I Love You A Lot

You planned to meet Taron downtown at the Royal Oak again. If anything happened, such as you got mad, you'd have a drink in your hand.

"Hey, Taron. So, are you ready to explain?" you ask, sitting across the table from him. He is wearing nice clothes, but not like when you met his parents. Just a red plaid button-up shirt, some khakis, and a pair of black Under Armours.

"Yes. I'm so sorry, but.." he paused. He was starting to choke up.

"But what?" you ask. Your voice rises up from your throat, clawing its way out, anger like the fowl smell from a dead carcass.

"She was an old friend. She was hurting and I hated to see her like that. I guess I just got caught up in her and I wasn't thinking right. Will you please forgive me?"

"I don't know, maybe. What reason do I have to forgive you anyway? You betrayed me. I saw it. I saw you kiss her and have your arm around her like she was a long-time girlfriend. I thought I was." Your voice starts rising, and you are the one choking up now. Tears are gathered at the edge of your bottom eyelids.

"I know.." he quietly agreed. "I don't have any reasons for you to forgive me. I did wrong. I still love you more though."

"It would be my dream to forgive you, but right now. I just can't." you say. A few tears fall down your face when you blink and everything goes blurry. You look up at him.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. Honest to goodness." he says. His hand finds the side of your face and his thumb wipes away tears. You're lucky there are no people in the bar with you because your mascara is horrible now. 

"Come with me." he says, standing you up and taking you outside to his vehicle. 

Your cries die down by the time you get home.

"You're beautiful, Y/N." he says, unlocking the door and dragging you upstairs to your room.

"What are we doing?" you ask.

"Something that'll show how much I love you." he says.
