Messages and Voicemails

(This part will also be short, but it's only going to consist of the voicemails and messages Taron sent you (the reader) and will have no complete story-line. Thanks for reading!)


Y/N, I am so sorry. I just.. I don't know what to say. I know that was wrong of me, and I don't know why I did it. Well, I do know why I did it, it's just hard to say.

Please, answer me. I know you see this. I'm sorry.

Y/N, please. You'll see me at the studio the next time he calls us in. 

You can't avoid me forever.

Y/N. I miss you, honestly. Please don't just up and leave like this. I know it was wrong of me. I'll stop.

Listen, Y/N, I stopped talking to her. I'll be honest with you from now on and won't cheat on you again. I promise. Please.


Hey, uh, Y/N. I really miss you. I miss your smile, your laugh, your kiss, everything! I want you back. I want to be us again. Please answer me.

I'm trying not to become desperate. I know I've kept on for two days about this, but I'm so sorry. Please, please, please take me back! 

Y/N, I'm just so sorry. I love you.

I'm just about to give up. I know you're mad at me, but I'll change. I swear I will. I swear on the Bible.

This is my last try. I miss you so, so, so much. I love you, Y/N.

(The next part will be the day after this, when he actually does stop messaging and voice-mailing you. Thanks for 203 views! I hope you guys enjoy these parts and if you have any concerns, comments, or questions, message me or comment on my latest part! If it's something about a certain part, comment on that part so I know. Thanks!!)
