Chapter 13 Mission Maintaince

Packing his equipment in a back pack (Y/N) heard a chime on the,stepping back he cheerfully called out, "come in!"

"Hey....(Y/N)" ruby said as she walked in.

"What can i-, oh right the treatment" you said as you reached for the device you used for her before. Seeing her brace herself for the pain, you look in amusement as she widen her eyes, surprised that she felt no pain.

"But...why is there no pain?" She said in surprise

"Well I changed the normal syringe so that it doesn't hurt people, it's called a hypospray." You explained.

"Ohhh..." ruby said

"Alright, I'll keep this case for you on the table, take 1 every day for another 3 days Ok?" You said smiling at her.

"Ok!" She said cheerfully "wait where are you going?"

"Oh ozpin sent me on a mission to repair a few modules scattered around redwood forest"

"Wow your first mission?" Ruby said "by yourself?"

"Yeah...gabriel is working on the cloaking field I gave him." You said zipping up your equipment bag before giving ruby a thin electronic pad. "Ok the access code to my room is on this tablet, you can come in using the buttons on the side of the door."

"Can't I just take the case out?"

"Well yes but I'm sure you'd like to poke around my small little lab for a bit don't You?" You said with a smile.

"Well I.. .do want to see what technologies you have." She said with excitement

"Good, I have a gift for you" you said picking up a slim module from his table. "Aira would help you to install it and train you in its usage."

"Ohhhhhhhh" ruby said with her eyes glistening

"Alright I'm going" you said before petting her hair

 "take care of yourself (Y/N)" she replied as her cheeks turn slightly pink.

"Ok!" You called out without noticing her blush


On the aircraft you begin final checks of your equipment before you prepared to leap off the craft.

“We’re approaching the drop off point,” the pilot announces, flicking a few buttons.

Briefly linking your combage to the pilot's headset you said a thank you as you stepped off the craft and began your descent. The air hit you in the face as you slowly faced the ground, letting the wind whip through your hair you slipped on a headset and activated it. Powering up, the device displayed a calculation of the distance from the ground as well as a flight monitoring system. With the last few digits running out you assumed a landing position and arrived without a scratch.

"Inertial dampners online" a voice patched through the intercom "not bad, your last 'landing strategy' really strained the dampners"

"Thank you aira, I'm glad that the beacon tower covers this position."

"Indeed, the sensor network is about 2.3 kilometres away from here I marked the spot on your HUD."

"Thanks sis." You said as you begin the hike towards the module.


Ruby returns to her room, a huge smile on her face, She unlocks the door to her room and waltzes in, yang, noticing her cheerful mood, decided to question her.

"Are you alright sis?" She asked worriedly.

"Ohhh yeah (Y/N) just have me a shot and said I'll be fine soon." Ruby said holding up the new module for crescent rose.

"Ok then...what is that you're holding?"

"Oh he thought that my aim and speed of firing could be improved so he gave me this to help with it." Ruby finishes holding the object against her chest. "Boy I can't wait to see him again! Maybe I’ll bake him a cookie or two for his help, then eat the rest myself,” Ruby giggles at the thought.

"Oh my god ruby has a crush on (Y/N)" yang said in horror.

"That's not possible" Weiss barges into yang's thoughts "maybe shes just excited to make another friend?"

“I don’t know, Weiss. I know Ruby better than anyone, and she’s never been this way around a boy before.”

“Still, (Y/N) may not even be interested,” she confidently finishes.

"Yang are you jealous of (Y/N)" Weiss asked sceptically

“What? No!" Yang said correcting her quickly,
"It's just that I feel that there's something he's not telling us, like why is there only 2 members on his team?
 Why do they have separate rooms? Why is his door placed where our bathrooms suppose to be?"

"Why don't you ask him that question when he comes back?" Blame said while turning a page in her book. Joining in the conversation.

"Great idea!" Yang said "Why don't you ask him?"

"Ok...why me?"

"Well I'm afraid I'm going to break his leg if I talk to him again and we know Weiss would just fail at this."

"Hey!" Weiss says in unhappiness.

With a reluctant sigh,  Blake flipped to the next page and made a mental note to talk to you.


Reaching the sensor unit you walked up to it and started work on the panel, whistling a songless tune you discovered that the problem was not cause naturally or by attack of the Grimm. But by misterous device that looked  foreign to the module, pulling it out you studied the device intently before a alert bleeped on his HUD.

"Proximity alert, (Y/N) be careful." Aria cautioned.

Raising your weapon you begin surveying the area, leading you to detect 2 heat sources.

"That's strange" you said "Grimm don't give out thermal signatures."

"Well that's because you're not seeing Grimm, youre seeing 2 lifesigns and they don't look friendly."

Just as Aria finished her sentence the two hostiles leaped out from the cover of the bushes and attacked you.


Dodging a shot from a mean looking rifle you quickly countered a hit from the rifle's partner, a long broadsword, pushing your body forward you manage to throw the balance off the first enemy while the second cracked off 3 shots.

"Movement's a little sloppy there" Aria commented as the bullets impacted against your personal shield.

"Yeah Well? Why Don't you help a bit?" You chided as you took a shot at your second assailant impacting his right arm and knocking the weapon out of his grip.

"Well I'm in a hard drive aren't I?" She quipped.

"Not helping sis!" You snapped back at her as you pulled out snaked shaped device,squeezing a switch on the bottom curve of the device it extended out and shot a blue electric jolt at both of the faunus. Shrugging off the effects of the weapon the faunus shot you again, depleting the power of your shields.

"Uh (Y/N) you've got company" aria warned "detecting 4 more thermal signatures, closing fast."

"God, damn it!" You said in frustration.


"So let's try this again, you are a student of beacon academy." Questioned the man in the darkness.

"Uh...yeah I am." You responded before a electric jolt rocked your core.

"Liar! Beacon will never seen a student to repair a state of the art sensor network they would send their professors!"

"Well you clearly never seen my brilliance" you mumbled under your breath.

"Give me access to your systems or I'll keep this up!"

"Yeah Well when I find my way out I'll kill you" you yelled.

"Such spirit!" The man laughed. "Not many people are capable of surviving the electric chairs! I was surprised you chose this pain!"

"Well I would not choose a pain I cannot survive would I?" You said spitting out the blood from your mouth before grinning.

"Very well then!" He said before addressing his followers."take him back to his cell! We'll continue this later!"

Dragging you back you your cell your captors threw you into the cell block haphazardly before shutting the door behind them. Running your head you returned to your work of escape, after noticing the absence of guards during your stay in the cell and studying the door' s composition, you took off your combadge and opened a flap on it's front and begin working on it's internal components.


Ozpin was catching up with his paperwork when team RWBY burst in through the elevators.

"You wanted to see us professor?" Ruby asked

"Yes." The man pipped up "Mr Ronsten has been missing for the past 3 days and all attempts to hail him has been ineffective, however his emergency Beacon was activated for a short period of time before it shut off."

"And we are to rescue him?" Weiss questioned.

"Indeed." The headmaster continued handing over a pad with the information of their mission. "There is a shuttle in docking pier 4 that leaves in one hour, that will be all."

"Yes sir!" The girls responded before turning and leaving the room.

Walking back to their dorm Ruby suddenly stopped in front of (Y/N)'s room "I forgot something." She said before keying in her code to the dorm.

Her team stared at the door as it slid open to reveal a girl with white hair being shoved out of the room by their teammate.

"Uhh Ruby who is this?" Weiss questioned.

"Oh this is Aria, she's  (Y/N)'s sister." Ruby explains.

"WHAT?" they exclaimed.
