Chapter 22 Nightmares- Dreams

You sat in your seat, analysing the last remaining replicator cell block pulled from your computer when your door beeped. "Come in" you called out, wondering who could it be at such a late hour.

The door slid open to reveal a terrified looking Ruby dressed in a singlet and pyjama pants.

"Are you alright?" You asked with a look of concern.

"Crescent Rose..." she muttered stunned as you remembered that the replicators turned her beloved weapon into a pile of red coloured bugs that you had the displeasure of sweeping up.

"It's alright Ruby" you said gently pulling her in for a hug. "I could build one more with you."

"C-can I stay here tonight?" She asked with a shaky voice.

Looking at the ceiling you slowly considered your options, on one hand, Lily would probably be better at comforting her, Yang would kill you without listening to your explanation, so would her brother Steven. But seeing the sad look on her face you sighed invited her in for warm milk and cookies.

Sipping your cup of chamomile you smiled as Ruby ravaged the plate of cookies and glupped the milk, shivering in a blanket that you drapped over her. "So...what would you like on the new crescent Rose? You asked leaning back in your chair.

"Oooh I know we can change the Sniper systems to a assault Rifle." Ruby said excitedly.

"It wouldn't lose power if we remodified the existing Dragunov sniper rifle and increase the speed." You said grinning.

"Ohhh and we can sharpen the the Javelin on the end of the old crescent Rose."

"And run the dust crystals at the end so that you can do what Weiss does with the myternaster."

"Good idea!" Ruby said before yawning.

"We' on that tomorrow." You said giggling at her "now you need to sleep."

"Aww can I stay here?" Ruby whined "Lily may be a great partner but the ropes of the bed are starting to strain."

"I still can't believe that both of you decided to share your bed." You said "alright I'll sleep in my chair."

Climbing up the ladder you tucked her into the bed. Settling down in your chair you begin making yourself comfortable when Ruby spoke up.


"Do you actually sleep in this bed?"

"No" you sighed "I sleep in the regeneration pod right next to my workshop table."

"Because you have nightmares when you sleep normally?"

"No..." You said "who told you that?"

"I guessed" she chuckles "Lily have been murmuring about things in her sleep"

"She must have gotten it from you." You grinned "because I don't do that."

" Yeah she did" she laughs in response.

"So...what did you hear?"

"Well not Much, some thing about a happy family."

"I guess she's not thinking about the bad parts"

"Oh I do hear about those too...she looks a little sad and terrified sometimes when she mutters it, crying too"

"Well...i did plenty of horrible things to get my job done."

"I don't see that."

Slience set in as you wonder what she meant by her statement.

"I see a boy who cares about his friends and family, who is me at least."

Another moment of silence as you processed what she said before smiling "thanks Ruby."

"Night (Y/N)"


You woke up from a nightmare jumping out of your seat and gasping loudly, Ruby was already beside you stroking your back and repeating "it's ok, it's ok" you looked at her, terrified of the scenes you saw in your dreams.

"Sorry did I wake you?" You apologised to her.

"No it's alright." She comforted."so what was it?"

"What was what?"

"The dream, what was it about?"

"Oh it's probably something stupid, I already forgot about it" you lied.

"Alright" she said, looking suspiciously at you before crawling back into bed. "You sure you don't want to join me?"

"Well..." you thought, "if you don't mind, I think it's getting a little to cold down here."

"Jeez" she said giggling before she pulled the covers of the blanket open to invite you in "Come on."

Crawling into the bed you smiled greatfully before lying down and facing away from Ruby. "Thanks"

"Silly, it's your bed." She giggled

"Yeah" you said as you settled into the bed comfortably, a few minutes of silence passed as you begin to feel the lull of sleep overtake you before Ruby said.



"Was the world you lived in terrible?"

"No..." you said smiling fondly as you brought up the projection of a blue marble with green, bits spread across the surface. "Earth is a very peaceful place, no Grimm, mostly nice."

"That sounds great"

"Well it's a lot worst outside of it, that's why my weapons have a lot of functions."


"Well...i guess its a little better here"


"Well I actually can relax in classes without having to worry about another attack and reviewing casualty lists that they post on the boards and hoping that I wouldn't find a friend on that list"

"I'm sorry"

"Its alright" you said turning off the display "we all die one day, it accept it."

"Its alright" ruby said wrapping her arms around you "i understand."

"You lost someone close to you?"

"Yes..." She replied as tears start to form around her irises "my mom."

"I'm...sorry" You said hugging her. "I didn't know."

"I...i just miss her...her cookies, the stories she tells at bedtime, how she takes care of me when I'm sick."

"Yeah well all moms must be like that"

"They are...wait what do you mean?"

"Well I...never knew my parents"


"Its least I have my sister" you smiled "How about a lullaby that me and my sister use to sing?"

"That sounds wonderful" she stifles a yawn and snuggles into bed.

You settled into bed and started singing:

Finishing the last notes of the song you turn to Ruby as she claps "That was amazing!"

"It's easy I'll teach you how to sing it." You said as you begin the song again, singing till both of you fell asleep.


Ruby awake just as you exited from the shower, "Morning Ruby" you said drying your hair.

"Morning (Y/N)" she said sleepily before she fell back into your bed.

"Come on Ruby, class starts in 2 hours, and you're going to miss breakfast."

"Then I'll just eat here."

"No I'm going to the cafeteria"

"Why would you do That you have a replicator?'

"Well I was going to eat with friends, that's the only reason why I eat there."

"Alright" she yawned "I'm coming."


Ruby was still yawning when you dragged her to meet her team at the cafeteria, as usual yang gave you a look of suspicion as you sat Ruby down at the table.

"(Y/N)" she greeted with a squint in her eyes.

"Morning guys you said as you sipped coffee from your mug before you turned to Gabriel. "Doctor" you greeted him.

"Captain" he greeted back with a grin

"What did you do?"

"Breakfast" he said holding up his own cup

"Ok then answer me this. Why is yang glaring at me?"

"Oh Weiss saw her sneaking out last night after she awake from her loud gasp." Lily offered helpfully "and she realised that she headed to your room, so she told us."

"You didn't do anything did You?" Gabriel joked

"I wished could still transfer you back to Atlantis" you sighed.

"Yeah well you can't" he grinned

"Alright." You said "Yang before you kill me I just comforted her about crescent roseandiuhyouknow?lenthermybedandthen"

"(Y/N)?" Yang said as she put down her fork.

"Uhh yeah?"

"Do you like my sister?"

" a way....uhh Yeah."

"Then that's good enough for me." She sigh.

"Wait really?" You said looking stunned

"Did you just give me to him?" Ruby asked in shocks

"It sounds like it." Weiss said

"Ok..." Ruby blushed

"Did not expect that" Lily finished.

"That's not how I talk right?" Ruby asked

"No" you replied "That's how I talk"

"It's almost like she has 2 souls" Blake said with a shiver

"Well," you said as the bell rung "Almost"
