Chapter 39 Confrontation

"Evasive maneuvers fire at all points of opportunity." Lily orders as the ship wove carefully around the large fleet of ships.

"uh yeah so about the loading of the weapons." Yang said before Lily took over her place.

"I'll take it from here" Lily said, as she targeted all the weapons to the closest ship and opened up against the other ships, while taking fire.

"I..uh...shields down to 12%." Weiss stuttered "I can't give them anymore."

"Its alright." Lily called to her "I'll see what i can do in engineering, Yang take Tactical!"

"On it!" Yang yelled back as she too the seat and tapped on the controls.

"Alright, Change the system here, reroute it there." Lily muttered to herself as she adjusted the controls rewired the engine systems. the ship shook with a thundering smash Before Weiss called out "shields down to 9%, I've scanned the hostiles as you have suggested and i'm beginning to see weak points in their shields."

"great, transfer the points over to tactical" Aria said as she runs over to yang's side to assist in targeting the hostiles. "lock on to those positions, fire at will!"

With a creak and a lurch the ship managed to respond to the commands Yang inputted before unloading it's armaments into the hostile vessels surrounding her.

"The primary induction gyro dines has been destroyed and the backup's not working." Weiss reads off the monitor.

"that's...not good" Aria summarize "Aria to sapphire."

"go ahead" Lily's voice came through the intercom clearly.

"we're about to stop flying and start crashing."

"right I'm on it." Lily said as she stopped her work and moved to the ship's stabilizing systems

"meanwhile..." Aria mutters as she moves to the command chair, activating a button and causing the ship to slowly vanish while it crashed into a lake.

"they've stopped firing." yang observed

"what did you do?" Weiss questions

"cloaking device." Aria explains "we're not equipped to take on a fleet this size with this much fire power. without the Atlas ships we have to break off to recharge the shield emitters."

"so we have to sit here till repairs are done?" Yang asked.

"unfortunately." Aria sighed.

"Then I'm going out to find my sister." Yang said getting up from her seat.

"I'm coming with you." Weiss said mimicking Yang's movements towards the doors.

"Right, Lily and i will stay to finish the repairs, we'll join you soon." Aria nodded as the 2 left the ship.


Gabriel was really pissed right now. All of the Atlas ships that he was currently in-charge of were grounded. And all the other ships that are causing massive damages and destroying the outside.

"What the hell did you do!" one of the Captain screams at Gabriel.

"I did not mess with anyone of your systems." Gabriel protested. "it's probably a glitch in one of your systems."

"what's...Sitrep." a voice called out.

"we have 12 ships grounded. Right now all the other ships are destroying Vale. I know that the Setsuri was launched but I've lost trajectory." Gabriel reported "But never mind that what happened to you?"

"Samuel." you uttered before sitting down at the console.

"Right." Gabriel acknowledged "well my first thought is that there's a bug."

"or a virus." you concluded before turning to a nearby engineer. "pull... every hard drive systems out of your ships, now."

"I will not allow that mister!" the annoyed captain snapped.

"Then... let your 12 ships sit here and rust then, I don't care." You said calmly before walking off but not before making a snide remark. "you do realize... that the other 30 ships we did not touch are also causing havoc on the people below. If you do not do as I say then the blame of the fall of this place will rest squarely on your shoulders."

"wait!" the captain reluctantly stopped both men before passing on the order. "do as he says."

"thank you." you said gratefully.

"But if we do that the ship will be more difficult to control." the Lieutenant protested.

"It's better then letting our ships attack innocent people." The captain rationalized.

the lieutenant stood for a moment, considering the terms before nodding to his captain and following orders.

"Right, in the meantime...." You trailed off to hear the sound of beowolves and rouge robots overwhelming the barriers of the shipyard. "I'll stay right here."


Blake stalked the corridors cautiously. The confusion of battle has gotten the upper hand causing many to run the streets in terror, spotting members of Faunses sporting white uniforms with a emblem of 3 claws striking a wolf tells her that the White Fang was involved in the attack. With Gambol Shroud cocked she just about turn a corner when she ran into a red blur.

"Oh Monty!, Ruby you scared me!" Blake Cursed.

"Sorry." The little red huntress apologised, scratching her head with a grin before stretching over to hug her. "Im glad you're ok."

Stunned, blake processed the thought for a moment before reaching out to hug her back. "It's good to see you too Ruby. Now whats happening?"

"(Y/N)'s evil counterpart attacked Beacon with the aid of 4 students and the White Fang." Ruby explain breathlessly "Yang and Weiss is with them Aria and Lily right now! We have to find them!"

"Let's go then!" Blake urged before the pair rushes off to find their partners, Blake however still having a heavy weight in her mind took each step in caution.

It sure didn't help when a large piece of the Amity Colosseum came crashing down in the courtyard.

Looking up Ruby spots bright green glows of penny's weapons being fired. And immediately felt a pit form in her stomach. 'Penny's weapons...' either she was defending her fellow students or...she was attempting to kill them. Either way she had to help. Blake however seemed to be distracted by the cries for help in the messhall. Recognizing the distress the choices Blake said. "I'll handle this, you go."

Nodding to her teammate Ruby leaped into a nearby locker and it flew off into the sky towards the Colosseum. Tearing her eyes away from the hurtling locker Blake went off to the direction of the screams.


