
Beast was what you called a natural born hustle. At 16 while the rest of the boys on his block was gang banging. Beast in his brother Red was looking for a fast come up.

With both parents gone, in just there old fragile grandmother to look after them the boys raised themselves. With no money in barley a home they took to the streets both slowly making their way to the top of the food chain. they where unstoppable, until Red was killed a couple of years back. with his brother gone Beast had taken over the family business in made it better. Now at 28 his at the top of his game, in don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

Beast had turn the little drug empire to an legitimate business. He no longer needed to get his hands dirty. He paid shooters to deal with his mess but, that doesn't mean he was to be tested. At 28 years old Beast was an OG. He put in enough work, the street knew better than to fuck with him or his crew. So when he heard about some N.Y niggas trying to inch there way into his business he knew those niggas hadn't heard about him yet.

Ace in his brother Money didn't think he would've notice them taken over a small spot. Little did they no, that is where he spends most of his time, to find ways to up more product sales. The bigger blocks who made the most money needed less supervision. So when Beast started to notice blocks coming up short he started to watch harder. Sending people to look out on corners seeing what goes down so they could report back to Beast.

He could do nothing, in let Ace in Money take over the small spots but, he would look weak. Then the rest of the city would think it was okay to sale product on his blocks without punishment. And It didn't help that Ace was smart, in always one step ahead of Beast shootas he had looking for him. They tried to take him out tonight but, he moved to quite. Beast, was starting to get fascinated with the young man who reminded him so much of his brother.

Without saying Beast actually liked these boys. So instead of killing them like he wanted to. He went for another approach. "Since them nigga been on the blocks sales went up." Rolla, Beast right hand said to him. Rolla was from Jamaica, moved to the state when he was in 10th grade which is where he meet Beast. He is the only man on this earth that he can half trust.



"Yeah man, I wouldn't lie about that shit. Them little niggas might be fucking with us but, they hungry we need niggas like that on are teamq."

"So these nigga steal from me. In now you want me to brging them in."

"Look I been watching how these motherfuckas work. Why start a hole fucking war over the lowest territories in the city, when we can meet up with these niggas in see where it goes."

"I agree with Rolla unc. Why start a war with these niggas? That not gone do shit but cost a lot of money in a lot of cops." Prince said to his uncle. Prince wasn't apart of his organization but, he was in training. It wasn't a secret that on day Beast will be gone, either in jail or dead in Prince was next in line for his spot.

"You are to be seen, not heard nigga." Beast shouted at him, then turning his attention back to Rolla.

"I hear what you saying," he took a long sign. "Set it up." Standing up fixing his suit jacket in tie, Beast looks Rolla in the eyes. "But, if these niggas get out of hand I have no problem with fixing it. You in I both no, when I come rollin' it's twenty-five deep. Sixteen in my nine milli and nine in that muthafuckin' .44! And I'm generous with them hot balls. I don't discriminate, any bitch can get it, including you."

With that being said Rolla stood up from his chair with a smile in his face. But in the inside he was boiling. He knew better to cross Beast but, it been years since they been working together they should have some kind of trust. But, Beast doesn't give care about how long you've been loyal, the only person in the game he can trust is himself. In if there is ever a time he even had to question Rollas trust he would cut it out like cancer. In that's how he stays alive.

In with that the two man walked out of the room side by side.


Prince hadn't talk to Beauty for the rest of the weekend in he was starting to worry. She hasn't answered any of his phone calls or any of his text messages. This was different he was usually the one that was getting chased but, now it seem as though he was the one chasing her.

After calling Beauty for what seem like the 7th times today he walked into Friday's with his uncle in his mother for lunch. Beast had been trying to get them all out together for family time for what seem like weeks now, in Prince finally said yes after last weekend incident that his mother still doesn't know about.

The family walked though the doors in instantly Beast in Prince saw Beauty acrossed the room. With out thinking twice  Prince tighten up his jaw in walked quickly to the table, not noticeing Beast following right behind him.

"Your mother was right to name you such a prefect name. It fits you so well." They heard her friend say.

In just as Prince was about to make his presence known Beast had beaten him to it. "You should really listen to your girl little Mrs. Lady."

Beauty blushed. "You calling me beautiful Mr. Beast." Her voice was the music to his ears, almost angel like. He could see the lust in her dark eyes in he knew that she had to be his. Last week episode still ran though his though thoughts. Some times  he could still smell her body on his. And even the thought of that turn him on.

His nephew was just shit out of luck. He knew she was tried of his bullshit, in figured it was time for her to get some grown man dick.

"Well to me," Beast walked right in front of his nephew in sat inside the booth placing his arm around Beauty's waist getting so close not even the air in the room came come between the two. He leans down to her short body in whispers in her ear. "Right now you the most beautiful girl in this room." Living  beauty speckless in Prince pissed.

She looked into his black dead eyes in for a second she saw her soul within him. His face was jus an inch away from hers in it was sending chills down her spin.

"Well," Tiffany could see the love in there eyes in it lit her heart on fire in a good way. Even though they hadn't gotten there food yet she decided to let them have their moment. "I'm have something to do. Beauty, Beauty !!!!" She snapped her fingers in between there faces to get there attention. "Nice meeting you..."

"Akua" Beast said giving out his government name. He stood in shake Tiffany's hand in they said there goodbyes.

"Call me Beauty? I'm sure Akua will be taking you home because you didn't drive yes." Tiffany looked at Akua in he noddle his head. "Good I will see you latter love. Bye Akua. Prince."

Beauty had forgot all about Prince in the fact that he was just standing there staring down  at her with black eyes told her all she needed to know he was pissed.
