3 days before Red release

It was Saturday night in the club was packed with urban business ballers in a couple of celebrities. But, even with the presence of many young black, worthy, and handsome men Beauty still spotted Akua as soon as he walked though the door, Like metal feeling for an magnets there eyes connected.

Just from a look of his eyes Beauty's body erupted into pleasure. Although Tiffany had her friend matched with someone else, she couldn't help the uncomfortable wet feeling in the middle of her legs. In Beauty had forgot all about Money, in what he was trying to whisper in her eyes for her eyes where fixed on a King.

She was never sure about the rumors before but, as he walked toward her shaking hands with some of biggest businesses man in their wives she had never been so sure of something her whole life. She saw it in his eyes that he was in fact who the city said he was. He walked like a King. Head high, shoulders back, in with a confidence that could be seen by any one. It scared her but, turned her on at the same time.

And as he grow closer Beauty body become more yearning of his touch. It was as if her whole body was being set on firer in could only be thowrn out by his hands. "Hello, Beauty." Beast ignored Tiffany, Rolla, Ace and his brother. She was beautiful, and he couldn't help to see the look of lust in her eyes. Her dressed was silk in black long but showed a clean cleavage giving it a a small sex appeal. But didn't go unnoticed by Beast.

"How you doing man?" Rolla had spoke first. As the two stared at each other everyone sat quite. And he was staring to feel awkward.

Reaching his long body down to shake hands with Rolla Beast never took his eyes off Beauty. And either did she.

Her body tenised when she saw him. She didn'tt notice the tears that escaped her eyes until He lifted his hands to whip them. "I....I....I have to-to," she looked around for an excuse. "To go to the bathroom." She said quickly.

She hadn't talk to him since the last time they had spoken in the phone. But, she would be lying if she said she never thought about him, the kiss or that intment moment they had in his kitchen. Her body still burn at night hoping for his touch that never came. The fact that he didn't want her hurt her. And she didn't know why. Because she want Akua in the worst way. No man had ever had that much control over her body and it had been weeks.

There eyes never parted each other, since the moment Beast walked into the club. Beauty's hand light touched his as it still whipes the tear from her eyes. She stands and removed hIs hands only to walk away, leave five confused faces including Beast.

Money looked confused, he thought she had like him. But, was he so very wrong. "Aye, Dollar is it? Stay away from her." Beast looked directly into his eyes as he spoke. In without saying anything else walked away from the group in followed her though the club. He he had no idea where she was but, he guessed the bathroom as she said, so he jogged though the crowd pushing his way around. He had lost her once, he had on intentions on losing her one more.

When he got to the bathroom it was a line. He knew she couldn't have been inside  already with how long females take in the bathroom so he slowly started looking though the line. When he spotted her in the middle of two black girls who was also beautiful but, not as beautiful as she.

Beauty felt someone starring at her. She slowly turned her head to the side in locked eyes with Beast. She sign as if she was annoyed. But, really she was relieved it wasn't Money.

"Come on, you could go to the bathroom in my office." He held out his hand out waiting for her to take it. Looking from his hand to her serious face. She shakes her head.

Rolling her eyes she says, "I'm good here."

"I wasn't asking."

She couldn't believe he thought he could just come up to her in start speaking. He didn't even say hi to her when he walked in. He just looked at her in continue to conversate with Rolla. "Leave me alone." Her voice cracked a little bit. She was surprised to hear it herself. But, even more surprised when she touched her face in tears where falling once again.

"Come here, so we can talk." this time he didn't take no for an answer. He lightly grabbed her arm and walked her to his soundproof office.

Walking into the office it got quite as he closed to the door. Beauty walked slowly towards the his desk in made herself comfortable pushing his name tag to the side and sitting on his desk with both legs open making her legs visible because of the slits in her dresse. In the middle covering her private parts. "Are you drunk?" He asked.

For some reason Beauty was feeling bold. Her pussy was throbbing, in so was her heart. She was turned on and she couldn't help that fact that she need Akua like she needed the air to breath. For some reason he had bought out her inner freak without doing anything but, walking into the room. "I don't drink." It was true. She couldn't blame the liquor for her new found boldness all she had was a coco cola. It was he. She needed him. He was her drug.

Cane who was standing in the middle of the room with a now big hard on stared at her as if she was a women. His women. And after tonight he made up his mind that she would be.


Beast wasn't to fund of many people so when Red introduced Rolla to him around 12 years ago he was very surprised they he not only liked him, but he trusted him. Yes Rolla, had started off at the bottom by just being a shooter, and he was very good at his job. It wasn't long before Beast had started letting him participated with table meetings, pick ups and drop offs. He didn't even notice he was being promoted until the last minute.

One of the things he like about Rolla was his eye. Rolla had the eyes of an hustla. He could sense when somthing was about to go down just from his surrounds. And as he sat there in looked around at all the smiling faces it wasn't hard to notice the one face that wasn't. He locked is eyes fast on the angry face, in notice that he had never seen him before. His hand instantly went for his gun on his hip.

"Baby?" Tiffany, he stop. He had forgot Tiffany was with him.

He locked over to his right quickly and answered even though he wasn't every paying any attention. "Huh?"

