Chapter 21 Replicator Problems

You woke up in the morning to your alarm, grumbling about the start of the day. Finishing your morning routine you picked up a mug of freshly made coffee when the intercom beeped. "(Y/N) would you please report to my office?"

"Acknowledge" you responded, sipping from your cup, you stood in the elevator as it brought you to the top floor, wondering what could Ozpin possibly want with you first thing in the morning.

As the door slid open you were greeted by the site of metal bugs eating Ozpin's office to pieces before travelling to a corner where a large bug was linked to the power grid of the school. "Do you know what is-" Ozpin began before you pulled him into the lift and pressed the bottom floor button in a panic


"Mr Ronsten what was that?" Ospin asked as he followed you back into the dorm room.

" the single worst threat that I have ever faced." You said with fear in your voice. "Why would you replicate one? Didn't I leave a memo on the damn thing?"

"Trust me when I say I have not seen those things before." Ozpin said

"Then we got more problems then a few of those bugs" you said as you loaded a pistol. "I'm going to need you to evacuate the school don't shoot any of them, your weapons are ineffective against them."

"Is there nothing we can do?" Ozpin asked as you went opposite to wake Gabriel.

"Well, only firearms of a certain type work against them" you said "my Forcelance and other energy weapons would fuel them with more power. So only use only conventional shells and fire crystals."

"Understood" Ozpin said "I will begin the evacuation."


After briefing the members of team Rwby and Jnpr who you picked to begin curbing the replicator incursion. You called out "Jaune, come here for a minute"

"Oh I knew it, what do I have to do?"

"This" you began picking up a weapon "is a SPAS 12 Pump-Action shotgun." Before handing it over to him "since you don't actually have a gun this is for You."

"Are you sure you want to give me this weapon?" Jaune said hesitantly

"Gabriel said you would be proficient with one, I trust his judgement, besides, you can't lead a team without something that can beat those bastards, and Crocea Mors ain't going to cut it."

"Thank you" he said greatfully. "Was that a pun?"

"Perish the thought " you said smiling before picking up your own shotgun. "Let's go."


Treading silently down the corridor, you slowly swept the area, listening intently for the sound of metal scraping againsts metal but to no avail. Sighing, you knew that they would head towards the basement, the single largest source of power in the school, and where you were building your new ship. 'I hope that the doors would at least slow them down.' you thought in dispair. Suddenly the sound of raping metal was heard, and the metal bug causing it began its march towards You, taking aim, you managed to blast the metal bug to pieces but at the price of attracting a army of them.

"Oh crap" you muttered before tapping your combage "Someone help me!"

Firing your weapon wildly around before a wave of invisible source swept the corridor, you turned to find Lily holding a weapon similar to a replicator disruptor. "Where did you get that?"

"Oh I built it from scratch." Lily said as she lowered it.


"2 minutes ago" she said as a matter of factly.

"Alright, let's just seal the door and hope that they won't go through this area again."You said walking pass the corridor.

"Yeah well, let's hope." Lily said following behind you.

"Where did you get the parts from anyway?" You asked in irritation.

"Oh I used my semblance to slow down time, then with the parts of the original weapon I just had to reprogram the control Crystal to fire at another frequency, so when they adapt to it you change it."

"Alright..." You said skeptically


Jaune walked pass another room after thoroughly checking the place he sealed the door and continued on his way. "He seems very...focused " phyrra observed.

"Indeed" Ren said joining her. "He seems very vigilant."

"Well that's good isn't it?" Nora said

"It is good" phyrra said looking intently at jaune

"Guys, I'm looking at a very strange thing here" jaune said

As the team gathered together he looked at a very strange collection of bugs stuck to a major power grid of the school.

"(Y/N) Where are you?" Jaune asked through his scroll "I'm not sure of what I found."

"On it" came the reply

Keeping his eyes on the monstrosity sticking to the wall Jaune loaded another shell into the shotgun he still carried bstore trying to make small talk to his teammates when you arrived.

"Looks like the queen bug Jaune" you said with a smile. "Alright we shoot it, then we start a retreat Jaune, phyrra, Ren, Nora then me. Follow this formation understood?"

"Got it." Jaune said with a grin.


Gabriel's hands were shaking as he continued to work on the code to disrupt the replicators, he have not felt this anxiety ever since he last encountered the replicators, they nearly destroyed his place of home and work until it's inevitable shut down by you and your team. But still, knowing that he was close to death was enough to cause him to shake in fear.

"Gabriel!" Aria shouted finally getting him out of his daze.

"Huh what?"

"I got the deflector online and widen the range to cover the whole school." Aria said "bad news is it's going to take 3 weeks to replace the burnt systems, so we get one shot at this."

"I know..." Gabriel said "I did the math."

"Are you alright?" Aria asked in concern

"Yeah...yeah I am."

"Is this because of the time the replicators nearly destroyed Atlantis?"

"Well." He sighed "Yeah...if it wasn't for sheppard's idea that time we would all certainly be dead."

"Look, I know you couldn't do anything to save ensign Davis that time, but you can't always protect everyone so you settle for saving as many as possible."

"Thanks but...who?"

"Anyone," Aria laughed " my estimate (Y/N) should be running out of bullets very soon, so how about we finish the final calibrations for the weapon?"

"Alright." He said allowing himself a small smile.


"Jaune!" You shouted over the din of weapons fire "how many bullets left?"

"38!" He replied

"Alright, conserve it! Shoot at the big bugs! Leave the rest to us!" You said before calling Gabriel on your badge "How much longer?"

"Just loadding the program into the Crystal!" Gabriel said "20 minutes tops!"

"We don't have that time left!" you said back to him "where's Lily?"

"I'm here!" Lily said over Gabriel's com frequency

"Good! I need you to-"

"I know! I know!" She yelled back "I'm on it!"

As team JNPR continued to shoot at the replicators for their lives lily's fingers flew over the keyboard of the computer that was tapped into the Crystal as she loaded the command protocol into the deflector line by line Gabriel and Aria was working with her to ensure the Crystal would work on the replicators, double checking their coding systems and tweaking bits and pieces to improve their efficiency.

"Alright final program sequence have been uploaded," Lily reported just as you breathed a sigh of relief. "Activate it!" You said

Confirming the activation sequence Lily muttered a silent prayer before she pressed the enter button. A blue glow appeared on the parabolic deflector dish, building the charge the dish begin to pulse with it glowing brighter with each pulse until it release the pulsewave sweeping the entire school.


Felling the wave wash over you, you slowly watched as the wave travelled down the corridor washing over the giant metal bugs it begin disintegrating it into small metal pieces.

Picking up one of the pieces you sigh in relief before groaning as you realised that there are holes all over the school, and that glynda would probably kill you for the mess you created. "Come on guys" you said tired from the day's activities "I need a shower"

"Yeah" Nora said wrinkling her nose "you smell terrible."

They laughed along with You, as you smiled warmly at your friends...'friends' you thought fondly 'how I have missed this word' as you all headed back to your dorms.