The scene looked close to something out of a holodeck situation that you used to play with, the only difference is this time. You seem to be at a disadvantage.

There were large groups of fighting across the drydocks. Large swaths of destruction and death littered the area. All that were not dead scrambled towards their ships as the order for a retreat was given out. You covered the escape of several members of the nearby ship before boarding it yourself.

"Where's the captain?" You asked a nearby Lieutenant.

"I-I-I don't know." The Lieutenant stuttered his wide eye filled with fear.

"Who's the Second in command?" You queried.

"I don't know." The Lieutenant muttered again.

"Oh god." You sighed before making it to the bridge. "Who's in command here?"

"I am." a feminine voice replied "Lieutenant Commander Alissa Gray."

"Great, when you're ready, get us out of here." You grunted "I think I need a doctor."

"That's the problem, the doors are shut and we need a way out of here." Gray said.

"Perfectly stating the obvious usual Ms gray." You huffed

"I'm sorry?" The Lieutenant said

"Never mind, I'm sure this ship has some sort of explosive, missiles, bombs, torpedoes?" you probed.

"no at most we have Laser batteries, rail guns and 2 Phase cannons." the armory officer informs.

"Great, missiles are like the easiest weapons to develop why do you guys not have those kinds of explosives?" you said with frustration.

"They were banned during in the treaty of the last war. we agreed that they cost too much damage." He explains.

"great, that would have helped if i got full blueprints of the ship." you grumbled. "or i was made known on treaties like that."

"we can worry about that later." Gray said "right now, i believe that we should throw all that we have to destroying the gates."

"you're thinking like a soldier, not an engineer, if you destroy the gates you would cause the ceiling to collapse on us and kill about 47% of the fleet." you said.

"then we need another option." Gray urged. "any ideas?"

"well we can still shoot the gates just.." you stopped before pushing the armory officer out of the way and accessing the targeting systems. "target there, there and there, that would allow a gap wide enough for a few ships to pass at the same time."

"Then we'll do that." Gray orders and the ships begin to pass through into open air just before the cavern collapses into rubble behind them. "that was close."

"mam the other Atlas ships are locking onto us." the tactical officer said.

"evasive maneuvers, target their weapons fire to disable."

This is already not going to end well.


Ruby runs into the Colosseum as support pillars starts to collapse around her. penny stands in the middle of the arena and Penny in the middle of it all, slashing and hacking away at it all.

"No...Penny!" Ruby yells out drawing the attention of the killer robot to herself. Without flinching 6 pulsing green swords shoots towards her causing her to scramble for safety. The swords continue to hunt her as she barely manages to keep out of range with her speed. Her mind quickly begins to race for a solution. The strings wraps around Crescent Rose causing her to lose it.

"Damn it." She cursed, before halting and grabbing one of penny's sword. Turning and cutting the line that controls it. Causing it to lose it's green glow. "At least now I'm not unarmed."

Deflecting all of the swords with several movements copied from training with weiss she quickly gets back on her feet and dodges away from another flurry of attacks. wrapping the swords around in their own strings. causing Ruby to lose her sword and severing another 3 of penny's weapons and leaving the commandeered Penny with 5 of her 8 swords. Unarmed and on the move again Ruby moved to reclaim her possession in an attempt to defend herself when Penny catches her by her cloak.

"Pe...nny!" Ruby gasps as her cloak strangles her. "Please! know me!" however penny's eyes remain unyielding. Unclasping her cloak she fell to the ground. unlatching Crescent Rose she fired with an intent to disable her. Only she tore through her body, cutting her heart out of her chest.

"Pen...ny?" Ruby gasped before running to her. "What have I done?" 

"Ruby!" Weiss said running towards Ruby.


Weiss and Yang runs down the courtyard spotting Ruby getting into the locker and Blake runs towards the messhalls. 

"alright, you go after my sister and i go after Blake." Yang said. "break."

Weiss used a glyph to leap towards the Colosseum, and Yang chased after Blake. 

channeling glyph after glyph Weiss Panted as she ascended higher and higher. eventually landing on the pier on the Colosseum. she ran towards the Arena only to see the broken remains of Penny and the even more broken Ruby shocked by her own actions. 

"Ruby!" Weiss calls out to her. As she ran towards the red huntress. "what happened?" 

"penny, she's dead." Ruby chokes up.

"It's alright, ruby." Weiss said,as she comforts Ruby. "everything is going to be fine."


As another stream of weapons hits the ship, causing it to give out a loud scraping sound that reverberated through the ship causing you to wince at the sound as the mix of White Fang and captured Atlas ships turns on the small powerless fleet tearing another of the cruisers to ribbons. Turning on one of the transponders that linked you to the Setsuri you quickly saw the status of the ship. 'Not so bad.' You thought as you brought the engines back online, raising the ship out of the lake it crashed in and into the sky.

"(Y/N) What the hell!" Aria cursed over the intercom

"Sorry!" You grinned, "I just needed help."

"Commander there's a large object coming our way." A officer called out from his station as she ship shook from another shot.
"It's the setsuri!"

"I can take it from here," Aria assured you "Lily got the command navigation program online."

"Helm alter course to avoid the tower." Gray orders as the top of the tower bursts in a explosion revealing Phyrra and...

"Cinder..." you muttered under your breath as the ship curves an arc over the small fight above.
