Chapter 19 Meeting With The General

You were catching up on the events of the day and a few reports that Ozpin has delivered to you when Gabriel burst into your room.

"Have you seen the ships outside?"

"Yes Gabriel, we have a meeting with general Ironwood remember?"

"Yes I remember, but take a lookout of the window!"

Sighing, you look annoyed at his pestering and turned to look outside the window, to be stunned at the ships. Tapping on one of the ships, Aria enlarged the image and put it's specification on the window.

"Atlesian Airship" she said "similar to earth's later 21th century models, laser batteries, point defence systems, no shields, primitive to what we have."

"Now now, Aria" you grinned "don't say that to the general, that'll break his heart"

Then the intercom beeped "(Y/N) would you please step into my office please?"

"Well people, show time" you said getting up from his seat, before responding to Ozpin's call."on our way."


Ozpin and Glynda looks through the window from Ozpin's office. As Two Bullheads fly by as the camera slowly lowers to show ant-like swarms of people on the paths around Beacon.

"Well Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels." Glynda grumbled as you entered into ozpin's office.

"Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man." Ozpin mused

"Hey do I have to expect anything? I mean do I look Ok?" Gabriel joked

"Well you tell me" you said struggling in your old uniform "I always hated that they designed it like this"

Facing the doors as they slide open to reveal Ironwood as Ozpin approaches to greet him.

"Ozpin!" General Ironwood greeted cordially

"Hello, General." Ozpin stood to attention

"Please, drop the formalities" the general continued as he shook hands with ozpin "It's been too long. And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met. And...who are You?" He said squinting his eyes at you.

"I'm captain (Y/N) Ronsten of the federation starship Vortex" you introduced "these are my associates "Dr Gabriel Halsey of the Atlantis expedition and commander Aria Planetes, tactical officer."

"Ozpin what are your students doing here, and why are they saying such strange things?"

"Calm down James" Ozpin said pouring himself a cup of tea. "Let me explain."

"No professor, allow me" you said as you replicated a cup of tea in your own hands. "I assume that he briefed you on how I got here?"

"Yes he said two young men landed on the planet by some strange alien spacecraft, wait..." he paused "That was You?"

"Indeed" you said as you sipped your tea

"It was an accident that brought us to this planet." Gabriel said

"And we just recently figured out that it would be better if we stayed here." Aria finished.

"You" he said pointing to Aria "you're a hologram?"

"Yes I am, I assume, penny told you about my brother?"

"Yes, but if he" the general continued "is your brother, why isn't he a hologram."

"It's a long story general, why don't we go back to the task at hand" Ozpin said, as he finished the last of his coffee of his everpresent cup in his hand. " I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends, however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned."

"Well, concerned is what brought them here." Ironwood said.

"I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult." You said

"Oz, you and I both know why I brought those men." Ironwood continued

"We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression." Ozpin said

"I disagree," you said "I think both of you are wrong"

"Excuse me?" General Ironwood glared "what do you know about war?"

"A lot more than you do general" Ozpin said defending you "remember the explosion of the white fang warehouse in the Glenwood forest?"

"That was him?" Ironwood said in shock

"Not my proudest moment," you said "but I did what I had to do to survive,and I can tell you that?" You pointed out of the window to the fleet "is not necessary for survival"

"But if what Qrow said is true..."

" If what Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully." ozpin cut him off "It's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent. "

"I'm just being cautious." Ironwood protested

"forgive me for interrupting" Aria said " but your tactic for caution is flawed, you do not display the strength of your fleet to the people, i would not"

"and we certainly didn't, when i first built my ship not even the admirals knew about it." you said "as a result, we were capable of inflicting massive permanent damage despite terrible odds ."

"but if my ships deployed here we become a very effective deterrent to the enemy" Ironwood defended

"from what ozpin told me" you said "your ships would be a very tempting target to the enemy"

"now" gabriel contributed "there's nothing we can do now but let your ships stay, i can work on a few modification programs to better help your ships in targeting and protecting itself, in fact i have the data files right here" he finished handing over a scroll with the program

"i will have my analysis check these for bugs" Ironwood said

"i understand that you don't trust us " you said "but eventually you'll see our point"

"which leads us to our next request" Gabriel said turning to ozpin

"we need a location roughly 200 meters long, 30 meters wide and about 15 meters high." Aria finished

"preferably somewhere where we can open up to the sky" you chipped in

"may i ask what is it you will be doing with that space ?" ozpin inquired

"not that i don't like the fleet that the Atlesian military sent to protect us" you wriggled in your seat "but i must assume that your fleet has been compromised, i would also like the data of the shing i'm building to be off the Vale and Atlas database."

"why all the secrecy?" Ironwood probed intriguingly

"if you must know " you sighed "the mission where i destroyed the white fang warehouse was when i realised that beacon's database was hacked into, i may have destroyed the device but there is a chance that they might come back to tap into the database again, and i cannot have what i'm working on to fall into the wrong hands."

"very well, i will have the basement cleared for you, but you have to help us in one thing."ozpin negotiated "i need you to build a machine "

"it would go against all i believe in" you said turning to leave " but if that is the only way, you'll have the machine by next week"


In the Beacon Academy library, Team RWBY are shown playing Remnant: the game, while Lily was sitting to the side furiously paging through a thick rulebook.

"This is boring" Lily sighed giving up on the book entirely "why don't we do something more fun?"

"You have something more fun then this?" Yang laughed, increasing the annoyance of team JNPR who were trying to read quietly.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure (Y/N) could spare the deck for a few hours" Lily said

"Wait" Gabriel said walking towards them "you're going to get him to let you use the deck?"

"Yep! Come on!" Lily grinned


You were sipping the remains of a strong coffee and studying the schematics to what you were going to build when the doors behind you open.

"Hey! (Y/N)" Lily said bursting through with a group tailing her "can we borrow the simulation room for a few hours?"

"Uhh...sure, what for?" You asked surprised that she knew about it.

"Well I was bored and board games aren't going to cut it." Lilly said swiftly dodging into a door next to the bathroom, the others followed and found themselves in a empty room with the walls lined in blue lights.

"This is your idea of fun?" Weiss ridiculed causing yang to roll on the floor laughing.

"Not this," Lily said holding her hand out in front of her. Suddenly a console jumped from the floor raising itself to her palm causing Weiss to jump back in fright. "This." Tapping a few commands into the systems causing the scenery to be replaced with a full sized map of remnant.

"What the," juane said as he saw the map before falling to the ground.

"Alright," Lily started "There's 12 of us so 4 of us will be leaders and the leaders will pick 2 people each to lead their armies ok?"

"Right" Weiss assumed command "I'll be atlas! And I choose Aira and phyrra!"

"Ok" phyrra said

"Wait," Aria said "I did not volunteer for this."

"I'll be vale!" Ruby joined in "and I pick (Y/N) and yang!"

"Wait" you protested "you're using this state of the art technology for this?"

"But ruby" yang also protested "I want to be mistral"

"Ok then" ruby "I'll take gabriel"

"Oh great" Gabriel grumbled

"That is Fine!" Yang said "I'll take Lily and Nora and Ren"

"Any chance I can be my own team" you objected.

"What would you be?" Yang asked

"Well, I'll the people who seats in the back seat and control the Grimm." You said

"Don't be silly" ruby said "no one actually control the Grimm."

"Right." You muttered "what was I thinking?"

What were you thinking?
