sneek out?

Kinako stabbed the spoon in to the soup. Her anger taking over recalling the seen from yesterday. " Please reselect a bodyguard for me" her mouth finally spoke.

" Dear I know how mad you are but tsurugi is one of the best fighters in our kingdom. But what he did was indeed wrong. I told him to not act like himself but I guess he just doesn't like us after all" the queen said as she sighed.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

" Easy for them to say. They didn't know how scared I was all alone in the dark..... But I guess I was the one to say act normal. " Kinako wondered her mind as she stopped in front of a tree. She sat down under the shade and pulled her legs to a hug. " I miss home. I want to go back" she staired into the ground. Green grass moved by the wind. Her eyes moved up to see the sky but....

A young knight with blue hair sitting on the window reading a book. His amber eyes into the book. His blue hair controlled by the wind. Kinako staired into the knight. His looks was one thing he had.

The knight turned the page and continued to read as his eye ball went through every word. The leaf landed on the book as the knight closed it along with his eyes. He rested his heads back in the window.

Kinako just staired into him until his eyes met hers. " He saw me" kinako thought as she released the way she was sitting. That lonely position was not a way for a princess to sit. She quickly got up and started walking.

" Oi princess" she heard him call. She turned as the boy jumped from the window and landed on the ground safely...sadly for her.

" What?" She asked having a tint of anger in her face. " Are you here to apologize?"

" Apologize?... What for?"  His amber eyes showed a confused expression as the princess frowred. " Ah my deepest apologies princess" the knight bowed.

' he definitely deosnt know. I just know it' her mind thought as she asked. " For what?"

His silence proved it. " I can't believe a guy like you was appointed as my bodyguard" her anger deepened as she turned.  " Same feeling here. Why do I have to babysit a princess from a I don't know where" she heard him say in his lazy voice.

" Shut up servent. I bet 7000$ if that behaviour of yours didn't kill you" the princess pointed at his chest. " I bet my name on it if your married princess didn't kick you out off the palace in 2 days" he said with his dry voice.

" What did you say!" She shouted as she realized her behaviour and calmed down. For some reason when he's around she couldn't keep her cool at all. He annoyed her. She turned and started walking. ' such annoying princess' tsurugi thought as he followed her into her room.

A week passed and the princess visited the lake daily and was left there alone daily as well. She didn't meet temma once during the week. He was busy and she was bored. With nothing to do she just staired off the window like any other day.

" Is today a festival?" She asked not turning. " Ah? Yeah... That was today wasn't it" the boy behind her said. " What's a festival like?" She asked as she turned to face him.

" Whats it like you ask? Have you never been to one?" The knight asked. " I was never aloud to go outside so I don't know" she said having a tint of sadness in her voice but soon turned to a joyful one. " Say let's sneak out today"

" Princess there is a limit to your jokes you know" the knight sighed. " I wasn't joking. Come with me " her voice still filled with excitement sounded like a death sentence to the blue haired knight.  " I don't want to die yet"

" If you don't come I'll just sneak out myself but if I get hurt or killed" she smirked with a pause and gave him a fake sparkling smile " either way you are dead anyway"

This annoying. He sighed again. The princess staired as she turned to the window again and looked outside with a boring sad eyes. Well not that I expected him to agree. He's more into duty than....

"Fine then meet me near the gate after 7.00p.m. " did she missheard or was it her imagination. She turned with her eyes locked in suprise.  Soon her lips curved into a smile.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

The knighted staired into the sky. It was dark. Probably pass 7.00 p.m. he wore his casual clothes. His hair down, a blue shirt with black pants.  " I'm here. Sorry I'm late" he heard a female voice from behind.  He turned annoyed " what time do you think it is?...." He paused as she saw the girl wearing a plain brown gown with normal slippers. " Princess?...." He wasn't sure but her hair confirmed it.

" What do you think? I borrowed it from a maid." She turned 360° and smiled.  At least this way we wouldn't get cought but.. the knight thought as he looked into the princess's gown. He took of his court and threw it to her before passing her. " You'll catch a cold. It's cold here"

She took the court out of her face and into her hands before looking at the young knight who was already ready to jump a cross the wall. She put the court on with no question and ran next to the wall. Tsurugi was already on top of it. He gave her his hand and she took it. " Ready?" He asked as she nodded.  He gathered his strength and pulled the princess up and into his hands. She held on to his shirt. Her nose picked up the sent of the young knight. " Your too close" she whispered with a tint red on her face.

'' bare with it if you don't want to fall" his voice touched her ear as he hugged and jumped from the wall. The landing didn't go as planned though.

" Ouch" kinako stood up in pain.  Tsurugi too stood up and cleared the dirt off his pants. He looked at the princess to confirm her safety.  " Come on hurry let's go" she said excitedly as she started running. Of course the knight followed her.

. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Her foot steps stopped as she reached the festival. There were a lot of people. So many shops and colourful lights. " It's beautiful" her eyes sparkled.  " Hey tsurugi what are those shops"

" They are games. You win you get the price kind of stuff." He said as he took a step forward and put his hand forward. " Your hand.... You might get lost here so better safe than sorry"

Kinako had her doubts but her hand automatically reached him. " Then let's go" his voice guide her steps.