"I hungry. I need money for food." His eyes went back to the target.

Where the hell is Beast?!

"Aye you?" Rolla had lean over in whispered in Moneys ear who sat next to him. "Go find Beast, we got company." 

Without hesitation, Money had gotten up and did what he was asked. Rolla was a little surprised by his reaction. He was cool in moved as if nothing was wrong. He wonder if Beast had it all wrong, was Ace the real gangsta between the brothers or with the right guidance was it Money.

Ace had somehow gotten to drunk to even open his eyes. He wouldn't be able to stand up straight. Lucky for Ace right now he wasn't a target he was nearly just a pond in a chest game. But to Beast he was the next to take over. And with this he would have to learn that everywhere he steps he at risk. And needed to be on high alert at all time. Rolla will definitely tell Beast about his little heir as soon as he could, he couldn't help but to see that Beast mistake about the two brother. Ace was definitely not the smart one.

But this surprised came right on time, for it was an perfect excuse for him to get his wife the fuck out of there without alarming her.

"Baby, do me a favor. Take Aces key and drive him home for me. His had a little to much to drink." Tiffany had look at Rolla like he had lost his mind. But, on the inside she was screaming with excitement.

She hadn't seen him all week in her pussy was starting to miss him.

She sign, nodded her head than help Ace up off the couch. "You help her." He pointed to one of the security man.

You might've thought with all this time Rolla should have lost the target. But, no Rolla was a lion on his hunt. He may have a few animals around him but, he had never taken his eyes off his pray. Rather his pray noticed him or not. Rolla was always one step of head even if you didn't no it. He thought fast on his feet exspeailly when there was danger. And even though nothing had happened yet, he could feel the vibes in that was all the alerts he needed.


Money had looked everywhere for Beast. He was nowhere to be found. Getting frustrated, he started to call his name in opening offices, closets, liquor cabinets, and other storage room until he had finally got to an big black door that had the word MAIN OFFICE craved  into it.

He kind figured he would find him there saying that Money searched all though the club with no luck. So he knock and waited for a response.


He put his ear to the door in he heard sound like screaming in a lot of movement. Slowly he pulled out his gun in looked around to make sure no on saw him. The last thing he needed was another case. He felt the handle, in the door wasn't locked. When he opened the door the screaming got louder but, no on was in danger. Instead money saw Beauty sitting on the desk one leg on Beast shoulder the other hanging off. Her dressed was long gone in so was her panties as Beast barred his face into her treasure box. Her nibbles was hard and her 36DDDs looked good as they stared to bounce from her shaking into climax.

She was beautiful, in her naked body was a site to see. Even with the little Puge she had. He had never been into big girls before. But, Beauty was definitely an exception.

"Ohh shit my bad, I thought someone was dying." Quickly, Money turned his body trying to hide his devilish smile.

"Aaaaaahhh!!!! What da...." Beauty had yelled. Jumping off the desk pushing Beast face out of her box in quickly hiding her body behind him.

She hadn't even notice Money had walked in. She was to into the spell that Akua put on her with his tougue to even hear the door open. He had her feeling like she was high off ever drug every made. He kissed ever part of her body as if it was his last time. The way he looked into her eyes the hole time his mouth run all over her privates told her that he was a man. In his was not afraid to look into his women's eyes when giving her pleasure. With one leg on his shoulder in the other on his desk, Beauty grabbed the back of his head as if she wanted to put his hole mug into her pussy. She looked down right into his eyes as she started to get more comfortable and grind her hip along with it and then his right hand went up to her left nibble and he start to pinch it. Hard. At first it hurted just a little but, then she found herself wanting him it do it harder. "harder baby." She demanded. In that's when his hole hand cover her breast. In she could feel herself about to release for the first time in her life. "Ohh shit!! Oh shit!! Ohhhhhhh shhhhhhii AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! FUCK!!!!" It was so good. She knew she wanted this good thing to last forever. In by the hungry look in His eyes so did Akua. He had lick the reminding of her sweet juices as she braced herself she knew it was more to come.

But like they say all good thing have to come to an end. That exactly how Beauty felt when she heard Moneys voice. Quickly she tried to cover herself but, it was to late. As she hide behind Akua big bold body tears started to build up in her eyes. There no telling how much he saw. No one had never seen her body so nude but her mother, in Akua in she wanted to keep it that way. It was precious to her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt but, we have a problem." He said with his back still turned.

"Okay I'll be out in a minute." Beast stood there shielding Beauty, waiting to hear the door open in close. When he did he signed. "I'm sorry its my fault, I should've lock the door." He slowly lifted her chin up and looked into her water eyes. He felt bad but, it wasn't no doubt in his mind that she wasn't over reacting. But, he wouldn't dare tell her that. He could tell she was sensitive, and soft. Which kind off began to frighten him. With the life style he was in, he was diffinely going to have to role play. In he wasn't sure if he wanted to hide his life for someone he was supposed to trust if there where going to be together. How could her trust her?

He rubbed his thumbs across her face whipping tears away. "I'll rib his eyes out of there sockets if you want me to."

That made Beauty laugh, "your so silly." If only she knew how serious he was.
