Beast walked out the office as fast as he could after promising Beauty that he would be right back for the 50th time. He didn't know what Money had to talk to him about but he hoped it was good.

"What is it?" Beast said as soon as he closed the office door.

"Look I don't no but, Rolla told me to come find you so I did." Money would be lying if he said that Beast wasnt intimidating. Her towered over Money 6'1 frame in his body was built way bigger then his. Just the way he look at you, you could tell that Beast was nothing to be played with. In all though Money will never show fear towards any man, he palms where getting a little sweaty from the looks Beast was giving him.

"Okay." He said with a pause after taking a key out of his pocket locking his office door and walking away. "You stay here no one come in or comes out. You understand me? That includes workers or even Rolla, not even her. No matter how hard she knock she isn't to leave this room."

Money gave him a head nod, in with
that Beast walked down the hallway.


Rolla sent Money for Beast 25 minutes ago and he hadn't returned. He was starting to get restless. Although he was siting back relax his mind knew he would have to make a move soon, without Beast.

Pulling out his gun in cocked it back looking at the people around him, making sure no one notice. He grabbed his silencer out of his pocket and connected it with his gun. He smiles, in all honest this was his favorite part about his job. Rolla enjoyed murder in fact sometime it got him aroused. But, he knew Beast wouldn't be to happy about a body being laid down in the club. But, the fact that he can't found him is leaves him with no choice.

Rolla sees the man is here alone. He had be watching him for some time now in he hadnt  talked to anyone, no phone calls or text messages, or club contact. But, doesn't mean there isn't anyone waiting outside for his return so he had to be careful.

Rolla had an advantage, his target didn't know that he was being watched. In By the time he did notice it is to late. Rolla walked slowly though the cowed as normal as possible. After about 2 mintues his target had walked right into his trap.

"Aye, the dead don't drink my nigga." Rolla had walked right behind the stranger who was sitting at the bar trying to order a drink. Rolla stuck his .44 to his rib cage with a deadly smile on his face.


After about 6 mintues Beauty was getting tried of waiting. She still sat at the head of Canes desk heels on, legs crossed waiting for his arrival.
She sign.

Then impatient Beauty stood to her feet in walked toward his office doors tries to open it, only to find out that it was lock from the outside.

"Akua you better open this door right now!!!" She yelled, smacking the door with her hand at ever world. But, no one answered. She didn't know where he was but, he had lost his mind locking her in his office like she was a damn child.

Walking back to his desk she pulled her phone out of her purse in dailed his number. After a couple of rings he answered. "Hey baby,"

"Don't hey baby me!! why is this damn door lock! come open this fucking door!!"

"I'm handling somthing right now baby." Beast said back to her. For some reason she couldn't hear any music in the background but she know he was still in the club but, where did all the people go?

"Baby why is it so quit?"

"I'm outside the club right now."

"Your outside well I'm inside a locked office you have a key to? Where in the hell you going?"

"Just a little bite of a problem." There was a lot of moment and she could hear him breathing hard in the background. "Ughh shit I got you ass."

"Akua was all that noise? You breathing all hard like you running." Beauty was starting to get worried. She was green to what Beast underground life,m. But, now she knew, he was nothing to play with. How would they have a future, what about kids, what about her? This was an dangerous game, and although it turn her on, was her pussy worth the scarfice. "Just... just tell me that's Tiffanys okay." Their was a paused in the phone went quiet. She had thought he had hang up until she heard two gun shots.

"See you in hell." Was his last words before she took her phone from her ear in hang up. She didn't want to hear him kill some one so she didn't give him time to take the final shot.


Beast ended up closing down the club early. He had lied when he told Beauty that he was outside but, the less she knew the safer should would be. But, when she found out that she was locked in his office he got a call but like a boss that didn't stop nothing. By the time Beast made it into the club rolla already had an surprise wanting for him.

Going out the back door it lead to an alley way where an Mexican man about 5'6 with a black eye in a bleeding month.

Usually Beast wasn't the type to get his hand dirty he was a boss in paid for people to do his dirty work like Rolla. But, saying that Rolla had expressed that he needed him, he knew it had to be somthing important. Taking off his jacket he placed it lightly on the ground and he unbuttoned his cufflinks and Rolling up his shirt. "You Mexicans always fucking with me. When y'all gone get the picture. Ima like god motherfucka!! You can't kill a god." Beast said sending him a twice piece combo to the chest.

"Kill you my friend, no will came to warn you."

