chapter 8

2 mouths have passed since kinako came back to her kingdom.

" That's not good princess you are putting two much cream" one of the cooks said as she instructed the princess.

" I see.... Uh no matter how much I try I can't get It right" kinako gave up as she sat on the floor. " If he sees this he would obviously laugh" she mumbled as the maids chuckled.

" What's so funny?" Kinako asked annoyed.

" Princess the Letter men is here" the maid came running through the kitchen doors. " Really? Then I'll be right back" kinako ran through the doors.

" Really that princess. I wonder who she's so interested in anyway. She tries to bake and send letters while waiting for them" one of the maids said.

" I wonder if it's the guy she likes?" Another said.
. . . . . . . .

Kinako ran out of the building and stopped infront of the man with the bag. " Ah princess. Good morning" he greeted. " Oh good morning" she greeted back.

" I see you have been backing in the morning again" the man said as he realized the princess looking at the bag.

" Um is there a letter for me?" She asked. " Oh yes quite a few of them" the man's words gave kinako wings. Her eyes sparkled.

He handed over three letters and kianko grabbed them. She looked at the sender but.... " It's not from him" she made a sad face.

" Are there not any other?" She expected a answer. But all she got was a no. ' of course he wouldn't send any. He didn't send me a single reply for the last two months so what am I having high hopes for now' she thought as she turned around depressed.

" I see the same reaction as the one that prince told me the princess will make" those words made kinako froze at her steps. She turned as the man was holding another letter. Kinako took it as she read the address. " Eden kingdom...... It's from Eden kingdom. It's from him" she jumped in joy but stopped. " Wait... Prince?"

. . . . . . . .

Kinako ran into the kitchen and sat on a table before opening the letter.

Flash back

" It was announced just the other day that the Eden king has adopted a young knight." The man said in joy. " The entire Eden kingdom is celebrating in joy of a new heir to the kingdom"

End of flashback

Kinako read the letter.

Her eyes widened. The maids got super curious. Suddenly kianko slammed the letter into the ground.

" It's just a empty paper" she yelled. Then she picked up the paper only to see four words on the backside of the letter.

See you soon princess

Kinako felt her cheeks burn up. " That idiot...." She mumbled and she smiled.

" You sure look happy" the head maid midori said as kinako came to her senses. " No I don't"

" What deos it say?" She asked. " Nothing" kianko said as she walked out of the kitchen.

" What a shy princess" the maids chuckled.
. . . . . . . .

Kianko walked through the hallway. ' but what deos he mean by see you soon? Could it be he's coming here? But why?' Kinako thought.

She then stopped at her track. ' ah that's right my birthday. ' she thought as she then changed her destination.

. . . . . . . . . .

" The party should be well prepared and planned." The king said as the servent nodded and went outside.

" Time goes so fast. To think our daughter is turning 18. They grow up so fast. The time has finally come to her to choose her partner" the queen said as she clapped. " We should dress her up as the prettiest and take this opportunity to choose her partner. We should invite every prince of every kingdom" the queen danced in happiness as the king smiled.

" Well there is one problem. Kinako really isn't the type who wants to dress up well. She has been like that since small remember so there is no way...." The king couldn't finish as the door smashed open revealing their daughter.

" Dad I need to make a request." She stepped in. " Yes what is it kinako?" The king asked.

" I need you to find me a really beautiful gown and make me really pretty and I mean really really really pretty enough to caught the eye of a really cold hearted boy" her request suprised every one in the room.

" Darling you have a boy you are interested in? I didn't know" the queen said as kianko blushed.

" I didn't say I was ........" Kinako played with her hair " ....and besides...he doesn't.." she whispered the last part " see me that way"

" Anyway" she again spoke loud " um you know just to make sure" she again let her voice down. " Is......"

" The Eden family is invited." The king spoke up as kianko blushed.

" I wasn't.... Really.... Ok then bye" she suddenly ran off the room. The king smiled.

" Wait why was she interested in Eden?" The queen asked as the king cleared his throat after a smile. " Dear your not hiding anything are you?" The queen questioned.

" Of course not. I just know the obvious. A maid told me about her always waiting for a letter from Eden. Now that I think of it .... It must be from that knight" the king smiled.

