Beauty laid in her big kingsize bed wearing high knee socks with Akua big Armani button down shirt. She had been wearing the shirt every night since they had their movie date after their second unexpected meet at Friday's. She had learn a lot about him that night. His 25 years old, he owned 7 night clubs all across the world, no kids but, want some in the future, he love hip hop, Prince is his nephew, he has 3 home in the city of Chicago, and he had her nose wide open.

Akua had never been so comfortable under a women. She was pretty in so soft as he laid there on her chest that night in they talked about everything. Everything expect his underground business. In fact he had gotten so comfortable that he had token off his suit in tie in left it their, which is why it's been three days in Beauty had slept in it ever night.

It smell just like him. Akua was a man with money he didn't where axe, like she had smelt on prince penalty of  times. She didn't no the fragrance but, she was in love with it.

So their she was hopeless soaking in the man shirt helplessly missing him. It had been a a week since Beauty's in Akua last seen each other. Missing him was an understatement Beauty, fend him. Her lips still tingled every time she touches them, when she thinks about his arm around her waist she can't help the moisture coming from her lady sex. She was in deep so deep she was basically drowning in her obsession with him. She couldn't get him off her mind, not even Prince kisses can make her feel like that, like a women. Because Beast was a man an fully grown man in she was crazy over him. Beauty wanted more she needed more, in she was gonna get it no matter what. First thing first he had to answer her calls.

She's been waiting for his call back in Akua hasn't even sent a text message. Before he left that night he had made sure that the pair exchanged numbers in after the first week of not hearing from him Beauty took matters into her own hand. This is 2015 who gives a fuck about being the first person to call. I'ma grown women in they go after what they want, that includes a man. I can do this. She gave herself a prep talk before she pulled out her iPhone in search for his name in hit the call sign.

When the phone went to voice she was starting to get pissed. How fuckin' dare this nigga. Kiss me like that then go fuckin' miss. "Ugggggh!!!" She was pissed. But, for the next couple of days to pass she called in texted him at less once a day. She didn't want to seem thristy but, she was. Thirsty for him.

So now as she laid in bed, bored without him on her mind she pulled out her phone in called his number promising herself this was the last call. The phone rang once in she had thought he pick up until she heard. "I'm sorry..."

"Ughhh" She was now more angry than ever. Getting up off her bed she stormed into the bathroom. "I should've known he was just another Prince. That is it uncle."


Tiffany had her legs wrapped tightly around Ace's back while he thrust inside of her tight little pussy. Ace only known her for an hour but, the way she said his name you would've thought she knew him all her life. "look at it baby. Look at me fuck this pussy up." He helped her lean her body forward but, not missing a beat so she can see his big dick go in and out of her wet sex. "you see that shit baby?" Ace, not only had good dick but, he talked nasty an that's what turn her on the most about him.

She was going crazy under him. Bitting his shoulders and scratching his back. The more deep he went the more painfully it became but, she loved ever inch of it. "yea-yea-yeah I see it. Ohhh baby I feel it to." She talked dirty to back. He thought it was the best pussy he had ever gotten but, what really turned him was the fact that it was Rolla's wife. "uuugggghhhh!!!!! Aceeeeessss please." She sang out his name she couldn't take the pressure. Tiffany was at her peck.

"please what? Tell daddy what you want." Ace grabbed her titties And started to move his hips in a circle motion that drived her crazy.

"mak-mmmmake me cum!!! Ahhhhh make me cum." She scream on top of her lungs. "Ahhhhh!!! Ohh sh-shhhiiittt!!"

"their you go baby. You feel it coming, you feel it?" Soon after he pulled out her pussy in milked his kids all over her flat stomach as he watch her play with her clit and squirted all over his bathroom flour.

"So that's it?" She asked. Even though she was a beautiful girl. Tall, a little on the slim side for his liking but she had a model face in good pussy. Ace wasn't the type to settled for just any girl. Plus she was a married women in he like the fact that he never had to hear about commitment. But she was started to get attached like ever other women in soon Ace would have to drop her.

"what else is it? Do you wanna do it again?" He laughed well walking out the bathroom well naked into the hallway. "you got 20 minutes to shower in get the hell out my crib, I got a meeting with your husband in Beast in an hour."

"Fuck you Ace!"

"You just did." He smirked.


With all the up coming meetings including the one with Ace and his brother Money today Beast hadn't had time to himself. For the last 2 weeks he had been in Queens wrapping up a few lose ends. Since Ace in Money no longer could provide the supply's to the blocks Beats took it upon himself to take over. While Ace was so focus on Chicago, Beast's been in New York he made his move in stolen Queens right from under them. Taking, Ace blocks in Queens made up for scandal cased Chicago.

Now back to Chicago off his private jet finally landed he pulls out his phone in see he has about 50 missed calls from Beauty. She had been calling him all week but, he had been way to busy to answer. He signs. I'll handle it latter. Slowly he started to put his phone back in his packet until it started to ring again. He look at the name it was an unknown number, he answers.

"So thats how you do me. I gotta break my phone then get a new number in order for you to pick up!" It was beauty in she was mad. "You no what I was just calling you to tell you I never wanna see you again. Ever!!!" He could tell she had tears in her eyes just by the way her voice sounds in he felt bad. But, they just meet in she was acting crazy. He hadn't even slept with her yet in she was already blowing up his phone.

"Good morning, morning dove how have you been?" He was trying to keep his cool because in his mind he was choking her up in bitch slapping her into a wall.

"Like I said I'm done! Okay?" She said okay soft, in Beast knew that not what she wanted. But, that what she said he was a firm believe in saying what you feel in mean. So he will grant her wish until she feel otherwise.

"Okay, that is fine. Bye." He was smiling because in his mind she was already his. From the first time he had laid eyes on her. She was just a little upset in she will come around. Until then he had business to take care of.