Beast ears precked up. For as long as he could remember he had always had beef with the Mexican so why would they try in help him. "About what Pablo?"

"I hear you brother getting out."

"Yeah, and?"

"We just don't want the change in power. Seems like you brothers been making some moves from the inside, got a couple important friends."

"Moves, moves on who?"

He laughs, "really Tupac. You blacks are slow, ohh are you smart one." He look over at Rolla and rolls is eyes."Since his been gone things haven't been peaceful but, things been good with us. We wanna keep it that way. There no need for another war, there enough money out here for both of us."

"What kind of people?"

"Word is he been making plans with the Jamaicans. Saying he could take his place as The Black Don."He laughs again. "That what they call you right Beast. The Black Don."

"What else you know?"

"I also got a message from The Hector."

"Which is?"

"Beauty is a beautiful girl, you might wanna keep her close. You wouldn't want to lose her."

Beast jaw tighten in the vein in his forehead popped. "Thanks for the warning." In just as the Mexican thought his life was spared, Beast grabbed Rollas gun in gave him an hole in the middle of his eyes. "I said thanks I didn't say I would let you live." Taking his knife out his back packet Beast, leaned down in cut an ear from the Mexicans head. "Send this to them damn Mexican in a box
of roses." Wide eye Rolla watches as he place the ear into his hand and he wanted to drop it. But he wasn't no pissy so he just waited until Beast turned his back in walked back into the club. "In this stays between us!" If the news he got was true then Beast was going to have to get ready for war, with his brother.


"Akua I swear on my mother when I get out of this damn office I'ma fucking killing you !!!" Beauty had been sitting in the office for more this two hour now in she was getting a little bit worried. But, she was more pissed then anything. Who did he think he was, Denzil Washington from American Gangster.

Her back was the door as she kicked it so hard in repeatedly that wood was breaking on her side. "I will break this motherfucka down !!! Do you hear me Akua!!! You think you got problem now BUT!! YOU!! AINT!! SEEN!! NOTHING!! YET!!"

"Aye yo!! Chill shorty he'll be here in a second stop yelling you giving me a head anch." Money yelled back. He was sick of hearing her loud ass. But he couldnt help to laugh he thought it was funny how she was going though the motion that ever black women goes though when they man do something stupid.

"Money is that you?! Is he out there fucking a skinny bitch !! It been two hour open this damn door."

"Girl he ain't fucking no skinny bitch."

"Ohh so he is fucking another bitch?? See I knew it open this damn door so I can go smack you and him." Before she knew it she heard the locks being undone so she knew it was Akua who was about to enter so she stood back placed her hands on her hip in waited for him to walk into the door.

It was hard for him to consintrate at first saying that she hadn't yet put back on her dress. She was just standing there with a black lace bra in thong looking so edable he thought. "What the fuck his the matter with you!! Have you lost your mind!!!" She had bone rushed him to the door pointed her little fingers at him catching him off grays.

"Can you calm down? I'm sorry I told you I had to handle something." He placed one hand around her waisted in pulled her close lifting her body off the ground in she wrapped her legs around him. Placing soft kisses onto her neck he walked slowly towards the desk in sat her on top of it.

"No,  take me home."

"Home? Home with me?"

Beauty look at him like he had just lost his mind. "No, I'm going to my home. In sleeping in my bed."

Cane raised an eye brow in looked at her side ways. Watching as she walked around his office to collected her things he began to grow angry.Quickly walking passed him Beauty tried to make it to the door but, once again he was hot on her heels. "Maybe I didn't make myself clear. You, don't have a choice. I will send someone to grab your things from your home, you'll be at my house for a few days."

"Days! I just can't leave with you I have a life too." Beauty snatched away from him. "I have school, work, and my parents."

"And all of the will be taken care of." Beast pulls her close in looks deeply into her eyes. She could tell there was something that he wasn't telling her. Just a few weeks ago she couldn't get a call back but, now his basically asking her to move it.

"This is to much to fast Akua."

"Baby you gotta trust me."

"Trust you? You won't even tell me who you are. Are you Akua? Or Beast?" He was surprised to hear that name. He had never told Beauty about his outside business. He didn't want her worry like she is now. There was so much pain in worry that came with being with a man like him.

"I can protect you."

"Protect me from what?"

"Everything." He didn't want to tell her of the new news he was just giving. He didn't want her to worry. "Now can we please make are way home."

Hesitated at first she grabbed his hand. She didn't want to trust him but, the look in his eyes said it all. He would stop the world for her. "Lead the way."