So many games. She tried the gold fish catching game but didn't win one bit. " Uncle I'll take one" tsurugi gave a coin to the man and he gave him a archer and a arrow. " Here try and shoot" he said as he handed it to her.  She tried five times but failed. " I don't like it. It isn't hitting" she complained like a child.

" Don't complain about the game just because you couldn't hit it" tsurugi came closer to kinako as he gave the bow to her and held her hand with it. " W-what are you doing" her voice cracked as her face turned red. " Just shut up and learn.... your arms are weak. You don't have the strength" he said as he pulled her hand along with the arrow focusing in the target. " Close you left eye and focus" he ordered as she closed her left eyes. " Do you see the target clearly?" He asked as she felt his breath. H-hes too close. How am I supposed to focus. " Y-yeah" she spoke. " Good then let go" he loosened his grip and let the arrow go as the same time the princess did.

It hired straight in the middle. " I did it" she jumped in joy. " Congratulations little lady. You can pick whatever you want from here" the man said. " I can pick one. Then I want that bear" she said as the man gave her the stuff bear. " What are you a five year old" tsurugi whispered as kinako glared.

" Whatever" he turned and started walking. " Such a cold boyfriend you got there isn't he" the man said as it suprised her. " Huh?"

" Hey come on. I'll leave you" tsurugi shouted as kinako bowed as a thank you and went towards the knight.

small kids running around and beautiful girls wearing yukata. Dazzling lights and different different kind of food everywhere. It was her first time in a festival so it was normal to be this excited but the knight looked annoyed.


The princess blushed at the sound knowing where it came from. " Ah it looks like rain is coming" kinako said as she looked up. " Don't play dumb I know that roar came from your stomach" the knight smirked as the princess looked down embarrassed. " Plan failed huh" she thought.

" what do you want to eat? Pick whatever you want I'll treat you" the knight turned and said. " Really! But you don't have to. After all, I'm the one who dragged you along" " ah girls really do talk too much. Hearing it makes my ears crack" the princess puffed in anger of the rudeness the knight showed.

" What a ride guy. Coming with his is taking all my fun away. I really should have asked temma after all" her mind wondered as she went to a shop and looked at the expensives food she could find. This is what happens when you mess with a princess. " I want this one. Three of them"

" Three? Do you even eat that much?" The knight showed a complaining face.  " What's this. I thought you told me you will buy me whatever I want. I'm growing child after all. I have to eat a lot" the princess smirked as the knight sighed. " Uncle 4 please" he took out his wallet and paid.

The two continued to walk and soon after they went away from the festival. " This isn't the way to the palace is it?" The princess said as she looked around. " Since it's already this late might as well watch it" he's words brought curiosity into the princesses mind. " Watch what?" The moment she questioned a sound of a explosion was heard. She looked to the sky only to see fireworks in the sky. So may colours with such bright and wormth. Her eyes sparkled.

The fire works ended and the dark sky returned to the darkness. Tsurugi looked to the princess. " Are you satisfied?" He asked rather softly. " The truth is I'm kind of jealous. People get to do this kind of fun stuff everyday....... A princess is never to leave the palace and never has friends. she is always alone. When the age comes the king choose a princess and all I can do is accept it..... It's actually unfair.  Sometimes I think unlucky it is to be bored as a royal" her voice softened.

" You have general temma as a friend don't you?" The sudden question snapped the princess. He spoke the truth. She has friends. " And if... If you find someone you like then I'm sure the king will listen to you" she found his words comfortable to hear. Even a guy like him can bring hope to a person.

Then the knight turned to face the princess. " And princess I'm sure you are feeling out of place here and find it uncomfortable to be here but you are not alone." He's quick smile felt so worm. The princess smiled as well " yeah I know... After all I have to selfish knight to keep me company" suddenly a year rolled down her cheek. She suddenly wiped it out but soon another one replaced it. Ah why am I crying. How stupid of me. I'm showing him my weak side again. This is so embarrassing. Why won't I stop crying...... Did his word really made me that happy?

" Ah how childish are you" the knight complained having his smiling face. " Shut up dumb knight. I'm not childish" her voice cracked.

" You still want to go somewhere?" The knight asked. " Go where?" Kinako asked as her eyes now leaking no tears.

" No clue just some places or should we head back to the palace?" The princess thought for a second. " Again..." She paused. " Again?" Tsurugi questioned. " If you promise to take me out again then let's go to the palace"

" Could it be that your asking me out princess~" his teasing never stops. "No!" Kianko flushed red as she yelled. " That was a joke you know. You don't have to be so worked up" the knight turned back " if I have time I'll take you"

" ...yeah" kinako nodded as she followed tsurugi. " Hey......thanks for today. I had a really fun time"

"No need to thank me. I was only doing my job after all"

Even if he says that although I did threatened him.... If he didn't have worm heart inside him I'm sure he wouldn't even consider about today.

We just might get along after all. Tsurugi kyousuke huh. Such a weird person.