. . . . . . . . . .

" Kyousuke at you ready?" The queen came inside the room. " My! How handsome. those Prince cloths looks lovely on you" she said as she came close and gave him his sword.

" Arn't you excited? We're finally meeting up with princess kianko again" the queen smiled.

" Yeah....." Tsurugi smiled as he then looked at the queen sadly. " Sorry about not changing my name.

" Oh are you still worried about that. Of course we talked about this. Until you are ok with any of it we would never force you" the queen patted his shoulder.

"So come one let's go" the queen said as tsurugi and she went out of the room through the door.

. . . . . . . . .

The princess stood tall at the ball catching all the eyes for young prince's.

A lot of introductions were made to her but she just smiled on the outside while exploring her eyes at the hall.

Her eyes showed a tint of disappointment. " Dad I'm hungry. I'm going to eat" she made her way to the table that was full of different foods.

She grabbed a drink from it and turned her back to the table while facing the crowd. She took a sip clearly expressing her anger.

" You need a snack with that?" A plate was shown infront of her. " Yes thank you very much" she took a piece of chocolate from the plate and looked at the person.

His blue hair was smoothly combed and his amber eyes staired right into hers. He was indeed looking like a ideal prince.

Kinako staired at him for a minute before throwing the chocolate into her mouth and turned right back while taking a sip from the juice.

Tsurugi too took a second but again went back to eating the chocolate. Kinako looked at tsurugi from the corner of her eyes.

Clearly all eyes were directed to them. " Ah this is so uncomfortable" she heard him whisper. He then turned to leave somewhere.

" Ah.." before she could even realized she was holding into his hand. " You need something?" He asked her.

" No" she quickly took her hand back. " I see..." He then returned to his place besides kinako.

Tsurugi heard her mumbled. He took a glance at her. " I couldn't hear what you said" his words startled the princess. " I didn't say anything......" Her face showed a tint of red.

" Excuse me" the tall man appeared infront of kinako. " May I have this dance with you?" He led her his hand.

" Ah Me?.... I...." Kinako shuttered as she felt a a soft touch on her hand. " My apologies but she is my partner for the tonight" his soft voice said as she felt heart skip a beat. Tsurugi smiled at her before moving into the middle of the other dancing couples.

Kinako wapped her hands around the prince's neck and his hand touched her hip. They took steps and another. They danced. Her dress swing her hair danced. She finally lifted her eyes as they connected. She didn't dare take a blink.

She melted into his eyes. She tightened her hands like she never wanted to go. " How do he feel?" She questioned in her head although she wanted say it out loud.

" You look beautiful" she heard a whisper in her ear. Did she hear it right. She again looked into his eyes. " Your finally starting to look a little mature."

She stepped on his leg. " What did you say!?" She asked a bit loud. " Are you saying that I looked like a child before?" She asked. " That's what I've been saying since I met you" tsurugi said as kinako puffed.

" Your not romantic at all" kinako complained. " and you can't dance at all" tsurugi hit back. " You're the worst" kinako puffed as tsurugi's face came close to her ear. " And yet you still waited for my letters"

" I-i didn't" she denied hiding her face.

The music ended. All partners bowed to each other before leaving.

Kinako went back to her parents side as tsurugi went to his. " Kianko. Let me introduce you to the fifth kingdoms king " king of the rimon said as the other man smiled.

" My what a beautiful daughter you have. She would make a beautiful relationship with my son here" he said as kinako's eyes widened up. Tsurugi also quickly turned to then.

" She is at the perfect age as well. It will be a good way to deepen our friendship between the two kingdoms." The king of the fifth kingdom said as kinako looked at her father asking for help.

" My deepest apologies but my daughter has a .." " are you telling me a miere prince is at the same level as the my prince" his voice roared.

" I understand. My apologies" the king of rimon quickly apologized. " Then it's decided." He left as said.

" But dad...." Kinako was almost about to cry. " Be quite. The fifth kingdom is a powerful kingdom. We cannot afford to have a bad relationship with them. I will try and explain it to him slowly" the king sighed as kinako nodded.

. . . . . . . . . .

