my new bodyguard?

" also we have a walk planned at 2.00pm and after that we are having lunch... Kinako dear are you listening?" Queen nanubane questioned noticing the ' don't know don't care' kind of face her daughter was making. " Yeah...." kinako sat on her bed.

" Ok then. I'm going back to my room." The queen said as she left the room. Kinako staired at the door for a while before walking to the window. She peeked outside. Just another normal day and temma was busy as always. Her eyes turned left to right, right to left.

And she spotted something. A lake? ...
Blue water... She turned and walked out of the door. After walking in rounds for a while she finally found the lake. Blue water moved by the wind. Green trees all around and birds stopping by to have a drink. It was beautiful just as she thought.

She then bended down to touch the water. It was cold but felt refreshing. Her mind then thought was what she worried before " I think I should just stay in my room. After all like temma said my behaviour yesterday was ..." She whispered to her self.

" Absolutely true. That was a unexpecteble behaviour coming from a princess" that voice deep yet soft. Surly no doubt. Kinako's eye brows met but she didn't move her body a inch to see the person behind her. " Did you come to make fun of me?"

" Of course not princess. Even I know well inaf for making fun of a princess is death " kinako turned to the boy. Her golden eyes and amber eyes met.

" I don't think it will be a problem" the knight spoke. " Those two... The queen and the king are small minded you could say.... I always act like that around them but they treat me no differently than others"

" No no no matter what way you look at it. They treat you special but if that's the case then I guess I don't have to worry that much" kinako said as she pushed her finger to her chin.

" Then princess allow me to fulfill my duty and kindly come along with me to Eden king and queen " the knight bended. " Because you are seriously late for the meet up."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

" It was such nice times so we decided that we shouldn't keep this fun away from our girl so we are going back to the rimon kingdom and kinako of course with temma general will be here for another few weeks"

She remembered her mother's words.  Not only she ruined her next week but also made a selfish decision by making the blue haired selfish knight her bodyguard. She turned her head back only to see that knight keeping a sharp eye around.

" Say....." Kinako turned. " What was your name again?" Kinako asked.

" Tsurugi kyousuke princess" the knight said as kinako questioned again " so what should I call you. Knight tsurugi or sir tsurugi?"

" Just tsurugi will be fine. Princess" the knight said as his amber eyes staired into the golden eyes.  ' what?" The princess asked. " No actually I've been meaning to ask. Do you always talk like that?"

" What do you mean by that" kinako questioned. " No well.... I mean for a princess you talk pretty normally. I always thought they talk way formally and you know... Never act like this infront of a servent." Tsurugi said with a small smirk.

Kinako: do they?

Tsurugi: what are you trying to do by asking me arn't you the princess.

Kinako: I never met another royal from my age or younger but I guess it's true they speak a little formal but just because of that I don't want to change my way of talking.

Tsurugi: I see

Kinako: so you can talk to me normally too

Tsurugi : sorry but I value my life and like to keep my head attached to my body.

He was indeed different than the others. Someway he resembled temma in a way.  He didn't greet for power and just wanted to live as the way he is. He found royals a pain but ended up working for them.

The princess of rimon a clumsy hot tempered girl. Hardly an example for a princess. Her beauty was nothing compared but her heart was childish. She didn't separate the people who live in this country. For her all was human and nothing more.

" I want to see more to this country" kinako said as she walked to the window. " It maybe a short time but I want to see the beauty to this country while I'm here."

" Beauty?........ There is no such thing here" her ears picked up the whisper. She turned and saw the dark expression he had. His eyes lifeless but then turned to normal. " My apologies. It was out of question" the knight bowed as he asked forgiveness.

" ..... It's ok"  for his eyes the world around him didn't look the same as mine. Maybe that's why he said that. His parents were gone from this world when he's the samtest age as me. He has seen more darkness that I have ever. I couldn't answer anymore than that. The words didn't cross my throughout.

Kinako nodded.  She shook her head to calm down as she saw temma below. " Temma" she called in a small voice.  " You seem to be close to the general" tsurugi asked as kinako nodded.

" He is my childhood friend. We met " " ok that's inaf. I didn't ask for your background story" the knight opened his rude mouth.

Kinako : I can't believe I have to spend weeks with you

Her sign continued to fill the room. Her body was tired she needed rest but more so ever she was bored. She turned her body and walked to the door.

" May I ask where you are going?" The knight asked.  Of course his questioned wasn't answered. The knight followed the princess. They ended up in the lake. Perfect place to rest.

" Princess please return to the castle at once. It is not safe to be here at this time of the day" the knight said as the princess turned to him. " Would you stop being so dromatic. Its annoying. It's not that late"

" Dromatic? Well I'm sorry if it is but the king ordered me to act like this" the knight spoke out of the blue as the princess shook. " He's words sometimes makes no sense" kinako thought as she opened her mouth. " Are you saying the king asked you to be dramatic?"

" That is what I said. Do you have hearing problems?" His cold words pissed the young princess. " Act normal" she ordered.

Tsurugi: " I don't take orders from another kingdom's princess."

Kinako: arn't you my bodyguard?!

Tsurugi: it seems you are more dumb than you look. Allow me to explain that a bodyguard is to protect not any other.

Kinako: of course I know that.

Tsurugi: I see....

Kinako: act normal. Now!. If you don't I'll see to it that you won't live peacefully.

Tsurugi: act normal you say. But I am doing that

Kinako: no you said that this is acting. Stop it. Do what you Normally do.

Tsurugi: are you sure princess.

Kinako: * serious* yes

The knight then looked at the golden eyes that sparked infront of him. " Ok then. I'm of to slacking" he whispered as he yawed while turning around and started walking.

" Wait what you doing?" Kinako asked as the knight answer with out turning " acting normal like you asked."

Soon his presence disappeared. She was now alone.
