chapter 9

Tsurugi sat at the edge and looked towards the river. He took a bite of the bread he had in his hands.

Someone sat next to him while asking " what are you doing?" . " Eating" tsurugi answered as temma frowed. " I know that. I was asking about what you were thinking about?" Temma said as tsurugi looked at him. " No I'm positive you were asking what I was doing"

" No I said thinking" temma again said.
" No it was doing"
" I asked the question. I know what I asked"
" I heard it a second ago and answered it too"

They both then glared at each other before turning his face to the other side. " So much for trying to start a conversation" tsurugi heard temma whisper.

" I don't need to speak with idiots" tsurugi said as temma puffed " is that so. Me too. I would rather talk to a monkey than you "

" Weren't you the one who started talking to me?" Tsurugi pointed as temma had no words.

Then they both face the other direction not looking at each other at all. " I was thinking about some stuff" temma heard as he turned to tsurugi. " So now your going to answer"

" Oh forget it" tsurugi stood up and walked away with his beard.
Temma also just sat where he was and didn't looked at the annoyed prince.

" Ah.... I can never get along with that guy" they both thought at once.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Kinako was walking along the garden.

Flash back.

She slowly walked into her room and closed the door. " What a jerk. Of course I felt something. I'm not stupid. The feelings I have for tsurugi is love. That much I know." Kinako said as she sat in her bed.  " But why was prince  shindou say those things. I just carried out his convenience his way so I won't get in trouble but it was obvious that he was trying to convince me that I don't like tsurugi.... Though prince shindou didn't look like a bad guy" kinako paused as the door opened revealing the king of rimon.

End of flashbacks

Kinako touched a rose and felt the red pedal. " I didn't ask you I was asking him" kinako heard temmas voice. " Oh great now your mad at me for that stupid thing" tsurugi's voice no doubt about it. Kinako hide behind the bushes.

" No I'm not. I obviously said thinking" temma said as tsurugi looked a side looked tired. " We are not going back to this conversation"

" You two" suddenly prince shindou came between them. " May I remind you that you two are high blood lines and should not be arguing"

" See." Temma pointed. " Now we are talking to a prince" temma mocked tsurugi. " Hey I didn't ask to be promoted knight to Prince" tsurugi shot back.

" Well the job deosent fit you " temma took a step forward. " Be my guest and say that to the Eden kings face" tsurugi took a step as well.

" Oh come one guys. Stop acting like 5 year old. You guys are 18 arn't you" shindou said as tsurugi and temma froze before turning to shindou. " What happened to your prince style talking" tsurugi pointed.

" Yeah now that I'm hearing this you actually sounds like a young teenage guy" temma said as shindou had a thought. " I'm only one year older than you two "

" No way" the youngers said at once. " What are you surprised for? ! How old did you think I was?" Shindou asked as tsurugi's and temmas faces turned cold as they both answers at once " 49 and  + "

" Ok now I'm mad" shindou then started chasing the boys as temmas turned to run but was pulled by someone and thrown to shindou. They both froze for a second. Temma then looked at the running former knight. " You betrayer" he shouted.

" Since when did those tree get along so well" kinako questioned as her eyes followed tsurugi. She remembered what her father said to her last night.

" Stay away from the Eden prince. And I mean stay away. You are Never to talk to him again"

" But dad I...."

" Kinako I thought I told you this when you were younger. A princess must be a Piller of strength to the kingdom and you must marry the prince of the fifth kingdom in order to do that. There for I order you to stay away from him"

" You can't do that. He's the one I"

" That is my final decision"

Kinako sighed.
" being a princess is hard......" kinako mumbled between her breath as she stepped forward.

" princess nanubane? I didn't see you. Have you been waiting?" Prince shindou asked as kinako shook her head. " no actually " she looked at tsurugi getting his attention.  " can I talk to you?"

