Chapter 20 Sticky Situation

After one too many coffees in class you quietly drummed your fingers on the table as you tuned yourself out from all of professor port's incessant droning, counting down the seconds to the end of class. just as your internal clock struck 1600 hours weiss's alarm clock gives a shrill beep as it changes from 3:59 to 4:00, and she dismisses it with a wave of her hand. The professor is temporarily unaware of the alarm.

finally aware of the release of class the professor said "Timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!"

" time" Gabriel grumbled.

"i'll see you later, i have to confirm that our project is on course." you told him before swiping your arm bringing up a display screen, typing in your desired destination your suit underneath the uniform activated, causing the gyros attached to your extremities to spin in a glowing blue light. Jaune paused his useless proposal to weiss to observe you, after you winked at ruby your body distorted, multiple versions of you erupted from your body before reintegrating, and then you vanished in a flash of light.

Appearing at the basement of the large academy you walked towards a large hull of the vessel you were constructing, you stood back to admire your work as a hologram flickered to life beside you.

"hey" it said, making its, no, her presence known. "how was class?"

"terrible" you groaned "that was worse than that time when i got bored from repairing a phaser emitter and built a chronometric toaster to toast bread after it's eaten."

"well you did scared the hell out of ensign Savikk" Aria giggled

"whats the progress of the 400?"

"well as you can see we completed the hull, you know, to specs"

"good" you said swiping your arm to call out the display

"you know you can walk right? you don't have to Jump everywhere."

"well i like it." you said before you Jumped out of the basement into team Rwby's dorm shocking everyone.

"Oh my oum!" Weiss screeched "can't you just walk?"

"Yes I can, but why should I?" You retorted.

"I...." Weiss began trying to find a valid point only to look like a lost puppy.

"Alright, let's get started" you said "everyone has their assigned tasks?"

"Ruby and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem." Weiss clarifies her role

"You know I could just pull up the link from atlas right?" You smirked

"How did you-" Weiss began angryily

"I suggest we focus on the task at hand" Gabriel said interrupting her.

"Right, The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning." Blake said

I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale." Yang said "Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard..."

"And if he makes hard, I'm sure the simulation room could come up with sooome method of torture." Lily said

"No, lily I told you no" you said

"Well, (Y/N) and I are tied down to some, project So...we'll stay here to monitor your progress" Gabriel mentioned

"Unless" you said "one of you actually need help in that case...well....we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Oh and whoever is hanging around at the window will you please come in."

"Hey" Sun said jumping in "how did you know?"

"I'm clever, now, wear these ear pieces," you said handing them over. "I'll see you guys later."

"Right, I'm going with him" Gabriel said as they both exited the room.


"Gabriel!" You yelled sliding out from under the engine module "could I trouble you to fire the engine!"

"I need to calibrate it first or it'll blow up!" He yelled back

Sliding back under the module in irritation you continued to tweak the systems until he fired it the thruster burned straining the magnetic clamps that was holding it in place before ripping it clean off the strut, flying a few meters in front, the failsafe kicked in causing it to fall to the ground.

"What the hell!" You said "how high was the thrust?"

"Very," Gabriel answered "Did you increase the efficiency of the engines again?"

"I think So, I wasn't even sure that it would work" you answered before laughing madly.

"Nice to see you boy's enjoying yourself" Aria cut in "but we have a problem."

"Oh on" you said pulling up the signal from Blake and Sun. "Let's go Gabriel"

"Right." He said picking up his weapon. "Ready when you are."


jumping into position, gabriel immediately pushed the motorcycle to a high speed forcing you to cling onto him desperately "can you go any slower?" you yelled

"you know," gabriel laughed "for starfleet's 'speed demon' you're like a whim on one of these things!"

As he draws closer to the giant robot currently wrecking the streets you quickly identified the mech as the Atlesian Paladin-290, since you saw a one of the prototype schematics, putting on the tricorder over your head you activated the interface and began digging at it's programming code trying to find a base directive to shut it down as gabriel slammed on the brakes throwing both of you out of the seat and landing onto the Paladin well with you screaming from the unexpected abandonment of the bike.

landing on the back of the machine you yelled at gabriel "a little warning next time !"

"sorry!" he apologized grinning at the maneuver he just pulled off. turning to look up ahead you realised the target for this bulking monstrosity, yang and neptune. "Gabriel! cut his sensor systems, make us a bigger threat!"

"got it!" the brown hair boy replied as he began serving the optical sensors. But as soon as the optical nodes went offline the laser sensors took their place,not expecting that to happen gabriel was slightly taken aback before losing his grip on the paladin and flew across the highway across the street , you gave up on finding the route kernel access of the robot and took out a chewing gum wrap, popping the stick in your mouth you proceed to block off the lasers with the wrapping paper and looped it causing the rest of the external sensors to be cut off.

standing a distance away from the dancing mach, Team Rwby ran to you "what are you doing?"

"well i'm waiting to for roman to stop fooling around and surrender himself, but i don't think that is an option" you said ducking under the arm of the mech that swung its way towards you "besides i think i forgot about the microphones."

the tricorder beeped as it confirmed the completion of its previous assignment "finally you're done" you said as you straightened it and activated the program. A red line signal spread across the screen informing roman that the reactor core systems in the Paladin was about to blow up, grimacing about the development roman bailed out of the machine. flying out of the robot he landed a few meters in front of them .

"well" you said leaning to the side of the mech "i see you couldn't stay for the bells and whistles i see"

"(Y/N)" roman greeted "Ladies, Ice Queen..."

'Hey!" weiss protested

"i'm surprise that you know my name" you responded

"well of course, you see-"

"no no i don't think you get what i mean" you interrupted "i'm surprise that you know my name but you cant even bother remembering the rest of theirs"

"Well you see, my employers have taken a special interest in you" roman said smiling

"Really?" You grinned "alive or dead?"

"They prefer you to be more dead then alive"

"Well tell them, too bad, I want them all dead and...ill start with you." You said deploying your weapon to strike Roman but was stopped in time by a
pink-and-brown haired girl.

"Ahh Neo," Roman sighed "just in time,"

Neo smiled and pushed back with her strength, before retreating, leaving
their image as if made out of a mirror and turn just in time to see them escape in a Bullhead.

"So I guess he got a new henchman..." Yang gritted her teeth.

"Yeah, I guess she really made our plans..." weiss said before a smile spread across her face " fall apart!"

Ruby began giggling, as Blake walked away hanging her head. "Nice try Weiss" you said, "but maybe next time try it when we're winning." Walking off to find Gabriel.

"Well" Gabriel said rubbing his sore head, " did we win?"

"No" you said helping him up "but we got ourselves a mech."

"Not much help for us (Y/N)" Gabriel said "They probably got a lot of those."

"Come on, let's get you patched up," you grinned "then we finish calibrating the engines."

"Alright" he groaned "but drinks are on you"

"Done," you said shaking his hand as both of you head back to beacon.

"I want a Chech'tluth, made, not replicated"

"Yeah Yeah, let's get you checked out first."


A girl with ashen-black hair and bright amber eyes, looked silently as the news report played about the incident. Looking back down on the database of beacon, she smiled as she gained access to your database, scrolling down she studied the information, till she reached something of interest to her, a metal bug like contraption before pressing it, activating the replicator's sub programming to, replicate the metal bug of the same name...replicators.
