Chapter 36 Upgrades - > Discovery

"You're telling me that you're not going to teach us how to operate the weapon systems?" A weapons officer complain.

"I have to give the technical Engineers a run down on how to maintain the system," you fired back, climbing off the ship. "Besides, its just point and shoot!"

"Alright, i got the primary phase cannons installed on the last of the Cruisers, after their done we should be done..."

"But?" You sensed trouble in his voice.

"But their systems aren't exactly compatible with ours" Gabriel informed you.

"Why not?" You asked "you managed with my old ship."

"That's because our technology had more in common, but these, they use Crystals as a power source not part of the computer!"

"Then stick to the old fashion wires then."

"That will blow every power relay on board when it powers up."

"Fine" you grumble "I'll do it myself."

"There's one more thing, the start up sequence for the Setsuri has failed again, a diagnostic program is running through your brain scans and the program to start compiling it into a new sequence." Gabriel mentions.

"again?!" you scowled "I swear it's almost like a sabotage, isolate the main computer and begin coding the programs."

"Will do." Gabriel agrees before moving along to his work

Running through the power setting on the ships you begin working on a power relay when Ironwood approached you. "Captain" he called tapping your shoulder lightly.

"Woah!" You cry out as a a bolt of lightning shot through the conduits and give you a massive shock. Angrily you sucked on your fingers and screeched out. "WHAT?"

"The transfer chamber..." the General started

"In the hall 2 floors above." You cut him off.

"What about the upgrades?" Ironwood continued

"Its proving to be a little more dificult than before i need another few hours." you said before returning to the power conduits.

"Captain, i appreciate that you found a way around your rules but. I don't see why are you so agitated about Arming my ships."

"You want to know why?" You said tapping your watch to project a hologram "here's why."


Stardate 87781.76

2 years before the Crash on Remnant

My crew and I encountered a planet that was under siege from a extremely hostile force, since the war was not going well it caused the fleet to be spread thinly in hopes to protect as many planets as possible from the enemy.

Due to the small flotilla that was sent to hold against an intergalactic force, Command send an order to resend the prime directive and begin replication of armaments and evaluations of civilizations that are capable of protecting themselves with our weapons

The Divarians were well...the obvious choice, even if they have 23 nations and 4 different ways of governments. They were willing to protect each other from danger, Despite their different ideology.

I gave them weapons, the strongest we had in store and they beat them with territory regained.

However even before they finished they attacked each other, all sense of cooperation fails and they nuked each other back to the stone age.


"Within 3 hours..." you swallowed "their conflict that they cast aside to strive for common goal? It returned after the threat was less immediate. They turned my weapons against each other and killed 6.2 billion people, transforming their home into a vast nuclear wasteland...command withdrew the resenting order a few days later. And if not for the war, I would be forced to resign."

"I'm sorry captain." He apologized "I...didn't know."

"Don't apologize, make me a promise, promise me that no matter what, no innocents will ever die from these...and once this little war of yours is over and the other me is dead, you'll dismantle all of my technology from your ships and destroy them."

"I don't think..."

"You hold 2 seats in that council of yours, make it happen." You said returning to work.

"I'll...see what I can do."


"Well that was unexpected." Samuel says as he cuts the surveillance line between him and the secret shipyard.

"You said that he was not willing to upgrade the atlas fleet!" Cinder spat in anger.

"He still isn't, but it seems that Doctor Halsey has convinced him otherwise" he said, unwilling to admit his mistake. "If only you hid the shipbuilding locations in a better place, he would not have encountered me and see the threat i posed until it was too late."

"What do we do now?" She asked

"I believe sticking to the original plan would suffice, after all he does not know about our hideout and the staging area yet."

"Then we might have to accelerate our plans." Cinder grins and begins setting up a match

"Meanwhile, i have sabotages i have to complete." Samuel said getting off his seat and stretching.


Aria walked down the halls of the school in a dejected state, she was tired from the long hours of upgrading Atlases hardware and programming and started on her hour long break. However, passing RWBY's dorm and meeting the general on his way out, she decided to skip on her break.

"You're telling me that this is a result of combat-induced stress and delusion?" Aria scoffs as she pushes Yang into bed. "yeah I'll be a judge of that."

"!" Yang squawk as she resisted.

"Lie still!" Aria said taking out her medical tricorder and begin her scans. "That weird...there are elevated psionic levels that are throwing your brainwaves off but, it doesn't seem to be naturally triggered, its more like...its been artificially implanted."

"What?" Yang flared

"I'm saying that someone messed with your frontal lobe." Aria explains as she takes more detailed scans "like adding onto the things you actually saw...(Y/N), can you hear me?"

"What?" You grumbled over the open com line.

"I think that yang was messed with." Aria declares

"What? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Is the medical bay on the Setsuri ready?"

"Yes why?"

"Meet us there in 6 minutes."


"You realize that i haven't slept in the last 29 hours right?" You yawned.

"Yeah well this is important, take a look at this scan." Aria cut him off and handed him a datapad.

"Isn't this my records 2 years back?" You frowned

"No numbnuts." Aria scolds "it's yang's."

"How am i suppose to know?" You scowled "I took first aid, not neurology. All brain scans look the same to me."

"Well, I think someone manipulated her into seeing a false image and attacking that boy."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You didn't watch the tournament did you?" Yang asked, narrowing her eyes.

"If I didn't sleep a wink what makes you think I'm watching the match?"

"Then what have you been doing?" Yang probes, more curious.

A stoned look from you quickly follows with "Classified."

"You're starting to sound like weiss's sister." Ruby observes

"What?" Weiss said offended "he sounds nothing like her."

"Yeah!" You agreed.

"Alright shut up." Aria orders "as you can see here in the temporal lobe that has the image imprinted in her mind, what i can't figure out is how?"

"Well," you said bringing out a clipboard. "Have you ever suffered and hallucinations especially during combat?"

"No" yang responded

"Drink anything that could have spiked your drink before the match?"

"I didn't drink anything."

"Great, anyone know if there are people that have like, semblance that can imprint memories?"

"Well I'm sure there are many people who can do that." Aria frowns

"Then narrow the list down." You point out. "Who did yang fight?"

"The exchange student...mercury?" Ruby said.

"Great does he or anyone on his team have the power to alter sight or memories?" You asked

"I'll access Haven's database to look for his team." Aria suggest as she pulls out some files. "That's...strange."

"What?" The room echoes with the question.

"There is no mention of Mercury or his team on file." Aria says.

"Could the file be corrupted?" Weiss asks

"That's not possible." You said picking up your weapon.

"(Y/N) what are you doing?" Yang asks.

"Getting to the bottom of this, Aria, get Lily here now, I want her to start working on a weapon, get the Anti-Replicator gun and modify it. I might need it soon." You said storming out of the infirmary.
