Girl's Day

(This is going to be a shorter chapter.)

A new message arrives on your phone, along with the missed calls and unread messages from Taron. This one is not from him, but Aubrey: We need a girl's day.

Aubrey arrives around 1:23 P.M. with a large box of tissues and two movies; Girls Trip and Atomic Blonde.

"Which one first?" you say, heading back to the couch with the tub of ice-cream and two spoons. The couch is covered in blankets and pillows. Aubrey is cuddled up with a large gray blanket.

"How about, Atomic Blonde. Girl power!" she says, tossing a piece of popcorn at you from a large bucket filled to the brim with popcorn. 

Your eyes are still somewhat swollen shut because of all of the crying you did last night, but that recognition is in the far back of your mind.

After watching both movies, eating the entire tub of ice cream, and finishing the popcorn, you feel much better. 

"I have to go home and cook dinner for my sister. She's passing through on her way to her new house. Bye, Y/N." Aubrey says, getting up, putting her shoes on, and standing by the door.

"Okay. Bye, Aubrey. And thanks so much for doing this for me." you say, sinking farther into the blanket. Sleep threatens to take you over.

"Hey, it's what friends are for." she says. She leaves and you fall asleep when you can't hear her car's engine anymore.
