At 24 and 23 years old Ace in his brother are deep in the game. The streets called them Double Trouble. You will never catch one without the other, that's how they keep each other safe. After being in the game for over 10 years the boys are ready to have there own territory. They're done working on corners, in checking in with the bosses. They wanted something of their own. The take over started with Queens. In now it's Chicago.

The expansion in Chicago was supposed to be good for them. But, Beast controlled more then half of N.Y, Atlanta, in all of Chicago. Not only did they not know about all these territory expect for Chicago they didn't know how connect in feared he really was.

"So what are you saying Cee?" Ace said to his younger sister Cali, calling her by nick name.

The small family all gathered around the big Friday's dinner table, eating their food in discussing business. Ace in Money Haven't seen their little sister for quite sometime now they where both surprised at how filled out she was. She was 16 but, a body like a 22 year old runway model in a face of an angel. A man worse nightmare, she was the real double trouble.

"He runs one of the biggest cartel in America in by steping on his territory and stealing from him you just cut yourselves off. Everything that gets  distributed its ran by Beast first. So your connect is no longer your connect. You jus dried yourselves out, in don't even no it." She said well taking a sip of her Sprite well waiting for her brothers to respond.

"How do you no so much about are business?" Money asked from across the table with a mug on his face.

"Look that not none of your concern." Cali was not about to tell her brothers that she was fucking Prince for a week now, in once he gets drunk his uncle business starts to roll off his tongue like vomit. "I'm only tell you this cause I could help."

"You, you can help? What? You fucking Tony Mantana or something?" Money never had a liking for his little sister. It wasn't a secret that Cali got around. She even had sex with a couple of their friends back when she was 14. The only reason why he tolerated her was because she was family.


Rolling her eyes Cali turn her attention to Ace, he was always her favorite brother anyway. So the fact that Money in her never got along didn't bother her one bit. She wasn't here for him, she was here for Ace. "Tiffany, she's my friend from school she graduate last year though in she fuckin' Rolla."

"Who the fuck is Rolla?"

"Nigga if you let her talk she will tell you." Ace snapped at his brother.

Cali smile at Money mocking him in continued with her story, "Rolla, is Beast right hand. His the only motherfucka' in this world that he half way trust. In from what Tiffany told me Rolla wants to set up a meeting between the you in Beast."

"In what if it's a fucking set up. Hell nah lets go Ace." Money didn't trust nobody but, his brother. Blood or not Cali guilty until proven innocent.

"Benjamin, if he wanted you killed you would be dead already. No question asked." She called him by his government name causing him to flip her the bird.

They started to argue with each other as Ace sat back in his chair in started to think. He didn't have the men to go to war with an cartel. Obviously Money didn't get all of the information before they made this move in it was starting to piss him off.

Even though Money was the oldest Ace felt like he always had to baby sit his brother. Once again their in a situation because Money thinks with his gun instead of his brain in now Ace has to clean up the mess before they get killed.

"How much we got left?" Ace had finally spoken causing both of them to be quite in face him.

"Nigga we got bout' 16 bricks left in that ain't shit. That's not even an whole days of work. What the fuck, we go do?" Money asked, he knew he messed up big time but, had to much pride to admit it. "Let go back to New York."

"In sale what nigga, hopes in dreams. N.Y barley got shit either. We don't got a choice right now." Ace was pissed. "We go to N.Y get clipped cause he coming after us. It's either work for him until I think of a plan to kill this nigga or jus die now, which one Money? Since you know every fucking thing." Money said nothing. "I sent you down here to get information not to fuck bitches in kill niggas. I sent YOU! TO LISTEH THATS IT! In you ass couldn't even do that. You might as well tie the rope around are necks your gotdamnself cause that nigga, Beast! he gone kick the chair." Turning his attention back to Cali he stood from the table and pushed his food on the ground. "Set the shit up."


From the day she laid eyes on Beast Beauty haven't been able to get him off her mind because of 2 reasons. One because that name rings more then a school bell during the week, in two because her body ached for his touch again, it's getting worse as the days go by. But, in the back of her mind she couldn't shake some of the things she heard about the man next to her.

There was no secret that she liked him but, she also liked her life. In the stories she was told about a man name Beast was frighten to her.

He doesn't look like a drug dealer, no tattoos, he has a nice car but, not a drug dealer car, no True religion, baggy jeans, he at Friday's with an Armani suit in dress shoes. But, he does have an gangster appeal. Maybe it's the wrong guy. She thought.

"So why they call you Beast?" Beauty walks out of Friday's with Beast on her side. His arm wrapped around her waist in her body leaning closely to his.

"Who's calls me that? My name is Akua." They had finally made it to the car in were standing in front of the passenger seat door. Beauty look at him then rolled her eyes well smacking her lips. Jokingly Beast did it back to her mocking every move.

She smiles. "I hate you."

"Ohh." His eyes went wide playfully, in he softly pushed her to the car so her backside was touching the door. "You hate me now, why you gotta be so mean to me." His voice was soft in it sent a wet flow of water to Beauty's underwear. Beast looked deep into her eyes in slowly begin to move forward Beauty knew he was going to kiss her.

"I hear bad things about you Akua."

"Oh really what do you mean morning dove?"

She smiles at his little nick name he gave her, in her cheeks lit up like fire cracker at the 4th of July picnic.

Yeah, they have the wrong guy. "No worries." She looked deep into his eyes so deep she could see his soul, he doesn't have the eyes of a killer. In she lock her arms around his neck, standing on her toes she crashed her lips into his. In he invited her in welcoming, getting tried of binding his back he lefts her into the air. In for the first time in her life Beauty felt beautiful.
