Muswell Romance Festival

Taron and you hold hands as you walk across the white brick walkway. Pink, light red, and white petals fly through the air as people pick them up off the ground and throw them everywhere. The sun makes everything seem pastel and fairytale-like. You look up into the cloudless sky as three airplanes fly overhead. The right and left side ones are pink and the middle is white. They make streaks and loops throughout the sky.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" you say.

"Yes. But you're more beautiful." Taron says, kissing your forehead.

You smile and look around at the trees with clear Christmas lights in them. The leaves are white (the Dogwood trees) and pink (the Eastern Redbuds). Children run across the petal-littered ground laughing and chasing each other. A couple sits at a picnic table sharing a footlong hotdog and a large drink, possibly coke from the drops in the straw that didn't go down with the rest of the liquid. An old couple take a picture of their grandkids under a beige wedding arch with vines and light pink flowers twisted around the main piece.

"Look over there." Taron points to a man who is proposing to his now fiance. They hug and it's obvious she said yes. 

"That's so sweet." you say, squeezing Taron's hand.

Taron and you walk up to a small stand that smells like the carnivals you used to go to back home.

"What would you two like today?" the vendor asked. He looked like he would rather be somewhere other than here; like at a skate park or hanging out with his friends playing a video game. His unenthusiastic expression doesn't phase your happiness.

"Can we get two large Dr. Peppers, two hotdogs with mustard and relish on it, bun too, please, and then one funnel cake. Thank you." you smile at him.

"Okay, I'll be right back with that. Please step to the side while we make it. Thank you." he says, obvious impoliteness in his tone. You send a sharp glare at him but then quickly regain your normal, happy facial expression.

Taron guides you to a small table after you get your food and you sit down. The bench softly creaks.

"Thanks for bringing me here. I love it." you say, taking a bite out of your hotdog.

"You're welcome. I thought it would be fun to go out somewhere." Taron replies. He takes a sip of his drink through the white straw striped with two blue and red streaks.

After awkwardly eating your food because you only have one accessible arm, you wait for Taron to finish his half of the funnel cake.

"Whew," he sighs, "I'm full. Soon, I'll have to take a nap."

You laugh. "Yeah. Me too."

Taron gets up and throws away all of the trash at a nearby can sitting close to the rude teenager's stand. You get up with both of your drinks (two in one hand, which you've perfected since you've gotten the cast on) and walk with Taron around the festival.

As the sky turns a faded violet, Taron walks to the vehicle and unlocks it. He opens the door for you and you gratefully take it.

"Such a gentleman." you tease.

He bows, "Just doing my job, madame."

He closes the door and jogs around to his side. He gets in, starts the vehicle, and you just sit there.

"The fireworks should be starting so-." he starts, but a loud boom with a series of crackling sounds interrupts him.

"Very soon." you say. He reaches for your hand across the table and you grab his.

The fireworks (all different colors, patterns, and sounds) are over after about seventeen minutes. He drops you off at your house, kissing you in front of the door.

"Bye, Y/N." he says, kissing you one more time.

"Bye Taron. Thanks for tonight. I'll repay you sometime." you say, smiling against his soft lips.

"Don't worry about it." he winks. He walks back to his vehicle and you wave after him until he's out of sight, and even after, you stand in front of your house. 

You fall asleep that night happy and full of warmth.
