No Call Backs On My Back

(A month later, after going to some therapy classes.)

You walk out of the small room, your therapist waving goodbye. As you lean you head on Taron, a smile spreads across your face.

"How are you feeling, Y/N?" Taron asks, looking down at you. He walks a little faster to open the door before you get to it and you walk through.

"I'm feeling better." you say, looking up at him. "I know there was nothing I could do, but I still feel pain, y'know? They were my first, our first, babies, and then they're gone just as soon as they came into the world."

"I miss them too. Not as much as you, obviously, but I think you'll be fine. You seem to have improved since a month ago." he smiles at you. 

A cold breeze hits your face. New Years was a few days ago, and your resolution was to stop mourning and get out and live your life.

As you get into his vehicle, you miss yours. They weren't able to fix your car and you don't have the money to buy a new one. Doctor bills and therapist visits have almost burned you down to your last dollar. You turn on the seat warmers as soon as you sit down and turn the air on. It's chilly outside and the breeze makes it colder.

As soon as you get home, you call your mom and dad.

"Hey, honey." your mom says, her voice sweet through the phone.

"Hi, Mom. How are you and Dad?" you ask her, laying down on your couch, a blanket pulled over your feet.

"We're good honey. Your dad says hi too. How are you feeling?" she asks.

"I'm good, Mom. I'm doing so much better than I ever thought I would, to be honest."

"You know, Y/N, you sound like you're starting to get an accent. And we're happy for you. Here's your father. He wants to talk to you for a minute."

"Okay. Hi, Dad." you say when you hear the phone move from hand to hand and a familiar grunt of your dad sitting up.

"Hi, honey. What are you doing?" he says.

"I'm laying on the couch. What are you doing?" 

Taron sits down across from you and watches.

"I'm sitting in the chair watching Sanford and Son. You know. Your mom is right. You sound so grown up and different. We miss you but we hope you're doing good over there. I think we made the right decision."

"I think you did too, Dad. I'm doing fine. I'm going to go back on the set tomorrow. We're shooting the mental scene then. We've already shot almost half of the movie. Doggart says I'm doing good, which I guess is a compliment. Taron has been helping me, too."


"Yeah, Dad. The guy that plays Eggsy in Kingsman? That movie you love?"

"Oh, right, that young man. I know him. He's a fantastic actor."

Taron chuckles, obviously able to hear everything your dad is saying.

"Well, I was just checking in, Dad. I wish you guys the best. Have fun."

"You too, honey. Your mother says bye and we love you." he says. It's almost like you can hear the smile in his voice.

"I love you too and no call backs on my back." you laugh and hang up.

"No call backs on my back?" Taron stares at you curiously.

"It's just something we say to each other. Basically like saying 'No, I love you more.'" you say.

"Oh, well, I love you more and no call backs on my back." he laughs, cuddling up next to you.

(Little history: I did not just make that up. My Aunt and I always said that just before she dropped me off for church and it was our little thing but I thought it would be cute in this story at the moment.)
