walking into his room and locking the door behind him, where the boys and I couldn't disturb him from his daily sulking.

  The boys have been over a lot. I've been left to do things on my own when my dad isn't home so that leaves Louis rushing to my side, in case I need him. Louis thinks I'll hurt myself pouring cereal into a bowl. It's not that I don't enjoy or like his protective side, I just wish he wouldn't be so worried.

  "Louis," I sighed. "I'll be fine for the night, seriously. Go home with the lads and get some rest...you look brain dead."

  "I'm not leaving you alone. Something will happen," he protested and shook his head no.

  "You have to go to rehearsals at some point otherwise management and my father will kill you. You're being over protective." I giggled ruffling his hair, making him groan.

  In my opinion, I think he feels guilty for not finding me before the men and my mum could do terrible things to me. I try to tell him everyday that it was not his fault but he refuses to listen. Now, he stays by my side, in hopes to keep me away from all danger.

  "What if you fall down the stairs and break your leg?" he lifted his eyebrows and I laid my head in his lap.

  "I'll call you." I smirked.

  "What if you can't speak because your drowning?" Louis tested me.

  "I'll text you!" he groaned and kissed me on the cheek.

  "I'm not leaving baby. Are you trying to get rid of me?" I laughed at his question.

  Of course I want him by my side twenty-four-seven, but unfortunately he's world wide famous and I think girls would go a little crazy if the Louis Tomlinson went missing.

  I gasped. "Never!"

  "You're a terrible liar." he grinned, looking down at me and shaking his head.

  "I want you stay all the time, I really do. But you have a job to do, and sooner or later you're definitely going to get tired of me and my pain all the time." 

  "Never in my lifetime will I get tired of a face like that." He smiled and leaned down to press his lips to mine.

  "Okay fine, but tomorrow, you go home for two or three hours and actually let the boys know you're alive, at least!" he chuckled.

  "Sure, sure. Whatever, I'll get right on that." Louis pressed his lips to mine again and held my face.

  "Evelyn!" my father shouted from his bedroom.

  "Yes?" I asked and sat up.

  "I need to speak with you." he suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs and Louis' hands dropped from my face and my waist, to let me go.

  I followed him into his office and sat down on the other side of his long and wide desk that was filled with papers and magazines about One Direction. 

  "What's going on?" I asked.

  "It's you're mother...my wife." I nodded and urged him to continue. "I need to tell you-" he choked up a little but cleared his throat.

  "Dad, it's okay, you can tell me." I gave him a weak smile and he nodded.

  "I need to tell you how...-how she really died."


authors note:

im so glad I started writing this again it's really fun.

anywhoo, go follow @sugarplumluke and read her Calum Hood story "Afraid". it is so detailed and very well put together I can't even put into words how good it is.. so yeah. follow her, vote on her book, read her book all that shiz. byeeeee please vote!! 