She rested her head on the tree under the moon light. She pulled her knees into a hug. She staired at the ground as she looked infront only to see a young prince standing in front of her stairing at her.

He bended down to her hight. " Your getting your dress dirty."

" I don't care..." She looked down again. " I heard what happened. What did your dad say about that?" Tsurugi asked.
" He said he'll try but...." Kinako showed a sad smile " I guess I better get use to being around that prince".

" Come on get up" he pulled her up along with him. " Let's go inside. It's cold here" tsurugi said as he pulled the princess. " Tsurugi..... Is that your name right now?" She questioned.

He smiled. " It won't change". " Then prince tsurugi" she was cut off by tsurugi slightly hitting her head. " Ok stop right there with Your prince talk" kinako slightly laughed at the uncomfortable prince..

Kinako then stretched her hand and held tsurugi which pretty much suprised him. " Are you hungry?" She asked.

" What?..... Well yeah I didn't eat after all" tsurugi said as kinako then dragged him to the kitchen.

She let tsurugi hand slipped through her when they entered the kitchen. Kinako walked and picked some dishes and some ingredients.

" Um.... " Tsurugi took a stair before asking " what are you doing?" . " I'm making dinner" kinako said with a sunny laugh. " You do know there is dinner at the hall right?" Tsurugi pointed at the direction.

" Of course I know that!" She then broke some eggs into the bowl and started mixing it. " I just want to make something so I can show off. "

" Eh so you learned to cook?" Tsurugi asked with a smirk. " Yeah. What do you think? Do I look like a mature women now?" Kinako asked as tsurugi walked to her side.

He shortened his sleeves and put his sword away. " I'll help". He's words suprised her. " No I can do it myself" she didn't let tsurugi near the table.

" No I can help. I'm a good cook" tsurugi said as kinako jumped in front. " Is that the problem here? Today is supposed to be the day you taste my cooking. If you cook as well then there is no point" she looked down depressed.

Tsurugi some what got the message. He sighed before lightly pushing her aside. " Then I'll just cut the vegetables". And kinako just agreed.

. . . . . . . . .

Kinako greeted the royals before taking her seat next to her mother. She looked at her plate and infront. She suddenly felt like she lost her appetite. " I think I'm going off for a walk" kinako stood up. " My kinako, are you not hungry?" Her mother asked.

" No. I think it's because I ate too much yesterday" she bowed before walking towards the door but stopped when the fifth kingdoms king spoke. " Very well then. Prince shindou will walk with you"

"What?" She screamed in her head. The two excited the room at took their way along the royal garden.

The prince smiled and talked and kinako totally forgot her sadness and anger for him. " Prince shindou you really are such a nice person" kinako said as shindou took her hand and kissed.

Kinako blushed. " Though it looked like have not taken a like on me" his words suprised the princess. " Of course you have the wrong opinion about me prince. I do not dislike you at all" she then looked down. " It's just the marriage proposal........"

Then shindou gave kinako her hand back. " Well it was a suprise to me as well but as royals we cannot choose our own choice always. But I am interested in you princess"

" Interested?.... But I have a man in my heart" kinako said as the prince smiled. " The prince of Eden?"

He guessed it right but " I've been watching you two for some time but it didn't seem as to be an love story going between you" his words made no sense to kinako. " What are you trying to say?" She showed a tint of anger.

Shindou: I'm saying what you have for him is not love but administration.... Or at least that's what it looked like to me

Kinako: you have no knowledge of my hearts feelings. My heart will start raising and beating fast and I feel excitement running through me when I see him. My wish to become closer to him than anyone, is that not what the feeling called love is?

Shindou: Excitement, trill, happiness, and greed are not called love princess. They are all different emotions. You might have been desperately looking for love which leaded you to think that you loved a man who was close to you.

Kinako: ...........are you saying that the feeling I have towards tsurugi is not love but administration?

Shindou: let me ask you a question princess. Let's say a girl approached the prince of Eden. How would you feel?

Kinako: of course I would feel frustrated.

Shindou: if so did you feel that way when you were at the party yesterday

True tsurugi was all approached by many women that day but.... It is as Prince shindou said " I felt nothing"

" Deos that mean I did not no, have I never had feelings for him?"
