Say I Do

The sunlight streamed down through the tree branches above us. Everything looked like it came straight from heaven. White, wooden chairs were set in 8 rows with 12 seats in each one. They were all filled, some with children and others with older people. Gold, emerald, and cream-colored petals were on the grass and flowers of the same colors were strung on the backs of the chairs. 

Everyone stood up, looking at you. Taron looks up from the ground and just stares at your dress (pictured above). He bites his bottom lip and looks at your eyes. You smile at each other.

"Oh my god." you hear someone say from the crowd and look to find it was one of your cousins. He's smiling at you and gives you a thumbs-up, making you giggle.

As you start to look around, you see more of Taron's family and your family. Your mother is standing in the front, your dad's chair is empty beside her. Your father tightens his grip on your arm and he smiles at you. You smile at more people until you get to the seventh row. 

When you look at Taron again, tears have wet his cheeks. One of his friends beside him has handed him a tissue and he's using it. He starts crying again when he sees you looking at him and laughing under your breath. 

Once you get to the first row, he's stopped crying and your dad is standing beside your mom. You walk the last few feet and stand apart from Taron. His cheeks are starting to get puffy.

The Officiant in between you and Taron starts speaking. After he gets done with the greeting and addressing you two, it's time for the vows.

Taron speaks first, "Y/N, I knew this day would come but I didn't think it would be this sweet. I love you so much and I am going to spend the rest of my life with you. I'll treat you like royalty." 

A few kids giggle at his accent.

It's your turn and you can't get your smile off of your face. "Taron, I love you more than you know and I promise to be there for you when times are rough. Wherever we may be or whatever stage of life we're in, I will always love you no matter the circumstance."

He starts smiling as well. He puts the ring on you and says, "With this ring, I thee wed." You do the same.

"Mr. Taron David Egerton and Ms. Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband, and wife. You may now kiss the bride." he smiles at y'all.

You hold your breath and you both lean in. As soon as your lips touch, all kinds of emotions run through your body (excitement, confidence, happiness, and bliss, to name a few).

With this one kiss, you have symbolized that you're married.

This one kiss, has left you, breathless.

- I know some of you guys don't like this story, but that's fine. I hope I have some who do. Anyway, here's a detail I didn't add into the story: you were back in your hometown state for the wedding. I loved making this story so much and I hope you enjoyed reading it! Thank you so much for everything! 