Tsurugi stayed silence for a second before answering. " yes your highness"

They both walked to A far side where no one was. Kinako then stopped and faced tsurugi.  " tsurugi, i need to ask you somthing" she said as tsurugi just nodded.

" as you already know I've been offered a proposal but I have a person that i am interested in and  I barely know Prince shindou...... But my dad said a princess should be the pillar or strength to the kingdom and in order to do that" kinako paused for a minute. " but I just can't do that so my decision will be decided by the answer you give me today"

Tsurugi just staired silently. " I love you " he heard as he widened his eyes. Surprised? Or was he Happy? He didn't know but..... " so what is your answer?" Kinako asked looking down.

Tsurugi then looked down as well with the a shadow covering his eyes. " I'm sorry " he said as kinako bowed. " I understand.  Bye Prince tsurugi "  with that she turned and walked away.

Tsurugi sighed and touched his heart. " you did the right thing " he heard shindou say. " of cause, I'm not a idiot." He turned and found Prince shindou behind him and temma standing behind shindou. " if fifth kingdom were to make enemies with the rimon kingdom is will be nothing but suicide. That much I know " tsurugi finished.

" thank you.  I promise to keep her safe" with that shindou left.  Tsurugi just stayed where he was.

" want to celebrate?" Tsurugi looked at temma. " we both just lost our first love to A total stranger. Let's go have a drink" temma said. " are you trying to cheer me up?" Tsurugi asked as temma gave a small smile. " only for today "

.  .  .  .  .   .  .

" i haven't fallen so low to let a guy like you treat me huh" temma kicked the rock in front of him. " who does that guy think he is."

He then sighed remembering he was In public.  Temma then sighed before looking up at the shining star's. " ah so  she's getting married huh " he looked down. " even after I kicked my pride away and confessed to you. Princess you really are very cruel."

He then turned back and looked at the castle. He was not that far away from it. He looked at the window on the tower. " princess are you really happy this way? "  temma asked.

He then only accidentally staired to the right only to see the young Prince in blue hair staring at the sky like he was a second ago.

Before they knew it their eyes met. Suddenly both of them avoided eye contact angrily.

" yeah well whatever" temma mumbled before walking away.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Kinako sat on the table only to see the young three males missing. " um where did Prince shindou go?" Kinako asked her father. " they went on a hunt with Prince tsurugi and knight temma " he father answered.

" oh my such healthy boys. Doing something so early " queen of Eden laughed. " well they are at that age after all " queen of rimon joined.

Kinako then took a bite. " kinako darling did you cry? Your eyes look so red?" She heard her mom ask. She quickly answered no before smiling.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Temma aimed the arrow as he was about the shoot before another arrow was shot at him from the side. He quickly dogged and looked only to see tsurugi holding the bow having obvious eyes and saying "opps".

" you did that on purpose " temma yelled. " did I now?" Tsurugi said plainly before turning.

' even here those two fight ' shindou thought while swept dropping.
" Prince shindou, I didn't expect you to go hunting at this hour. " temma spoke as shindou smiled. " actually I just wanted to spend some time with you guys " he's answer touched the two.

" but I don't enjoy hunting " tsurugi spoke taking the twos attention.  " then want to go out to town?" Shindou suggested but tsurugi did not look excited.  " sorry but I'm not feeling very well so I'm going back "

With that said he left leaving the two behind.  " ahhh this is all my fault " temma heard shindou say. " it's no one's fault Prince . These kind of things are normal. We just have to face them so we can wake up tomorrow.  He just needs some time "

" for a guy who always fights with his you sure do know about him " shindou said as temma smiled. " I knew him quite back. We were on the front line at the war. Though we may not get along....... He's And I know each other more than our parents "

" I see. I'm relieved to hear That " shindou said as temma faced him. " Prince you do not need to feel guilty about anything. As for us you do not have to worry as well. If any case he do fall down I'll be here to help him stand up"

" because that's what friends are for right?"
