Double Trouble

(Time skip of 6 months and three weeks after more trips. You're coming to see the babies and Taron will find out the gender.)

As you walk into the hospital room, you look around. It reminds you of the room you were in when you broke your arm. Looking down at your cast, you smile at it. This trip is better than the last one.

"Okay, just sit on the bed and the OBGYN will be with you soon." a nurse smiles at you. 

You smile back at her. Almost right after she leaves, the doctor comes in. He tells you to lay back, pull your shirt up to your bra, and he puts some cold gel on your stomach. He takes a scanner hooked up to something that looks like a T.V. and nothing but black and white shows up. He moves it around some. Goosebumps appear on your arm.

"Ah, see, there it is." he says, laughing.

You can barely make it out, but you can see the head. He moves it around more. Taron grabs a hold of your hand and squeezes it. He smiles at the screen.

"That baby looks pretty healthy and fat. They usually are though." the doctor assures you.

After moving it around a few more times, he gasps and happiness floods his eyes. He must have seen this a million times, but the emotion is genuine.

"You're having twins!" he says. He walks over to Taron and whispers in his ear.

"You can go. Just wipe that off with this towel." the doctor hands you a white towel that's warm, like it was just pulled from the dryer.

"Oh, and Merry Christmas." He walks out of the room.

You look at the calendar hanging on the wall. December 5th. 

"Nearly Christmas." Taron smiles.

"We should have the baby shower on December 10th. Five days should be enough. Right?" you ask. You start wiping the gel off of your stomach and then pull your shirt down and get up.

"Careful," he says, "I don't want you or the baby hurt. And December 10th is fine."

As you leave the hospital, you can't stop smiling. Twins. Double love, double trouble.
